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Kupovanje telefona iz Uk

Kupovanje telefona iz Uk

Lukeatluke ::

Zanima me, če ima kdo kakšne izkušnje s podjetjem Vnet Solutions Ltd.

Abdel Ganiyu me je kontaktiral preko oglasa na Bolhi. Vprašanje o pristnosti se nebi pojavilo, če mi certifikati nebi delovali legitimni.

Na googlu ni moč najti slabe besede. Firma je stacionirana na omenjenem naslovu, njegovo ime je tudi za najti, na ebayu pa ne prodajajo. Cena telefonov, za ceno rabljenih na bolhi dobiš novega(razlika je v garanciji).

Ima kdo kakšne izkušnje?



Thanks for your inquiry regarding the Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 Factory Unlocked.

VNET SOLUTONS LTD is a legitimate and Global Mobile Phone dealer located in 37 CAVENDISH ROAD, NEW MALDEN, SURREY,KT3 6DH, UNITED KINGDOM, Our products are 100% genuine, brand new, unlocked and comes with warranty. We offer better quality product at an affordable rate

All products on sales from VNET SOLUTIONS LTD are brand new with international guarantee and we operate a 90-days money return back policy on any of our products.

The Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 is Factory Unlocked. is brand new, 100% Genuine and Unlocked to any Mobile Networks(means the Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 can work with any Sim card).

The Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 also comes with 2 year warranty and complete accessories in its manufacturer box.

The reason why we offer this promo is because we are currently celebrating our 3rd year anniversary in buying and selling of mobile phones, Computer Laptops and Electronics.

Concerning your safety buying from our company, we are a legitimate seller in the UNITED KINGDOM

You can verify our legitimacy with the UK Government by visiting www.ukdata.com and search our company name VNET SOLUTIONS LTD.

You can click on this link below:


We really understand how you feel about this but we will like to let you know that you are dealing with a reputable company registered under the UK government.

we are a global reputable International company that specializes in Sales, Supply and Distribution of brand new mobile phones and electronics for Highest Quality still at very affordable prices. The long-term relationship with clients is the first priority we have been concerned.

We manage our business in the most honest and trustworthy ways. We offer our clients with high quality products in reasonable prices that make them get a promising profit and valuable business,Besides,we have dedicated staffs to provide the best services.

I have attached 4 Certificate.

1) Money Back Guarantee Certificate: The Money Back Guarantee certificate indicates that if you do not like the products we send to you ,you have the chance to get your money back from us within 90 days
of purchase

2)Certificate of Incorporation: The Certificate of Incorporation shows that we are legit,and it shows that we are fully registered with the United Kingdom Group of Companies.

3) Customer Delivery Guarantee: The customer delivery guarantee has the signature of the United Kingdom Metropolitan Police and it also gives our customers 100% assurance that whatever you order from our will surely be delivered.

4) Our company Registration Certificate with the UK ICR to assure you that you are dealing with a legitimate company and to assure you that you are save and you have nothing to worried about...

Hope you understand and this will let you know that you have come to right place to make your order.

Our products are brand New factory sealed as they are OEM manufactured with 24 months warranty and 6 months insurance return policy.

We will proceed to tagging and labeling of the units once we confirmed your readiness along with your payment details T/T bank wire transfer,as they are modes that meet up with our delivery duration which is stationed at 48-72 hrs.

Delivery will immediately be concreted via FEDEX/DHL/UPS or EMS COURIER SERVICES while all the delivery data will be divulged to you for online monitoring till the units arrived your destination in the following manner..

**Tracking Codes for tracking of the units
**Air-Way Bill Receipts for order review
**Commercial Invoice and receipt for order registration and stamping
**(BOL)Bill of lading for delivery concreteness as your doorstep.

* assured privacy
* Our prices are second to none
* Secure transaction guaranteed
* We ship Monday through Saturday.
* Free shipping on qualified orders
* We offer reasonable discount on bulk purchases
* We ship same day after confirmation of payment.
* We offer a 90 days return policy and a 100% money back guarantee.

1 unit of Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 32GB Unlocked cost : 300euros
2 unit of Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 32GB Unlocked cost : 600euros and you will get 1 unit for free.

Shipping charges: Free
Delivery Courier: FedEx Express/ Dhl Services/ Ups Courier Service
Delivery time: 2-3 days maximum

Free Shipping!
Quality and priority shipment

Payment Method:
Western Union Money transfer
MoneyGram Transfer
T/T Bank Transfer

Contact Details :
Sales Manager: Sam Kostin
Skype : Vnetsolutionltd365

In order to place your order, Get back to us with the below details of your full name and delivery address so we can proceed with labeling and packaging of the item for shipment to be scheduled.

ADDRESS(Including city, state)#

Await your mail.

Thanks and Regard

bluefish ::

A mi boš nakazal kaj denarja, če ti prilepim par slik certifikatov in zagotovim dobiček v roku par mesecev?

Samo stran od takih, ki na marginalni Bolhi male državice najdejo oglas in se nato zanimajo za nakup/prodajo.

KoMar- ::

Za vsak slučaj še en post več glede tega, da gre za NATEG!

Lukeatluke ::

Ni problem v nategu ali karkoli, na netu najdeš, da prodajajo Nexus 4 za 250USD, in Galaxy S3 za 299USD. Malo v razmislek, ne da bi sedaj šel v nakup. Morda pa bi le bil nekdo toliko pošten, da nam ne zaračuna uvoznikovih stroškov, ker nismo Google country.

Zgodovina sprememb…

KoMar- ::

2 unit of Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 32GB Unlocked cost : 600euros and you will get 1 unit for free.

Ob tole se nisi nič spotaknil? Klasičen način, kako hitro dobit naivneže, da ti nakažejo denar.

Vprašanje o pristnosti se nebi pojavilo, če mi certifikati nebi delovali legitimni.

A kockaste slikice in font, ki kaže, da se jim zadeve niti sprintat in poskenirat ni dalo, ampak so samo Photoshopirali, ti delujejo legitimno?!

Lukeatluke je izjavil:

Ni problem v nategu ali karkoli, na netu najdeš, da prodajajo Nexus 4 za 250USD, in Galaxy S3 za 299USD. Malo v razmislek, ne da bi sedaj šel v nakup. Morda pa bi le bil nekdo toliko pošten, da nam ne zaračuna uvoznikovih stroškov, ker nismo Google country.

Malo si z glavo v oblakih (ali pesku)... za ta denar ne dobiš teh igračk NIKJER.

Še en pripis: bolj, ko gledam tole:

In potem berem tvojo izjavo "če mi certifikati nebi delovali legitimni", se mi zdi, da trollaš.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: KoMar- ()

blackbfm ::

zgleda da bolj amatersko kot nekdo sfotošopa fotko, bolj ljudje verjamejo:))

Mr Johnny ::

Haha kateri certifikat :D

Po povzetju (sej je firma), paypal, ali pa greš fizično iskat. V London se dandanes lahko z EasyJet-om pelješ na kavo, kakšne so cene.

mailer ::

Odličen certifikat, celo policija je stisnila štempelj, da boš zagotovo nategnjen. Priceless!

3p ::

Tole mi je polešalo dan. :))

Lukeatluke ::

Ste navalili k ženske med tednom akcij :D

Mal heca mora bit.
Temo sem odprl z namenom, da bo naslednji Slovenček, ki ne bo tako pri pameti, videl na prvi strani googla tole temo in vaše dovzetne odgovore. O tem prodajalcu, podjetju ali česarkoli o Abdelu ni nikjer na Googlu karkoli slabega napisano, zato sem vključil tudi celoten mail in certifikate, ki je očiten copy paste. Pamet v roke!

blackbfm ::

meni je enkrat prišlo na uho da je en znanec poslal prek 10.000e pač po obrokih ker si je obetal neke nagrade pa to..pač tipični nigerijski scam.. pa sem mu razlagal 1 uro, dal miljon gradiva za brat na to temo..in kaj tip nardi, čez 2 mesca spet pošlje par 100e, seveda njemu morajo pa vsi bližnji posojat ker sicer "nima" keša..brezveze

KoMar- ::

Lukeatluke je izjavil:

Ste navalili k ženske med tednom akcij :D

Mal heca mora bit.
Temo sem odprl z namenom, da bo naslednji Slovenček, ki ne bo tako pri pameti, videl na prvi strani googla tole temo in vaše dovzetne odgovore. O tem prodajalcu, podjetju ali česarkoli o Abdelu ni nikjer na Googlu karkoli slabega napisano, zato sem vključil tudi celoten mail in certifikate, ki je očiten copy paste. Pamet v roke!

Ja, sej sem si mislil, ampak so bile že podobne teme, ki pa niso bile troll.

Upajmo, da bo tvoj pristop komu pomagal, čeprav zna odvrnit koga, da bi se mu dalo razlagat, da gre za scam...

Lukeatluke ::

Nekdo bo nasedel, njegov princip delovanja pa je Google translate.

Njegov prvi mail:
Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 je čisto nov zaprt v škatli z vso opremo in priročnik.

Je I9300 prvotnega Samsung Galaxy S III/S3, da prihaja z mednarodnim 2 letno garancijo in 6 mesecev politika vračanja.

Ponujamo Kupite 2, dobite 1 brezplačno promo, če bi 2 enota I9300 III/S3 Samsung Galaxy S pri nas bo to stalo 600 ?, vključno z odpremo in dostavo pristojbino za vaš naslov in boste dobili 1 enota za prosto odločitev 3 enote I9300 III/S3 Samsung Galaxy S, da bodo ladje in dostavo na vaš naslov.

Koliko enot želite naročiti?

Angleščina mu pa teče flawlessly ;)

We are located in united kingdom and we ship and deliver world wide, we will ship and deliver the Samsung Galaxy S I9300 III/S3 to your address in slovenia in 48 hours (2 international working days).

Zelo kratek odgovor na temo prodaje preko eBaya:
We do not sell on Ebay

Back to reality:
To place your order with us all you need to do is to get back to us with your full shipping and delier information as we requested.

We await your response

Thanks and Regards

Jaz upam, da bo komu pomagalo. Bom pa Abdelu še enkrat napisal za skenirane dokumente, ker do tega vprašanja sem vsak dan dobival maila češ ali sem se že odločil.
Škoda, ker ni sigurnosti, da boš dobil telefon v škatli in ne kamna oz. da boš sploh dobil paket :D

bdoxx ::

30€ dobiš povratno karto do londona pa nazaj :), zmeni se za osebni prevzem

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