Forum » Zvok in slika » RADEON 8500 LE in osveževalne frekvence ?
RADEON 8500 LE in osveževalne frekvence ?
Lith ::
Imam Hercules 8500 LE in težave z osveževalnimi frekvencami pod Win ME, namreč ko zaženem winse se pač postavi na ločljivost 1024x 768 @ 60HZ, pa lahko spreminjam kolikor hočem nastavitve pod dodatno (monitor Samsung 17" 1280 x1024 @75 Hz) in še vedno noče obdržati nastavljene 85 Hz (vedno je na monitorju 60Hz, ampak v winsih pa si zapomni 85Hz). Pa sem snel drajverje Catalyst 3.2, pa nič boljše, prej sem imel Herculesove 7.83 (catalyst 3.1) in DirectX 8.1
aha, pa še to: v ME je pod dodatnimi nastavitvami v ATI cotrol panel pod Displays možnost izbora primary itd... monitorja, kjer pa mi piše default monitor 1024x 768 60Hz in ga NE MOREM spremenit (žal pa pod winsi 2000 na istem računalniku - dual boot TO DELA)
prosim, pomoč.... !
aha, pa še to: v ME je pod dodatnimi nastavitvami v ATI cotrol panel pod Displays možnost izbora primary itd... monitorja, kjer pa mi piše default monitor 1024x 768 60Hz in ga NE MOREM spremenit (žal pa pod winsi 2000 na istem računalniku - dual boot TO DELA)
prosim, pomoč.... !
¤ black holes rule; I like the speed, speed kills ¤
- spremenil: Lith ()
WiseBear ::
poskušaj tole:
desni klik na namizju/lastnosti/nastavitve/dodatno/displays/klikni na monitor in poglej polje use DCC information, ki ne sme!! biti vključeno.
desni klik na namizju/lastnosti/nastavitve/dodatno/displays/klikni na monitor in poglej polje use DCC information, ki ne sme!! biti vključeno.
WiseBear ::
v bistvu gre za napis Monitor... no ja verjetno maš drugače, ampak nekje maš sigurno opcijo, kjer nastaviš da ti ne komunicira z monitorjem in ti tebi pusti spreminjat frekvenco osveževanja. tudi sam sem mel takšen problem, v default nastavitvah driverja je blo to polje namreč obkljukano in ko sem ga odkljukal je vse lepo delalo.
malo se poigraj z nastavitvami driverja.
malo se poigraj z nastavitvami driverja.
Han ::
Refresh rate fix for Windows 9x:
Start regedit, go to HKLM / Software / ATI Technologies / Driver / 0001 / DAL
(or instead of 0001 whatever number your current driver uses).
Insert a new binary value, named
Set the value to 01 00 00 00.
Or, try "DALRULE_CRTSUPPORTSALLMODES" and set this to 01 00 00 00.
The difference between these two is that one allows resolutions up
to 1600x1200x200, the other 2048x1536x200. That's it, just reboot.
IMPORTANT: you need to set the refresh rate for all resolutions you
want to use manually with regedit, since the driver will likely set
them to 200 Hz when you switch resolutions, so you won't get a picture
unless your monitor can handle that.
So, go to [HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Class \ Display \ 0000
(or whatever number your monitor has) \MODES\x\y,z]. Make a new string
"RefreshRate" and set it to "85" or whatever you like and your monitor
can handle.
If you forget to do this you might be forced to boot in safe mode since
you might get an "out of range" value by your monitor upon boot-up...
Start regedit, go to HKLM / Software / ATI Technologies / Driver / 0001 / DAL
(or instead of 0001 whatever number your current driver uses).
Insert a new binary value, named
Set the value to 01 00 00 00.
Or, try "DALRULE_CRTSUPPORTSALLMODES" and set this to 01 00 00 00.
The difference between these two is that one allows resolutions up
to 1600x1200x200, the other 2048x1536x200. That's it, just reboot.
IMPORTANT: you need to set the refresh rate for all resolutions you
want to use manually with regedit, since the driver will likely set
them to 200 Hz when you switch resolutions, so you won't get a picture
unless your monitor can handle that.
So, go to [HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Class \ Display \ 0000
(or whatever number your monitor has) \MODES\x\y,z]. Make a new string
"RefreshRate" and set it to "85" or whatever you like and your monitor
can handle.
If you forget to do this you might be forced to boot in safe mode since
you might get an "out of range" value by your monitor upon boot-up...
Lith ::
peesdaaaa, TO DEEEEELAAAAA !!!!!!!!
"DALRULE_CRTSUPPORTSALLMODES" and set this to 01 00 00 00.
samo itak sem pozabil na moji 1024x768 resoluciji nastavit "RefreshRate", pa je šlo na 202 Hz (uuufffff , je rekel monitor in crknil)
Zdej pa lahko končno odj.... PowerStrip, ki mi je že prav najedal....
HVALA Han, sem bil že skoraj prepričan, ker sem 3 dni (cel vikend googla) iskal, pa nič takega našel, da rešitve ni, PA JE !
"DALRULE_CRTSUPPORTSALLMODES" and set this to 01 00 00 00.
samo itak sem pozabil na moji 1024x768 resoluciji nastavit "RefreshRate", pa je šlo na 202 Hz (uuufffff , je rekel monitor in crknil)
Zdej pa lahko končno odj.... PowerStrip, ki mi je že prav najedal....
HVALA Han, sem bil že skoraj prepričan, ker sem 3 dni (cel vikend googla) iskal, pa nič takega našel, da rešitve ni, PA JE !
Han ::
Ja, tudi sam sem pol dneva penil in poskušal vse mogoče, potem pa odjadral na Rage3D forum in našel zgoraj napisano.
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