Forum » Strojna oprema » Msi K7T Turbo + Thoroughbred (0.13u) = ?
Msi K7T Turbo + Thoroughbred (0.13u) = ?

Smorny ::
Imam osnovno ploščo Msi K7t turbo. In sem pomislil, da bi nadgradil iz sedanjega durona 1200@1400 na AthlonXP 1700+ (Thoroughbred (0.13u) ). A glej ga zlomka, plošča mi 0.13u procesorjev ne odpira. 0.18u pa bi podpiralo do 1800+. Je kdo zasledil, delovanje T-breda na tej plošči, oz. zakaj ne??

Motiti se je človeško.
Ampak, če hočeš stvar totalno zajebati potrebuješ računalnik!
Ampak, če hočeš stvar totalno zajebati potrebuješ računalnik!

VASkO ::
eeee, pa ti lahko odgovorim, spet jaz, hehe:
For the people who are thinking about upgrading their CPU to a Thoroughbred XP on their K7T Turbo (1), fear not:
it works, the board supports it (why wouldn't it, the architecture is identical to the Palomino)!
I read mixed reports about this and I wanted to add my experience...
Since a few days I've got an XP1700+ TBred and
no problems whatsoever. And to al the people always
recommending bigger PSU's as possible solution:
I only have a cheap 230W powersupply and it's rock solid...
I did update to the latest bios (3.6) before I upgraded the cpu and removed J17 (100/133 operation) and all went well from the first boot
So this means we can use this fantastic board a while longer with a modern cpu!
BTW: I chose a Arctic Cooling Silent Copper as my cooler, it gives me about 40°C idle and 44°C stressed, so while it's cheap it's not bad, and important: you do not hear it, nothing, even with the case open. incredible...
I hope that this posting takes the doubt away some people may be having about upgrading to an XP!
********to je z MSIjevega foruma*************
For the people who are thinking about upgrading their CPU to a Thoroughbred XP on their K7T Turbo (1), fear not:
it works, the board supports it (why wouldn't it, the architecture is identical to the Palomino)!
I read mixed reports about this and I wanted to add my experience...
Since a few days I've got an XP1700+ TBred and
no problems whatsoever. And to al the people always
recommending bigger PSU's as possible solution:
I only have a cheap 230W powersupply and it's rock solid...
I did update to the latest bios (3.6) before I upgraded the cpu and removed J17 (100/133 operation) and all went well from the first boot
So this means we can use this fantastic board a while longer with a modern cpu!
BTW: I chose a Arctic Cooling Silent Copper as my cooler, it gives me about 40°C idle and 44°C stressed, so while it's cheap it's not bad, and important: you do not hear it, nothing, even with the case open. incredible...
I hope that this posting takes the doubt away some people may be having about upgrading to an XP!
********to je z MSIjevega foruma*************

ian wolf ::
Da ne načenjam nove teme:
OK iz posta sem izvedel, da je možno na MSI K7T Turbo nadgraditi cpu z novim XP TBred-om (0,13 mikrona) in sicer XP 1700+. V navodilih na MSI-jevi strani piše, da je gornja meja XP 1800+ (0,18 mikrona).
Mene pa zanima, če je možno plato nadgraditi z XP TBredom 2000+ ? Množilniki so do 12,5 pri fsb 133, kar znese 1662,5 Mhz, recimo XP 2000+ (1666 Mhz). Je to realno, da plato nadgradim z novim XP 2000+ (TBred jedro, 0,13 mikrona) ali le do XP 1800+?
Hvala vsem za odgovore !!
OK iz posta sem izvedel, da je možno na MSI K7T Turbo nadgraditi cpu z novim XP TBred-om (0,13 mikrona) in sicer XP 1700+. V navodilih na MSI-jevi strani piše, da je gornja meja XP 1800+ (0,18 mikrona).
Mene pa zanima, če je možno plato nadgraditi z XP TBredom 2000+ ? Množilniki so do 12,5 pri fsb 133, kar znese 1662,5 Mhz, recimo XP 2000+ (1666 Mhz). Je to realno, da plato nadgradim z novim XP 2000+ (TBred jedro, 0,13 mikrona) ali le do XP 1800+?
Hvala vsem za odgovore !!
Errare humanum est...

Smorny ::
ne vem, če se ti ravno splača kupovati 2000+, ker je to zadnji proc, ki bi še lahko deloval na tej plati. raje kupi 1700+ in še ga potem naviješ do 2000+.
Motiti se je človeško.
Ampak, če hočeš stvar totalno zajebati potrebuješ računalnik!
Ampak, če hočeš stvar totalno zajebati potrebuješ računalnik!
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