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Primerjava vojaške tehnike
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fikus_ ::
In potem Smrekar onanira.
Letala 5. generacije ni enostavno naredit in da bi bila dejansko uporabna! Že USA je porabila veliko časa in denarja za razvoj F-22 in F-35, Rusom pa manjka ključna komponenta - DENAR! To so iskali pri Indijcih.
Letala 5. generacije ni enostavno naredit in da bi bila dejansko uporabna! Že USA je porabila veliko časa in denarja za razvoj F-22 in F-35, Rusom pa manjka ključna komponenta - DENAR! To so iskali pri Indijcih.
Mr.B ::
Še malo na temo F-35, pa niso aprilske šale...
But the Pentagon earlier this month suspended all deliveries of the new jet from its manufacturer, Lockheed Martin.
This is because of a dispute over who was responsible for the cost of repairing serious production faults discovered upon delivery.
Se druga verzija...
he transition from LRIP to regular production, however, could be held up by how well the F-35 does in its Pentagon-mandated initial operation test and evaluation period, when the jet is put through its paces in a set of rigorous tests. The tests are set to begin late this year...
The Pentagon and two unnamed countries have stopped accepting F-35s in an argument about whether buyers or Lockheed Martin will pay for a costly fix to the jet....
LockMart had failed to apply the primer to parts in more than 200 jets.
But the Pentagon earlier this month suspended all deliveries of the new jet from its manufacturer, Lockheed Martin.
This is because of a dispute over who was responsible for the cost of repairing serious production faults discovered upon delivery.
Se druga verzija...
he transition from LRIP to regular production, however, could be held up by how well the F-35 does in its Pentagon-mandated initial operation test and evaluation period, when the jet is put through its paces in a set of rigorous tests. The tests are set to begin late this year...
The Pentagon and two unnamed countries have stopped accepting F-35s in an argument about whether buyers or Lockheed Martin will pay for a costly fix to the jet....
LockMart had failed to apply the primer to parts in more than 200 jets.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
"We do not see it as a long-term problem, and if we have an operational need for the aircraft, we have discussed [it] with [Vice] Adm. [Mat] Winter," he said referring to the director of the F-35 Joint Program Office.
"This is purely about who is responsible [for] cost,"
"This is not a safety of flight issue but rather a contractual resourcing issue that needs to be resolved," he said in a statement Thursday. "The government has implemented this pause to ensure the warfighter receives a quality product from industry. We look forward to a swift resolution of this issue."
Če kompliciraš okoli take malenkosti je jasno, da je F-35 že postal izjemen bojni stroj. Glede na to, da edini potencialen konkurent ni na voljno niti v dvomestnem številu (v desetiškem sistemu), se nima česa bati.
"We do not see it as a long-term problem, and if we have an operational need for the aircraft, we have discussed [it] with [Vice] Adm. [Mat] Winter," he said referring to the director of the F-35 Joint Program Office.
"This is purely about who is responsible [for] cost,"
"This is not a safety of flight issue but rather a contractual resourcing issue that needs to be resolved," he said in a statement Thursday. "The government has implemented this pause to ensure the warfighter receives a quality product from industry. We look forward to a swift resolution of this issue."
Če kompliciraš okoli take malenkosti je jasno, da je F-35 že postal izjemen bojni stroj. Glede na to, da edini potencialen konkurent ni na voljno niti v dvomestnem številu (v desetiškem sistemu), se nima česa bati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Invictus ::
Projekt FGFA - indijska različica Su-50 - je ukinjen.
Indija je ponovno ugotovila kako zanič strateški partner je Rusija in ruski projekt Su-50 ima novo težavo, ki ga bo potisnila še za vsaj nekaj let nazaj. Edina operativna raba Su-50 bodo kot kaže parade, še te samo občasno, da ne pade kakšen na Kremelj.
Indijci so res ful referenca, ko še naslednika Mig-21 niso sposobni narediti...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Mr.B ::
"We do not see it as a long-term problem, and if we have an operational need for the aircraft, we have discussed [it] with [Vice] Adm. [Mat] Winter," he said referring to the director of the F-35 Joint Program Office.
"This is purely about who is responsible [for] cost,"
"This is not a safety of flight issue but rather a contractual resourcing issue that needs to be resolved," he said in a statement Thursday. "The government has implemented this pause to ensure the warfighter receives a quality product from industry. We look forward to a swift resolution of this issue."
Če kompliciraš okoli take malenkosti je jasno, da je F-35 že postal izjemen bojni stroj. Glede na to, da edini potencialen konkurent ni na voljno niti v dvomestnem številu (v desetiškem sistemu), se nima česa bati.
Samo "nakup" so ustavili. Verjetno bo potrebno sedaj tudi kodo preveriti.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Ptice 1:0 Suhoj
HAL Tejas @ Wikipedia
Imaš še dva poskusa.
Indijci so res ful referenca, ko še naslednika Mig-21 niso sposobni narediti...
HAL Tejas @ Wikipedia
Imaš še dva poskusa.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Mr.B ::
Ptice 1:0 Suhoj
Indijci so res ful referenca, ko še naslednika Mig-21 niso sposobni narediti...
HAL Tejas @ Wikipedia
Imaš še dva poskusa.
Tvoj argument je na nivoju, amerikanci ne znajo niti pristati... datum je Marec 2018
The Navy jet that crashed March 14 off Florida's coast and resulted in both crew members' deaths was flying with only one engine as it attempted to land, according to the Naval Safety Center.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Invictus ::
Indijci so res ful referenca, ko še naslednika Mig-21 niso sposobni narediti...
HAL Tejas @ Wikipedia
Imaš še dva poskusa.
Če je pa slabši od Mig-21...
poleg tega ga razvijajo 30 let, pa še ni v produkciji. Kot ne F-35 .
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Isotropic ::
LM je dobil ultimat, da mora znižat operativne stroške f-35. ob podobnem času je tudi njihova delnica nehala rasti...
Smrekar1 ::
Pac-Man ::
Cry harder.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
papasmrk ::
Kaj je pa tako impresivnega pri zgornjem posnetku ? Letala pač letijo...zato pa se jim reče letala
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti
Invictus ::
Te manevre naredijo že rekreativci iz 1950... Nič posebnega...
Upam, da je dodatno izgorevanje uporabljeno za visual efect, namesto za to, da sploh lahko zavije. Tudi ni bila baš neka obremenitev...
Upam, da je dodatno izgorevanje uporabljeno za visual efect, namesto za to, da sploh lahko zavije. Tudi ni bila baš neka obremenitev...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Mr.B ::
Sej vem da viri niso pravi ameriški...
Navy's spike in aviation mishaps is the military's worst, up 82 percent
As fatal aviation crashes reach 6-year high, Pentagon says 'this is not a crisis'
Sej vem da viri niso pravi ameriški...
Navy's spike in aviation mishaps is the military's worst, up 82 percent
As fatal aviation crashes reach 6-year high, Pentagon says 'this is not a crisis'
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Najprej rumeni tisk....
Trump's supercarrier warship 'BREAKS DOWN after being chased by Russian ship for TWO DAYS'
Sedaj pa malo bolj resna novica z datumom Maj 2018.
Ponovno...."an out of specification condition" kaj si pod tem mislijo, bodo že povedali...
helby Oakley, a U.S. Government Accountability Office official, said the failure may be attributed to the lack of oversight the Navy exercised before the ship's delivery. "Unfortunately, this and other ship quality issues are not surprising," she said.
Trump's supercarrier warship 'BREAKS DOWN after being chased by Russian ship for TWO DAYS'
Sedaj pa malo bolj resna novica z datumom Maj 2018.
Ponovno...."an out of specification condition" kaj si pod tem mislijo, bodo že povedali...
helby Oakley, a U.S. Government Accountability Office official, said the failure may be attributed to the lack of oversight the Navy exercised before the ship's delivery. "Unfortunately, this and other ship quality issues are not surprising," she said.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
7982884e ::
hja, temu namenjeni so pac trialsi. ko bo v operativni rabi, vsaj ne bo potrebovala eskorta vlacilcev, kot je navada pri kuznetsovu.
Mr.B ::
hja, temu namenjeni so pac trialsi. ko bo v operativni rabi, vsaj ne bo potrebovala eskorta vlacilcev, kot je navada pri kuznetsovu.
verejtno pri ceni 10+ mijard enega zraven vgradijo...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
France's L'Armée de Terre must be congratulated for developing a coherent and capable range of armoured vehicles. Jaguar is an almost perfect armoured car. Griffon is an inexpensive and agile wheeled APC. VBCI is a potent IFV and Leclerc provides the knockout punch.
France's L'Armée de Terre must be congratulated for developing a coherent and capable range of armoured vehicles. Jaguar is an almost perfect armoured car. Griffon is an inexpensive and agile wheeled APC. VBCI is a potent IFV and Leclerc provides the knockout punch.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Smrekar1 ::
Ruska jedrska raketa z "neomejenim" dosegom je v testu pokazala, da ima več dosega od možnarja in je povsem primerljiva s havbico.
Letela je manj kot 2 minuti in udarila približno 35 kilometrov daleč. M198, standardna havbica ameriške vojske, ima dosega dobrih 18 km s klasično granato in 30 km z granato z vgrajeno raketo za podaljšan doseg. Vse čestitke Rusiji za fenomenalen dosežek, saj ima njihova raketa več dosega od ameriških zastarelih topov.
Letela je manj kot 2 minuti in udarila približno 35 kilometrov daleč. M198, standardna havbica ameriške vojske, ima dosega dobrih 18 km s klasično granato in 30 km z granato z vgrajeno raketo za podaljšan doseg. Vse čestitke Rusiji za fenomenalen dosežek, saj ima njihova raketa več dosega od ameriških zastarelih topov.
Mr.B ::
Ruska jedrska raketa z "neomejenim" dosegom je v testu pokazala, da ima več dosega od možnarja in je povsem primerljiva s havbico.
Letela je manj kot 2 minuti in udarila približno 35 kilometrov daleč. M198, standardna havbica ameriške vojske, ima dosega dobrih 18 km s klasično granato in 30 km z granato z vgrajeno raketo za podaljšan doseg. Vse čestitke Rusiji za fenomenalen dosežek, saj ima njihova raketa več dosega od ameriških zastarelih topov.
Sem pa misli da boš napisal, da se izrael hvali kako je f35 v uporabi in bil v bojni misiji..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
gozdar1 ::
Glede na količino antipropagande z ruske strani, omenjeno letalo očitno povzroča frustracije na ruski strani že s samim svojim obstojem.
Smrekar1 ::
Glede na količino antipropagande z ruske strani, omenjeno letalo očitno povzroča frustracije na ruski strani že s samim svojim obstojem.
Jup. Jeba je, ker v 4. generaciji lovskih letal nikoli niso prišli blizu konkurenci, ki jih je zdaj potacala za celo generacijo.
Ajdi, 40 let novejši Su-35 najbrž počasi že lahko konkurira F-15, če izvzamemo podporo (kjer ga F-15 potaca).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Smrekar1 ::
Testiraj - testiraj - testiraj - testiraj
Brez kakega "popravi" vmes. Še Severni Koreji tole bolje uspeva.
Brez kakega "popravi" vmes. Še Severni Koreji tole bolje uspeva.
Samuel ::
In potem Smrekar onanira.
Letala 5. generacije ni enostavno naredit in da bi bila dejansko uporabna! Že USA je porabila veliko časa in denarja za razvoj F-22 in F-35, Rusom pa manjka ključna komponenta - DENAR! To so iskali pri Indijcih.
Tudi Slovenija bi razvila letalo pete generacije, če bi imela DENAR. Brihtno, ni kaj.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
fikus_ ::
Ne vidim problema, da ne bi mogli razviti letela! Samo denar nam manjka! Znanje sa da kupiti! V temi o EV nekdo piše, da so BMW-jevi EV inženirji odšli h Kitajcem!
Brihtno, ni kaj!
Brihtno, ni kaj!
Samuel ::
Znanje sa da kupiti! V temi o EV nekdo piše, da so BMW-jevi EV inženirji odšli h Kitajcem!
Karkoli si že mislil s tem?!? Mogoče so bili pol kurca vredni.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Pac-Man ::
Japanci so se odločili, da bodo imeli letalonosilko. Verjetno sledi nakup F-35B.
In line with the more ambitious spending policy, Abe's Liberal Democratic Party on May 25 also gave its blessing to refit the helicopter carrier Izumo into a full-fledged aircraft carrier.
In late-December 2017, Kyodo News Agency and Reuters noted, citing Japanese Defense Ministry officials, that “Japan is considering refitting the Izumo helicopter carrier so that it can land U.S. Marines F-35B stealth fighters.” The Mainichi reported that this interest was more serious: “Within the Defense Ministry, there is even a proposal circulating to convert the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF)’s Izumo helicopter carrier into a regular aircraft carrier.”
In line with the more ambitious spending policy, Abe's Liberal Democratic Party on May 25 also gave its blessing to refit the helicopter carrier Izumo into a full-fledged aircraft carrier.
In late-December 2017, Kyodo News Agency and Reuters noted, citing Japanese Defense Ministry officials, that “Japan is considering refitting the Izumo helicopter carrier so that it can land U.S. Marines F-35B stealth fighters.” The Mainichi reported that this interest was more serious: “Within the Defense Ministry, there is even a proposal circulating to convert the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF)’s Izumo helicopter carrier into a regular aircraft carrier.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
7982884e ::
glede na to, kaksen monstrum je izumo, sem ze pred leti, ko sem prvic videl slike, si mislil da bo cudno, ce iz tega ne bodo f-35 vzletali.
Mr.B ::
No mesec na okoli...
As of January 2018, the F-35 programme had 966 open deficiencies--111 category one deficiencies, which could jeopardise safety, security, or another critical requirement; and 855 category two deficiencies, which could impede or constrain a successful mission, according to the GAO. At least 25 category one deficiencies and 165 category two deficiencies would not be resolved before planned full-rate production.
The F-35 -- the world's most expensive weapons program -- had 966 "open deficiencies" as of January, the Government Accountability Office said in an annual report released Tuesday. Of those, at least 180 "will not be resolved before full-rate production" under the Pentagon office's current plans, according to the report.
Congress should consider withholding funding from the next increment of F-35 development until DOD provides an independent cost estimate, a technology assessment, and takes other actions. In addition, we recommended that DOD resolve critical aircraft deficiencies before moving to full-rate production.
As of January 2018, the F-35 programme had 966 open deficiencies--111 category one deficiencies, which could jeopardise safety, security, or another critical requirement; and 855 category two deficiencies, which could impede or constrain a successful mission, according to the GAO. At least 25 category one deficiencies and 165 category two deficiencies would not be resolved before planned full-rate production.
The F-35 -- the world's most expensive weapons program -- had 966 "open deficiencies" as of January, the Government Accountability Office said in an annual report released Tuesday. Of those, at least 180 "will not be resolved before full-rate production" under the Pentagon office's current plans, according to the report.
Congress should consider withholding funding from the next increment of F-35 development until DOD provides an independent cost estimate, a technology assessment, and takes other actions. In addition, we recommended that DOD resolve critical aircraft deficiencies before moving to full-rate production.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Nepresenetljivo pri tako kompleksnem projektu.
O F-16:
F-16s were built with Pratt & Whitney engines from day 1. (...) The Block 30 was slated to merely be the same progression, except….and this is purposefully vague….in there "they" decided that General Electric produced a great fighter engine, the F-110-GE-100, and since Pratt had the F-15C/E contract locked, it was unfair that GE was frozen out of the F-16 production. The original intent was to have the engines be interchangeable between airframes…..this is how it was sold, but as we know, the road to hell is paved with what?
Now, here's where it gets fun. "They" decided that the GEs performed better with more air, so the intake was enlarged to swallow more air, which as it turned out, didn't help the Pratts at all. The original F-16 intake is called NSI (Normal Shock Inlet) or "small mouth" and is installed on every Pratt jet. After #173 block 30, the new intake, called the MCID (Modular Common Inlet Duct) was installed. So, the first 173 F-16C Block 30s have the small NSI intake
There are some physical changes between the Block 30 series and the Block 40 series. The aircraft needed to carry more weight between bombs and various stuff hanging off of it, so the landing gear was made "beefier", the wheels are larger, which made it necessary to put a bulge in the main gear doors to accommodate the larger wheels and the gear door actuators were beefed up and the drag links made smaller to avoid interfering with the larger wheel. Additionally, the LANTIRN pod interfered with the landing light position on the R main gear, so that was moved to the front of the nose gear door, and all that cool new LANTIRN and nav pod symbology needed someplace to be displayed, so the HUD was enlarged….called the WAR HUD (Wide Angle Raster) as opposed to the original WAC HUD (Wide Angle Conventional).
As the real jets age, they have been fitted with external stiffening panels to combat fatigue and stress cracks and also some external RAM panels
Again, as the airframes aged, they required fuselage stiffening plates, which are diagramed here. If the jet you are portraying is from the early 90s, look closely to see if it has the fuselage stiffeners present. These began to appear in ‘95ish – ’96.
O F-16:
F-16s were built with Pratt & Whitney engines from day 1. (...) The Block 30 was slated to merely be the same progression, except….and this is purposefully vague….in there "they" decided that General Electric produced a great fighter engine, the F-110-GE-100, and since Pratt had the F-15C/E contract locked, it was unfair that GE was frozen out of the F-16 production. The original intent was to have the engines be interchangeable between airframes…..this is how it was sold, but as we know, the road to hell is paved with what?
Now, here's where it gets fun. "They" decided that the GEs performed better with more air, so the intake was enlarged to swallow more air, which as it turned out, didn't help the Pratts at all. The original F-16 intake is called NSI (Normal Shock Inlet) or "small mouth" and is installed on every Pratt jet. After #173 block 30, the new intake, called the MCID (Modular Common Inlet Duct) was installed. So, the first 173 F-16C Block 30s have the small NSI intake
There are some physical changes between the Block 30 series and the Block 40 series. The aircraft needed to carry more weight between bombs and various stuff hanging off of it, so the landing gear was made "beefier", the wheels are larger, which made it necessary to put a bulge in the main gear doors to accommodate the larger wheels and the gear door actuators were beefed up and the drag links made smaller to avoid interfering with the larger wheel. Additionally, the LANTIRN pod interfered with the landing light position on the R main gear, so that was moved to the front of the nose gear door, and all that cool new LANTIRN and nav pod symbology needed someplace to be displayed, so the HUD was enlarged….called the WAR HUD (Wide Angle Raster) as opposed to the original WAC HUD (Wide Angle Conventional).
As the real jets age, they have been fitted with external stiffening panels to combat fatigue and stress cracks and also some external RAM panels
Again, as the airframes aged, they required fuselage stiffening plates, which are diagramed here. If the jet you are portraying is from the early 90s, look closely to see if it has the fuselage stiffeners present. These began to appear in ‘95ish – ’96.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mr.B ::
Žalostno pomebna prednosd F35 v CAS vlogi je njegova nevidnost...
The watchdog group, which obtained the Air Pressure's check schedule and spoke to unidentified sources related to the occasion, claimed that the restricted flights additionally curbed the A-10's strengths whereas downplaying the F-35's troubled previous and present program stumbles.
The watchdog group, which obtained the Air Pressure's check schedule and spoke to unidentified sources related to the occasion, claimed that the restricted flights additionally curbed the A-10's strengths whereas downplaying the F-35's troubled previous and present program stumbles.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Mr.B ::
Nikola tesla, hm verjetno patent potekel...
CERDEC to test wireless power beaming :
CERDEC to test wireless power beaming :
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
gozdar1 ::
Nikola tesla, hm verjetno patent potekel...
CERDEC to test wireless power beaming :
Zakaj bi bil patent ovira?
Verjrtno pri vojski učinkovitost ne igra odločilne vloge, že pred desetletji so bile ideje onsončnih elektrarnah v orbiti in prenašanju energije na zemljo z mikrovalovi.
Samuel ::
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Mr.B ::
Russia admits defeat on its 'stealth' F-35 killer by canceling mass production of the Su-57 fighter jet
Torej na nivoju F22.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Samuel ::
Niti na nivoju Albatrosa iz prve svetovne vojne. Albatros je bil vsaj dokončan izdelek. Su-57 ni in nikoli ne bo.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
fikus_ ::
Ja očitno so ugotovili, da gre preveč denarja v to in so se ustavili. Za trenutne vojne imajo dovolj obstoječih "konzerv" (kot bi napisali nekateri tukaj) in tudi dovolj zmogljivih za trenutne potrebe.
Mr.B ::
Niti na nivoju Albatrosa iz prve svetovne vojne. Albatros je bil vsaj dokončan izdelek. Su-57 ni in nikoli ne bo.
Se strinjam zato pa f22 ni videl resnih spopadov, je tam nekje, ko je ze vse mimo... a10 pa ostaja, pa ceprav je prfektno viden na radarju kaj sele prostimi ocmi, glede na to kaj dela. F35, je pa nekaj, kar bi radi pa ne vejo, ker nic zaenkrat ne opravlja dobro. Metanje bomb 200km prec je pa tudi albatros iz 1 svetovne vojne dober.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Isotropic ::
Žalostno pomebna prednosd F35 v CAS vlogi je njegova nevidnost...
The watchdog group, which obtained the Air Pressure's check schedule and spoke to unidentified sources related to the occasion, claimed that the restricted flights additionally curbed the A-10's strengths whereas downplaying the F-35's troubled previous and present program stumbles.
problem je, da so npr. v evropi in kje drugje oblaki zelo nizko (1km recimo), kar je fajn v manpad in AAA teritoriju. f-35 pa, za razliko od a-10, ni primeren, da se strelja nanj.
tudi na splošno je bil test zelo biased, recimo tarče so bile zelene ali črne barve v puščavi, da jih pilot v f-35 ni imel problema opaziti (slabša vidnost ven kot pri drugih avionih, zastarel DAS oz. sistem zunanjih kamer).
mogoče bo sčasoma že bolje, tudi f-16 je bil včasih lemon. ima pa f-35 tudi problem, da je že zdaj na max. weight in da ni okreten (ko se bo nove stvari dodajalo gor, bo samo še slabše), f-16 je bil takrat vsaj to.
Invictus ::
Russia admits defeat on its 'stealth' F-35 killer by canceling mass production of the Su-57 fighter jet
Pravzaprav je uradna verzija to, da ne bo šel v masovno proizvodnjo. Očitno ni potrebe za tako dobrim letalom, ker so dosedanji dovolj dobri .
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Isotropic ::
to je bil tudi njihov prvi stealth avion in je bil bolj flying testbed.
v masovno proizvodnjo ne bo šel zato, ker je šla indija ven iz projekta, rusi sami ga pa najbrž ne rabijo.
so pa imeli poleg tega tudi neke težave z motorji afaik.
v masovno proizvodnjo ne bo šel zato, ker je šla indija ven iz projekta, rusi sami ga pa najbrž ne rabijo.
so pa imeli poleg tega tudi neke težave z motorji afaik.
fikus_ ::
Predvsem imajo težave s financami, so prekratki. Indijci so pa tudi ugotovili, da je predrago za njih. Nekaj se govori/piše o tem, da bi naj nabavili F-35. "Rabijo" kot proti utež Kitajcem.
Imeli so težave z motorji, so jih reševali, rezultata pa zaenkrat nisem zasledil.
Imeli so težave z motorji, so jih reševali, rezultata pa zaenkrat nisem zasledil.
Isotropic ::
indijcem ne bodo dovolili prodaje f-35.
nekaj se govori, da bi bil tam assembly za f-16, če se odločijo zanj, ampak mislim da tega (indijci) nočejo. tudi zato, ker ima f-16 že pakistan in je nevarnost friendly fire.
težav z motorji še niso rešili, mislim da jim dela probleme single crystal metoda izdelave lopatic. ameri so tukaj konkretno v ospredju, sploh z ADVENT motorji, ko bodo prišli.
nekaj se govori, da bi bil tam assembly za f-16, če se odločijo zanj, ampak mislim da tega (indijci) nočejo. tudi zato, ker ima f-16 že pakistan in je nevarnost friendly fire.
težav z motorji še niso rešili, mislim da jim dela probleme single crystal metoda izdelave lopatic. ameri so tukaj konkretno v ospredju, sploh z ADVENT motorji, ko bodo prišli.
7982884e ::
Očitno ni potrebe za tako dobrim letalom, ker so dosedanji dovolj dobri .to je za ruse zelo slaba tolazba. 40-let stari airframi z 30-15-let staro opremo gor ni "dovolj dober" ce se mislis it velesilo, sploh pa ne ce mislis podpirat svojo letalsko industrijo.
predvsem iz slednjega stalisca je to zelo slabo. ti moras konstantno pushat razvoj, da lahko dohajas. su-57 je bil zamisljen kot nekaj, kar bi prodajali in tako financirali tako drag program, in zdej ker ne bo slo, ne bodo mogli niti sfinancirat svojega 5th gen programa - v casu, ko so americani ze globoko v razvoju 6th gen.
Mr.B ::
Očitno ni potrebe za tako dobrim letalom, ker so dosedanji dovolj dobri .to je za ruse zelo slaba tolazba. 40-let stari airframi z 30-15-let staro opremo gor ni "dovolj dober" ce se mislis it velesilo, sploh pa ne ce mislis podpirat svojo letalsko industrijo.
predvsem iz slednjega stalisca je to zelo slabo. ti moras konstantno pushat razvoj, da lahko dohajas. su-57 je bil zamisljen kot nekaj, kar bi prodajali in tako financirali tako drag program, in zdej ker ne bo slo, ne bodo mogli niti sfinancirat svojega 5th gen programa - v casu, ko so americani ze globoko v razvoju 6th gen.
Mas a 10, pa se vedno ne morejo najti sodobne zamenjave.
F22, ko ne more komunicirat mu nevidnost kaj dosti ne sluzi, razen ce mislis da aim 120m al nekaj z dosegom 130km, ne rabi konstantne povezave da spremeni smer ki sledi ciljanemu letalu.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Invictus ::
Očitno ni potrebe za tako dobrim letalom, ker so dosedanji dovolj dobri .to je za ruse zelo slaba tolazba. 40-let stari airframi z 30-15-let staro opremo gor ni "dovolj dober" ce se mislis it velesilo, sploh pa ne ce mislis podpirat svojo letalsko industrijo.
Saj Rusi konstantno podpirajo svojo industrijo.
Su-34,35 so čisto nova letala. nekaj starih Su-27 so obnovili, ostala bodo šla najbrž na odpad, ko jim poide življenjska doba. Enako se bo zgodilo z Mig-29, ki jih bodo zamenjali z Mig-35.
Tu-160 so nadgradili na zadnje verzijo kar se tiče elektronike in motorjev. Ravno tako Tu-95 in Tu-22.
Helikopterje bodo tudi počasi zamenjali.
Radarji, kabina, orožje se non stop nadgrajuje na zadnje standarde...
Nimajo takih tehnoloških preskokov kot Američani, gredo pa bolj postopoma.
Je pa tudi F-22 že 30 let star, da ne govorimo o ostalih škatlah .
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Mr.B ::
Je pa tudi F-22 že 30 let star, da ne govorimo o ostalih škatlah
Da res je, toda do sedaj ga še nismo videli v relnem svetu, kot je bila predstavitev. AWAC poülke podatke prvemu paru, ta pošlje podatke nadgrajene s svojim radarjem drugemu paru, kjer ta potem izstreli rakete na sovražno letalo.
Po drugi strani, amričani kljub temu delajo na vedno boljših raketah "standof" z vedno večjim dosegom, kjub famozmenu stelthu, pa kjub temi še nimajo zamenjave za A-10, pa se niakakor ne vkljaplja v vizijo ameriške high tech vojske.
Po tretji strani, kot omenjeno, ko ko F22 ne more pošiljati podatkov raketi, je wes stelth neuporaben.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Isotropic ::
Očitno ni potrebe za tako dobrim letalom, ker so dosedanji dovolj dobri .to je za ruse zelo slaba tolazba. 40-let stari airframi z 30-15-let staro opremo gor ni "dovolj dober" ce se mislis it velesilo, sploh pa ne ce mislis podpirat svojo letalsko industrijo.
Saj Rusi konstantno podpirajo svojo industrijo.
Su-34,35 so čisto nova letala. nekaj starih Su-27 so obnovili, ostala bodo šla najbrž na odpad, ko jim poide življenjska doba. Enako se bo zgodilo z Mig-29, ki jih bodo zamenjali z Mig-35.
Tu-160 so nadgradili na zadnje verzijo kar se tiče elektronike in motorjev. Ravno tako Tu-95 in Tu-22.
Helikopterje bodo tudi počasi zamenjali.
Radarji, kabina, orožje se non stop nadgrajuje na zadnje standarde...
Nimajo takih tehnoloških preskokov kot Američani, gredo pa bolj postopoma.
Je pa tudi F-22 že 30 let star, da ne govorimo o ostalih škatlah .
nič se ne nadgrajuje nonstop
v siriji letijo še vedno tisti su-24, ki niso nič nadgrajeni. pilot mora imeti garmin gps (ali podoben glonass) za navigacijo, ker drugega kot karte verjetno niti nima
verjetno tudi vodenih bomb sploh nima, mogoče lasersko vodene (s tal)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Isotropic ()
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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