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Spelling checker v Word-u

Spelling checker v Word-u

TinkaPinka ::

Ve mogoče kdo, kje bi se dobili dictionaries za spelling checker v Wordu? Potrebovala bi predvsem za nemški jezik, ker ga še nimam.

I am easy to please as long as I get my way.

matevzm ::

Nemski je zraven slovenskega offica. V Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ je poddirektorij Proof, ukradi kompletnega tistega, da ne bo ugibanja. Nekaj datotek je tam, nekaj pa v poddirektorijih za jezike, nemscina je 1031.

BlackHole ::

Kaj ni tega na Microsoftovi strani?

Stripy ::

Ne bos verjel, ampak Microsoft PRODAJA stvari in ne podarja.
Drugace sem pa jaz poskusil uporabiti nemske zadeve na angleskem officu, pa je slovar deloval, ostalo pa ne, medtem, ko vsa slovenska orodja (slovar,tezaver...) z majhnim brkljanjem po registru delujejo. Mogoce kdo ve, kako bi podobno nastavil vsa nemska orodja. Ne bi pa rad instaliral slovenskega offica in potem cez angleskega (kar bi tudi moralo delovati).

TinkaPinka ::

Hm, jaz si tudi ne bi rada instalirala najprej slovenskega office-a, tako da bom verjetno to pri kom drugem "ukradla".
Stripy, kako pa si ti to uredil pri slovenskem tezavru, da ti je deloval? Mislim - kje v registru, kaj v registru? Meni zaenkrat dela samo slovar.
I am easy to please as long as I get my way.

borutzi ::

Mene pa zanima kako nastaviti v angleškem officeu slovenski spelling checker?:|

TinkaPinka ::

francelj, skopirat moraš datoteke za slovar in ostalo. Jaz sem jih skopirala že kar nekaj časa nazaj, ko sem enkrat preizkušala slovenski office. In sem vse datoteke v Proof direktoriju potem premestila v angleški office, ker zdaj uporabljam angleškega.
I am easy to please as long as I get my way.

matevzm ::

Jaz sem samo nakopiral poddirektorij in ustrezne dll v Proof in dela. Brez registryja. Ravno poskusil in mi slovenscina (tudi tezaver) dela v angleskem officu 2k.
Drugace pa MS res prodaja nekaksen Language pack, kjer so dodatni jeziki notri.
Jezik se preklaplja avtomatsko s tipkovnico. Ali pa lahko rocno naredis Set Language.
Features of the MultiLanguage Pack
The Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack provides features that allow users to change the language of their Office user interface and online Help. It includes the Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools; the Proofing Tools provide spelling checkers, grammar checkers, and other tools for editing in a variety of languages.

Installation path for MultiLanguage Pack features
MultiLanguage Pack features can be installed on the user’s hard disk, either all at one time or on demand, or they can be run from a server. When MultiLanguage Pack features are installed on a user’s hard disk, files are stored in the following folders, where LCID is the locale ID of the language.

The Program Files\Microsoft Office9\Office\LCID folder contains the following features:

User interface DLL files and other resources
Online Help files
Localized templates and wizards
Default AutoCorrect lists
The Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof folder contains the following features:

Hyphenator (Mshy*.dll and Mshy*.lex files)
Spelling checker (Msp*.dll, Mssp*.dll, and Mssp*.lex files)
Thesaurus (Msth*.dll and Msth*.lex files)
Grammar dictionary (Msgr*.lex files)
The Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\LCID folder contains the following feature:

Grammar checker (Msgr*.dll files)
Features that provide a user interface in more than one language have the same file name, but are stored in separate LCID folders. Other features, such as grammar and spelling dictionaries, have unique names and are stored in the same folder.

For example, the file for the English grammar checker is Msgr2en.dll; the Msgr2en.dll file for the English user interface is stored in the 1033 folder, but the Msgr2en.dll file for the Japanese user interface is stored in the 1041 folder. However, the file for the English grammar dictionary is Msgr2en.lex and the file for the Japanese grammar dictionary is Msgr2jp.lex; both files are stored in the Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof folder.

Stripy ::

TinkaPinka: Doma (zdaj sem pridno v sluzbi) imam eno .reg datoteko, pa ti jo bom poslal. Kako pa je Matevzu delalo brez tega, pa ne vem.

zvau ::

Kako pa dobiš nazaj slovar oz. spelling checker za slovenščino, če ti ta kar na enkrat izgine? Ker mi tudi pri seznamu jezikov pri slovenščini ne kaže več tiste kljukice z ABC napisom... Pa me to res jezi... Mogoče ima kaj veze s tem, da je bil na PCju inštaliran Amebis Besana, ampak je bil potem zaradi nekih frk z licenco unistalliran. Ve kdo kako rešiti ta problem?

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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