Forum » Igre » We Happy Few
We Happy Few

opeter ::
Hopala, to pa je ena izmed redkih iger poleg Civ 6, ki je prišla na mojo listo pričakovanih.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Early Access Game že na voljo na Steamu.
We Happy Few's drug-fueled future is a grim and charming place
The survival game is out in early access today on Xbox One and PC
We Happy Few's drug-fueled future is a grim and charming place
The survival game is out in early access today on Xbox One and PC

opeter ::
Ja, na GOG-u je tudi:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Leprechaun ::
Jo imam že več časa na očeh. Žal mi zaenkrat še niso poslali press kopije. Kupiti je še ne nameravam, ker je kar gužva z opisi preostalih iger.
Razen seveda, če je zares dobra :).
Razen seveda, če je zares dobra :).

opeter ::
Leprechaun je izjavil:
Jo imam že več časa na očeh. Žal mi zaenkrat še niso poslali press kopije. Kupiti je še ne nameravam, ker je kar gužva z opisi preostalih iger.
Razen seveda, če je zares dobra :).
Kje oz. za kaj pišeš? Blog, revija ..?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
We Happy Few - Announce Trailer
We Happy Few is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation(R)4, and PC on April 13th, 2018.
Igra je bila več kot 1 leto na steamu 25 eur v early access zdaj pa je 50 eur.
We Happy Few is coming to Xbox One, PlayStation(R)4, and PC on April 13th, 2018.
Igra je bila več kot 1 leto na steamu 25 eur v early access zdaj pa je 50 eur.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Jolly dystopian survival game We Happy Few delays full launch, Early Access to be suspended
Zanimiva igra ampak so zaj... s ceno
Zanimiva igra ampak so zaj... s ceno

Guzzy ::
Zgleda dost hudo! Se spomnem, ko sem probal ko je bil še eeearly access. Koncept zgodbe je atraktiven

oo7 ::
Sandbox Mode
This free update will add an infinite mode, set in a world that you can customize as you wish (larger, smaller, more dangerous, less food, more Wellies, etc). You will be able to customize some of the rules of the game, including choosing to play as a Wellie (Wellie Mode!). This mode will bring back the systemic, sandbox world showcased in the early days of We Happy Few.
Also in the works is the We Happy Few Season Pass! Included in the We Happy Few Deluxe Edition, the Season Pass includes three different stories set in Wellington Wells:
Roger & James in: They Came From Below!
Precocious Roger and Impetuous James set off in search of adventure and love, only to uncover bizarre technology and a terrifying new threat. All is not as it seems. Or is it exactly as it seems?
Heartthrob, artist, and personal trainwreck, Nick Lightbearer is Wellington Wells' most celebrated rock star--but what truly makes him tick? Tune in to Uncle Jack's late show to find out.
We All Fall Down
Much like any well-worn happy mask, all societies develop cracks in their veneer. But that doesn't mean you should go digging up dirt from the past. Right? *pops a Joy pill* Right!
This free update will add an infinite mode, set in a world that you can customize as you wish (larger, smaller, more dangerous, less food, more Wellies, etc). You will be able to customize some of the rules of the game, including choosing to play as a Wellie (Wellie Mode!). This mode will bring back the systemic, sandbox world showcased in the early days of We Happy Few.
Also in the works is the We Happy Few Season Pass! Included in the We Happy Few Deluxe Edition, the Season Pass includes three different stories set in Wellington Wells:
Roger & James in: They Came From Below!
Precocious Roger and Impetuous James set off in search of adventure and love, only to uncover bizarre technology and a terrifying new threat. All is not as it seems. Or is it exactly as it seems?
Heartthrob, artist, and personal trainwreck, Nick Lightbearer is Wellington Wells' most celebrated rock star--but what truly makes him tick? Tune in to Uncle Jack's late show to find out.
We All Fall Down
Much like any well-worn happy mask, all societies develop cracks in their veneer. But that doesn't mean you should go digging up dirt from the past. Right? *pops a Joy pill* Right!

oo7 ::
Ocene niso ravno najbolše 
Prve ocene
GameSkinny 90 / 100
Windows Central 90 / 100
GamesRadar+ 80 / 100
Game Informer 7.8 / 10.0
We Got This Covered 70 / 100
Attack of the Fanboy 70 / 100
GamingTrend 65 / 100
TechRaptor 6.5 / 10.0
Twinfinite 3.0 / 5.0
GameSpew 6.0 / 10.0
Game Revolution 60 / 100
Hardcore Gamer 3.0 / 5.0
TheSixthAxis 6 / 10
Gamers Heroes 6 / 10
Destructoid 5.0 / 10.0
PC Invasion 5 / 10
Skupna ocena trenutno 67
Open critics:

Prve ocene
GameSkinny 90 / 100
Windows Central 90 / 100
GamesRadar+ 80 / 100
Game Informer 7.8 / 10.0
We Got This Covered 70 / 100
Attack of the Fanboy 70 / 100
GamingTrend 65 / 100
TechRaptor 6.5 / 10.0
Twinfinite 3.0 / 5.0
GameSpew 6.0 / 10.0
Game Revolution 60 / 100
Hardcore Gamer 3.0 / 5.0
TheSixthAxis 6 / 10
Gamers Heroes 6 / 10
Destructoid 5.0 / 10.0
PC Invasion 5 / 10
Skupna ocena trenutno 67
Open critics:

Guzzy ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
sem pogledal gameplay, obupno. za 20€ max.
Ti moraš bit pa plačan, da lahko oceniš vrednost igre po ogledu gameplay videjev ^^

Kurzweil ::
@Guzzy, saj pa je igra že dovolj časa zunaj, da se da na hitro ocenit. Sam imam sicer rad tovrstne igre in okolja, ampak artwork, predsem pa animacije in engine so preveč leseni in slabi, da bi lahko igro jemal resno. Bom pa vseeno odigral do konca, upanm da bo vsaj zgodba dobra, ker gameplay in general zaenkrat tudi ni za nikamor.

oo7 ::
Gamespot dal, do zdaj najnižjo oceno 4/10
An intriguing setting with suitably eerie imagery
Individual character stories eventually pay off in a satisfying way
A massive number of technical issues
Quest design is one-note and consistently boring
Far too many crafting options with no justification
Combat is shallow, and stealth feels borderline broken
Distinct lack of central design focus with conflicting mechanics
An intriguing setting with suitably eerie imagery
Individual character stories eventually pay off in a satisfying way
A massive number of technical issues
Quest design is one-note and consistently boring
Far too many crafting options with no justification
Combat is shallow, and stealth feels borderline broken
Distinct lack of central design focus with conflicting mechanics

oo7 ::
DLC Lightbearer 30 julij 2019
Lightbearer - Teaser Trailer
Tej igri pa cena na Steamu kar ne pade
Lightbearer - Teaser Trailer
Tej igri pa cena na Steamu kar ne pade

oo7 ::
We Happy Few - We All Fall Down Launch Trailer
Tale igra pa še kar ustraja z polno ceno po vsem tem času. Bo treba še malo počakat :)
Tale igra pa še kar ustraja z polno ceno po vsem tem času. Bo treba še malo počakat :)

oo7 ::
No pa sem končno kupil tole igro na Steamu za 6 eur. Na wishlisti sem jo imel od leta 2016. Trenutno je -90% drugače pa jo še vedno prodajajo za polno ceno 59,99 eur

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