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Joomla contact form

Joomla contact form

xda develope ::

Imam template narejen v artisteerju in vse uvozim v joomlo lepo dela samo sedaj moram na zadnjo stran dodati plugin z contact formom.In to mi nikakor ne uspe.Imam pa meni Prva stran/Kontakti/O podjetju/Pošlji povpraševanje in jaz bi na tej strani povpraševanje imel ta plugin.V joomli sem modul naložil samo me zafrkava pozicija.Ker ne vem kako pogledat te position2 itd. na zadnji strani.Torej kako nastavit da bo ta contact form se prikazal na zadnji strani.

Gre se pa za ta modul http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions...

xda develope ::

Prosim za pomoč

vsiponudniki ::

Ti bi imel contact form na strani Pošlji povpraševanje?

Si dokumentacijo prebral?

Question: I want to show Rapid Contact as a "normal" Contact page. What can I do?
Well, you have two options:
Use a Joomla! extension designed to include Modules in Articles (or)
"Hack" the template, by including a custom module position, right under the article section. In this case, you create an almost empty article (with a text like Contact us) and then enable Rapid Contact, right under the article, in the new template position, only in the specific page. This might sound tricky, but it's a "less than 3" minute job [on a 52k Model :-)]


xda develope ::

ne nisem bom pregledal

pregledal sedaj bom poskusil

Zgodovina sprememb…

xda develope ::

vsiponudniki je izjavil:

Ti bi imel contact form na strani Pošlji povpraševanje?

Si dokumentacijo prebral?

Question: I want to show Rapid Contact as a "normal" Contact page. What can I do?
Well, you have two options:
Use a Joomla! extension designed to include Modules in Articles (or)
"Hack" the template, by including a custom module position, right under the article section. In this case, you create an almost empty article (with a text like Contact us) and then enable Rapid Contact, right under the article, in the new template position, only in the specific page. This might sound tricky, but it's a "less than 3" minute job [on a 52k Model :-)]


Ali bi mi lahko ti to naredil ti pošljem joomla template ti to narediš in mi pošleš nazaj?(Gre se za 2.možnost)

vsiponudniki ::


Module Manager
Poišči Rapid Contact
Menu Assignment
Select Menu item from the list
Izberi Pošlji povpraševanje

Če ne gre mi na ZS sporoči za katero spletno stran se gre.

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