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LawBreakers (Project BluStreak)

LawBreakers (Project BluStreak)

oo7 ::

BlueStreak is an upcoming video game developed by Boss Key Productions and published by Nexon. The game will be a free-to-play sci-fi shooter for PC.


Project BlueStreak" Pre-Alpha Teaser
  • spremenil: ahac ()

ahac ::


LawBreakers is the new FPS from Boss Key and Cliff Bleszinski
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Tr0n ::

Ah, nic gameplaya?

Aha, v petek baje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

oo7 ::

To bo samo multiplayer?

oo7 ::

Official LawBreakers Gameplay Reveal Trailer


Tr0n ::

Ok, to ze malce boljse zgleda. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

ahac ::

LawBreakers no longer free-to-play, due this summer
Alters art style, launching exclusively on Steam.

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Tale igra tudi ne zgleda slabo :)

Tr0n ::

Sem prisel v alpho in malo probal zadevo.

Ta spil je kr neqi. Zelo rough zadeva, ki ima cuden obcutek pri gunplay-u in movementu.

Sicer je res, da je sele alpha, ampak trenutno je se zelo dalec od nekega fun produkta.

oo7 ::

Kje pa lahko sprobaš alpho? Ali je že konec?

Tr0n ::

Ze konec, prejsni vikend.

oo7 ::

LawBreakers | "Play The Enforcer"

Tr0n ::

2 alpha keya za 28.7 - 31.7 mam, ce bo kdo probal.

Gamelife ::

Jaz imem tudi Friend Alpha Key-a. Če koga zanima naj pise na zs

oo7 ::

LawBreakers - The Game Awards Trailer

oo7 ::

LawBreakers Cinematic Trailer - PS4 & PC

Coming soon to PC and PS4.

oo7 ::

Če bi kdo rad sprobal igro je na Steamu beta verzija ;)

Beto bo možno igrati, do 5 julija igra pa izide 8 avgusta.

Beta rabi dobrih 31 gb prostora n računalniku.

oo7 ::

Sprobal beto in zbrisal men ni všeč.

To igranje herojev kjer imaš določeno orožje na heroja mi ni všeč. Grafika v beti je čisto dobra igra dela tekoče tako, da se splača sprobati mogoče pa bo komu všeč.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Tr0n ::

oo7 je izjavil:

To igranje herojev kjer imaš določeno orožje na heroja mi ni všeč.

Pac, hero shooter ala Overwatch, Paladins etc.

Bolj me moti clunky gibanje in cudno handlanje orozij. Ni pravega feelinga. Tudi hero balance je se dalec, pa matchmaking je obupen (te vrze not kr na koncu igre, ni skill matchinga etc.).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tr0n ::

next3steps ::

Zadosti apgrejdan suter, da se kompetitiv polizdelki tipa Paladins, UT, Overwatch in delno tudi Quake Champs z njim ne morajo kosati.
Podpbno vertikalnost so dosegli le redki špili : Titanfall, GunZ The Duel, Warsow. Skratka edinstven špil za kompetitiv igrače.

Tr0n ::

next3steps je izjavil:

Zadosti apgrejdan suter, da se kompetitiv polizdelki tipa Paladins, UT, Overwatch in delno tudi Quake Champs z njim ne morajo kosati.

Jaz bi rekel ravno obratno. LawBreakers je pol-izdelek, ker se nimajo niti proper MMR matchmakinga, ki je nekako core za competitive shooter. :)

oo7 ::

LawBreakers - Skilled AF: Launch Trailer

Igra je izšla danes

oo7 ::

78% na open critics - http://opencritic.com/game/2636/lawbrea...

GameZone 9.0 / 10.0
TechRaptor 8.5 / 10.0
Nerd Much? 8.5 / 10.0
Destructoid 8.5 / 10.0
IGN Italy 8.5 / 10.0
PC Gamer 84 / 100
PlayStation LifeStyle 8.0 / 10.0
Cheat Code Central 4.0 / 5.0
GearNuke 8 / 10
Game Revolution 80 / 100
Push Square 8 / 10
Hardcore Gamer 4.0 / 5.0
Metro GameCentral 8 / 10
TrustedReviews 80 / 100
GameSpot 8 / 10
Game Informer 7.8 / 10.0
Attack of the Fanboy 70 / 100
EGM 7.0 / 10.0
Atomix 70 / 100
Twinfinite 3.5 / 5.0
GamingBolt 7.0 / 10.0

oo7 ::

LawBreakers: Billion Dollar Franchise :)):))

dolenc ::

Zajebal so ker ni bla free2play iz štarta.. šušljalo se pa je, da bo. Jaz sem jo tud mel nekje v podzavesti, pa ko je prišla vn, 30$, meh.. mam druzga dost za špilat :P

oo7 ::

Jaz sem probal beto pa mi ni bilo všeč.

vostok_1 ::

Kopiranje iste mehanike v drugi background.
Yeah...that will work for long.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

next3steps ::

What? Kopiranje česa ?

oo7 ::

Lawbreakers is Officially Dead, Boss Key Moving to Other Projects


next3steps ::

Dead on Arrival zamenjan še za next-gen DoA. Sam da so denarci pokasirani...

ahac ::

Naslednji projekt je seveda Battle Royale:

Radical Heights
Welcome to RADICAL HEIGHTS, a free *X-TREME Early Access* BATTLE ROYALE shooter. Partake in high-stakes battle royale gunplay in a sunny SoCal dome as contestants drive-by on BMX bikes or stalk other contestants from the shadows in search for weapons and prizes...but also CASH that you can bank - win or lose!


Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

ahac je izjavil:

Naslednji projekt je seveda Battle Royale:

Radical Heights
Welcome to RADICAL HEIGHTS, a free *X-TREME Early Access* BATTLE ROYALE shooter. Partake in high-stakes battle royale gunplay in a sunny SoCal dome as contestants drive-by on BMX bikes or stalk other contestants from the shadows in search for weapons and prizes...but also CASH that you can bank - win or lose!


To je bilo pa hitro igra izide že jutri. Po moje jo čaka podoba usoda kot Lawbreakers ?

oo7 ::

Radical Heights and LawBreakers Developer Boss Key Productions is Shutting Its Doors


tt2 ::

Lahko bi vsaj v zastonj LawBreakers spremenili.

oo7 ::

tt2 je izjavil:

Lahko bi vsaj v zastonj LawBreakers spremenili.

Najbrž brez veze, ker noben ne igra.


ahac ::

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Former Nexon exec throws insane shade at LawBreakers with postmortem marketing panel

How I Blew Millions Marketing the Biggest Flop of 2017


louser ::

tt2 je izjavil:

Lahko bi vsaj v zastonj LawBreakers spremenili.

Zato je potrebna podpora, ki je več ni in boljši poslovni model (ki ga Nexon na zahodu ne zna furat).

oo7 ::

Cliff Bleszinski Says He Made LawBreakers Too "Woke," And That's One Of The Reasons It Failed
"White dude shoehorns diversity in his game and then smells his own smug farts in interview."


Drugače naj bi bil Cliff Bleszinski kar veliko ime v igralski industriji Epic Games (1992-2012) in ustvaril igro Gears of war...

DrDre95 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

"White dude shoehorns diversity in his game and then smells his own smug farts in interview."

Morda ni bilo dosti diversitija in zato igra ni uspela? Menda si lahko izbral celo 1 lik z belo barvo kože, kar v tem tisočletju preprosto ni sprejemljivo.

Vredno ogleda ...

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