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instalacija 3 sistemov na 3TB hdd in 1 SSD

instalacija 3 sistemov na 3TB hdd in 1 SSD

prkacin71 ::


prosim vas za mnenje o sledečem problemu:

pred kratkim sem nabavil 3TB HDD, ki je zamenjal starega 1TB HDD. Imam tudi 120GB SSD. Na 3TB HDD bi rad instaliral WIN 7 32bit in WIN 7 64bit, na SSD WIN 8.1 64bit. Točno tako delujočo konfiguracijo sem že imel s starim 1TB diskom. Na novem HDD bi imel še 2 dodatni particiji: ena za instalirane programe WIN 8.1, druga za ostalo šaro (programi, glasba, filmi,...).

Sedaj pa je vprašanje: ali imam lahko te 3 omenjene sisteme na novem HDD in SSD, pri čemer bi rad v celoti izkorisil prostor novega HDD. Želim imeti particije točne velikosti (60GB, 300GB, 900GB, preostalo od 3TB).

Kakor sem se že pozanimal, je tukaj problem MBR vs GPT sistema particioniranja. Ali imam prav, da na HDD ki je GPT, ne morem naložiti WIN 7 32bit? Lahko pa bi WIN 8.1 32bit? Pa še to: moja matična plošča ima UEFI BIOS.

Res me muči ta problem in upam, da ga uspemo skupaj rešiti :).

PacificBlue ::

Lahko pa bi WIN 8.1 32bit?


Drugače pa ustvariš novo MBR particijo za win7

1. Change UEFI to Legacy BIOS.

2. Convert Disk 0 to MBR.

3. Install Windows 7.

prkacin71 ::

Pa imam lahko na istem HDD eno particijo MBR in eno particijo GPT - na GPT particiji 64bit WIN7, na MBR particiji pa 32bit WIN7?

Pa še to: kakšen je redosled instalacij sistemov? Najprej WIN7/8 32bit, potem WIN 7 64bit (oba na HDD), na koncu pa WIN 8.1 64bit (SSD)?

Zgodovina sprememb…

Infinity ::

Sej vem d je OT, ampak, zakaj za vraga potrebuješ 3 različne WIN sisteme?

prkacin71 ::

WIN 7 32bit zaradi kakega (sicer redkega) programa/igre, ki ne deluje v 64bit verzijah.

WIN 7 64bit zaradi tega, ker gor poganjam Labview z dodatki, ki v WIN 8 pač ne delujejo.

WIN 8 pa za vse ostalo. Verjemi, da bi najraje imel samo 1 sistem.

s6c-gEL ::

Ker še ni slišal za virtualce.

prkacin71 ::

Slišal že, uporabljam še nisem.

s6c-gEL ::

Kateri dodatki vwin8 ne delujejo ?

Kateri x32 igra ne deluje na x64 ?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: s6c-gEL ()

hojnikb ::

Inštaliraj Win8 x64, vse ostale winse pa v virtualko. Kak virtualbox al pa vmware bo kul

prkacin71 ::

s6c-gEL: Igra: recimo nba live 2000 mi na nobenem x64 sistemu ni deloval. Dodatki: neki dodatki za Labview, napisani v C še v časih XP-jev. Delujejo pa v WIN 7. Itak pa ko tega ne bom več rabil bom imel samo še 1 sistem.

hojnikb: hvala za predlog, bom preizkusil.

s6c-gEL ::


by Tichmall on Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:43 am

Hello, I have Windows 7 64bits and got NBA Live 2000 to work on it with D3D graphics and no stack trace error, so I came here to tell what I did, if it can help for future players :

-No installation as the setup is a 16bits program that doesn't run on Seven-64. I had it installed on a XP from an other PC, just took the whole installed game folder and paste it in my Seven.

-The nbawin.exe and nbawin.icd are uni-processor compatible thanks to the "processor.bat" trick seen elsewhere here. Don't know if it has something to do with the game working on Seven-64 but at least it avoids graphical problems ingame when it works.

-Regedit to add the keys and values of the game seen on my XP to Seven-64. It is necessary to reproduce the registry keys of the game to get the 3D Setup to work later. If you can get the installation setup to work, it'll be done by installing the game. But in my case I had to reproduce manually the different keys and values from my XP as the 16bits setup doesn't launch, so if it also your case you need the game installed elsewhere.

-Set the compatibility mode of nbawin.exe to Windows 2000.

-I think the most important part : the 3D Setup. I took the dx7z.dll from NBA Live 2001 and renamed it dx6z.dll for NBA Live 2000, the trick that worked on my XP doesn't work for me on Seven-64... But I took the 3D setup from FIFA 2002 and changed the 3dsetup.ini's first line to get the Setup to aim at the NBA live 2000 game in the registry instead of FIFA 2002 (that's why you need to add the game to the registry before). So I could take benefit of the FIFA 2002 options for NBA Live 2000 (screen sizes, triple buffer, etc.) and no stack tace with D3D render. It doesn't work with later versions of FIFA's 3D setups.

-And of course you still need the CD to play the game. In my case, at this point, nbawin.exe launch the game and I can play with good graphics, and even the videos are clean, what wasn't the case on my XP. So it's even better.

I'll look again to verify if everything I said is correct, but as I remember it's what I've done to get it running on my Seven-64. Hope it helps.

an3333 ::

začneš tko da vzameš 1tb ssd

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