Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Nov 3TB disk ampak uporabno samo 2TB!
Nov 3TB disk ampak uporabno samo 2TB!

metalhead71 ::
Imam Intenso 3TB disk sataIII 7200 64 mb samo 2TB lahko uporabim. Mi piše da ne more uporabit več kot 2TB. Računalnik imam pa takle : Procesor intel 64 core 2 Quad 6600 2,40 GHz 8Mb L2 Cache total, 1066 MHz FSB , Osnovna plošča Gigabayte P35- DS4 4G ram-a .
Prosim za pomoč mogoče kakšen update.....
hvala lepa !
Prosim za pomoč mogoče kakšen update.....
hvala lepa !

Invictus ::
Plata ti ne podpira diskov večjih od 2 TB.
Sem mislil da takih škatel ni več.
Omejitev BIOSa.
Sem mislil da takih škatel ni več.
Omejitev BIOSa.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Invictus ()

Samson ::
Probaj format na NTFS narest ce se ni. Pa vinse zamenjaj na 64 bitne. Mogoce je haklc v tem tudi. NIsem ziher. not found - load pregnant.bat - done :O)

Jst ::
MBR podpira samo do 2 TB.
Mislim, da že Windows Vista (in naprej) naredi GPT tabelo med inštalacijo.
Drugače pa uporabi Windows-ov "diskpart".
Mislim, da že Windows Vista (in naprej) naredi GPT tabelo med inštalacijo.
Drugače pa uporabi Windows-ov "diskpart".
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

aiko ::
probaj tole...
en del iz tiste strani...
I got my 3tb drive set up last night as a full 3tb single drive recognized without issue by Windows 7 64-bit. Note I'm not using it as a boot drive (that's what SSD's are for!).
I used "GPARTED". Search google for it. You dl it, burn a CD-R with an image file of it, reboot your computer and boot into GPARTED. It's a self-cotained and self-booting Linux distribution, aka it doesn't install itself just runs off a CD when you boot. Load that up, click on your disk, go to Tools-->Convert Partition Table... then hit "advanced" and select GPT and hit the OKAY button. Takes 20 seconds, then exit out, go back to Windows 7, load up the Disk Management Tool, your drive should be seen as 3TB raw disk. Right click it, hit New Simple Volume, and boom you are set. Again, that worked for making it a storage disk, not a boot disk. Hope that helps anyone with the same issue.
The problem is these Seagate 3TB's come formatted from the factory with the older MBR partition table, which is 2TB max. Hence the 2TB and 700MB separate partitions. GPARTED lets you easily (easier than Windows) erase the disk and rewrite the partition table with the GPT version.
Here are a couple websites that can also help:
en del iz tiste strani...
I got my 3tb drive set up last night as a full 3tb single drive recognized without issue by Windows 7 64-bit. Note I'm not using it as a boot drive (that's what SSD's are for!).
I used "GPARTED". Search google for it. You dl it, burn a CD-R with an image file of it, reboot your computer and boot into GPARTED. It's a self-cotained and self-booting Linux distribution, aka it doesn't install itself just runs off a CD when you boot. Load that up, click on your disk, go to Tools-->Convert Partition Table... then hit "advanced" and select GPT and hit the OKAY button. Takes 20 seconds, then exit out, go back to Windows 7, load up the Disk Management Tool, your drive should be seen as 3TB raw disk. Right click it, hit New Simple Volume, and boom you are set. Again, that worked for making it a storage disk, not a boot disk. Hope that helps anyone with the same issue.
The problem is these Seagate 3TB's come formatted from the factory with the older MBR partition table, which is 2TB max. Hence the 2TB and 700MB separate partitions. GPARTED lets you easily (easier than Windows) erase the disk and rewrite the partition table with the GPT version.
Here are a couple websites that can also help:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: aiko ()

sakkra ::
Particija mora biti nujno GPT. Berejo jo vsi Windowsi. Za boot windowsa pa mora biti 64bit. Če je to pomožni disk samo pazi ob formatiranju z windows toolsom da zbereš GPT, čeprav vsaj Win7 32bit ponuja MBR.
Pa ne gre tako da bi naredil 2GB MBR particijo, potem pa bi na ostanku kasneje naredil še eno za 1TB. Vse mora biti GPT.
Pa ne gre tako da bi naredil 2GB MBR particijo, potem pa bi na ostanku kasneje naredil še eno za 1TB. Vse mora biti GPT.

metalhead71 ::
Hvala lepa vsem skupaj za pomoč! Rešena zadeva. obdržal sem v računalniku stari 500GB disk in nanj instaliral winse (ta je v MBR). Zraven imam še enga 3TB, ki sem ga z vašo pomočjo pretvoril v GPT in sedaj zadeva špila!
Lep pozdrav vsem! Boštjan
Lep pozdrav vsem! Boštjan
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