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The Economist - debate

bluefish ::
Ravnokar sem zasledil, da The Economist prireja debate o posameznih ekonomskih in družbenih vprašanjih.
Svoje mnenje z začetnima izjavama podkrepita zagovornik ter nasprotnik ideje, sledijo protiargumenti, nato zaključek in komentar izida.
V debati seveda sodelujejo tudi mimoidoči, tako z lastnimi prispevki kot tudi z glasovanjem.
Trenutna tema: Would the economy be better off without MBA students?
Arhiv: Debates library
Skratka, zanimiva reč, ki bi se je lahko lotil tudi kak slovenski medij - no, nekega daljnega dne.
Economist Debates adapt the Oxford style of debating to an online forum. The format was made famous by the 186-year-old Oxford Union and has been practised by heads of state, prominent intellectuals and galvanising figures from across the cultural spectrum. It revolves around an assertion that is defended on one side (the "proposer") and assailed on another (the "opposition") in a contest hosted and overseen by a moderator. Each side has three chances to persuade readers: opening, rebuttal and closing.
In Economist Debates, proposer and opposition each consist of a single speaker, experts in the issue at hand. We also invite featured guests to comment on the debate, not to take sides, but to provide context and informed perspective on the subject.
Those attending an Oxford-style debate participate in two ways: by voting to determine the debate's winner and by addressing comments to the moderator. The same holds here. As a reader, you are encouraged to vote. As long as the debate is open, you may change your vote as many times as you change your mind. And you are encouraged to air your own views by sending comments to the moderator. These should be relevant to the motion, the speakers' statements or the observations of featured guests. And they must be addressed directly to the moderator, who will single out the most compelling for discussion by the speakers.
Svoje mnenje z začetnima izjavama podkrepita zagovornik ter nasprotnik ideje, sledijo protiargumenti, nato zaključek in komentar izida.
V debati seveda sodelujejo tudi mimoidoči, tako z lastnimi prispevki kot tudi z glasovanjem.
Trenutna tema: Would the economy be better off without MBA students?
Arhiv: Debates library
Skratka, zanimiva reč, ki bi se je lahko lotil tudi kak slovenski medij - no, nekega daljnega dne.
Economist Debates adapt the Oxford style of debating to an online forum. The format was made famous by the 186-year-old Oxford Union and has been practised by heads of state, prominent intellectuals and galvanising figures from across the cultural spectrum. It revolves around an assertion that is defended on one side (the "proposer") and assailed on another (the "opposition") in a contest hosted and overseen by a moderator. Each side has three chances to persuade readers: opening, rebuttal and closing.
In Economist Debates, proposer and opposition each consist of a single speaker, experts in the issue at hand. We also invite featured guests to comment on the debate, not to take sides, but to provide context and informed perspective on the subject.
Those attending an Oxford-style debate participate in two ways: by voting to determine the debate's winner and by addressing comments to the moderator. The same holds here. As a reader, you are encouraged to vote. As long as the debate is open, you may change your vote as many times as you change your mind. And you are encouraged to air your own views by sending comments to the moderator. These should be relevant to the motion, the speakers' statements or the observations of featured guests. And they must be addressed directly to the moderator, who will single out the most compelling for discussion by the speakers.
- spremenil: bluefish ()
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