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OpenSUSE pomoč

OpenSUSE pomoč

Redorange ::

Rabim malo pomoči.

OpenSUSE 12.2, 64bit
Poizkušam namestiti tole zadevo ampak ne gre.
Sem tudi že brskal po netu kako se namešča ampak brez uspeha. V mapi je datoteka install in sem bral, ampak ne gre. Ker mam 64bit je treba nekaj ne vem kaj in v konzoli me ne spusti naprej.
Qt4, boost, libusb, marble, openssl imam nameščeno,
chrpath pa mi ga ne najde.

To je v datoteki install:

Install instructions


To compile igotu2gpx, you need:

- qt4 (http://www.qtsoftware.com/)
- boost (http://www.boost.org/)
- boost-program-options (http://www.boost.org/, included with boost)
- libusb 0.1 (on Linux, http://libusb.sourceforge.net/)
- libusb 0.1.13 (on Mac OS X systems, http://www.ellert.se/twain-sane/)
- chrpath (on Linux, optional, makes it possible to run the program without
- marble (http://edu.kde.org/marble, optional, openstreetmap display of tracks)
- openssl (on Windows already on install, otherwise only at runtime, http://openssl.org)

On a Ubuntu system, this should get you the dependencies:
    sudo aptitude install libqt4-dev libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev \
        libusb-dev libmarble-dev chrpath



On a Linux system, you can compile with:
    qmake && make && sudo make install

If you get error messages about "Unknown test functions" from qmake, try
qmake-qt4 instead of qmake.

If you are on a 64bit system and your distributor ships 64bit libraries in
/lib64 and /usr/lib64, use "qmake LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64".

If you use a compiler older than gcc 4.0.0, use "qmake CLEBS=novisibility".

If you get an error message of 
    /usr/local/bin/igotugui: error while loading shared libraries:
        libigotu.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
although it got installed correctly, you might be missing library path. It
might help to create a file "/etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf" with the following
and run:

crniangeo ::

in kaksn je error ? :-)
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

Redorange ::

Tako sem probal:

linux-b0y5:~ # cd /home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # qmake
If 'qmake' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf qmake
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.

amigo_no1 ::

Imaš nameščeno vse, kar je navedeno pod "Dependencies" (vrstice med 9-17) ?

39 If you are on a 64bit system and your distributor ships 64bit libraries in
40 /lib64 and /usr/lib64, use "qmake LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64".

Jih imaš ?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

NeMeTko ::

glede na tole:

linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # qmake
If 'qmake' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf qmake

bi se vprašal, če sploh ima qmake na sistemu?

Redorange ::

Te dve mapi imam obe in noter je še več map in datotek.

Redorange ::

qconf - Configuration tool for qmake, tole ni nameščeno. Probam.

Isto kot prej.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Zvezdica27 ::


kolikor vem je qmake program v paketu qt3 ali qt4, ker je pač del Qt... goooglam, gledam pri meni (ubuntu)... aha, paket qt4-qmake - je na OpenSUSE isti? maš ta paket? Če ne, ga namesti (pač poglej, ne vem kako to v zypp pogledaš, poglej man) in komanda bo delala...


Redorange ::

libqt4-devel, bo kar sem dobil po netu.

Zdaj pa tole:
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # qmake
WARNING: /home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0/clebs.pri:147: Unable to find file for inclusion localconfig.pri
which: no chrpath in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin)
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Required dependencies:
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
WARNING: /home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0/clebs.pri:127: Unescaped backslashes are deprecated.
Project MESSAGE: Looking for qtversion430       : yes
Project MESSAGE: Looking for boost-po           : no
Project ERROR: Please install the necessary (devel) packages for boost-po!
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # 

bost-po, nimam nameščenega (imam 6 drugih) in ga tudi ne najde. Je pa cel kup drugih bost na razpolago.

crniangeo ::

Project MESSAGE: Looking for boost-po : no
Project ERROR: Please install the necessary (devel) packages for boost-po!
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

OmegaBlue ::

Poglej da imaš v yast nameščene patterns-openSUSE-devel_C_C++ in patterns-openSUSE-devel_qt4, s tem dobiš vsa potrebna orodja. Za boost bi mogel zadostovat boost-devel paketek.

Namesti te paketke in poženi, če ne dela se oglasi nazaj :D
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Redorange ::

Nič od tega nisem imel.
Sedaj pa:
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # qmake
WARNING: /home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0/clebs.pri:147: Unable to find file for inclusion localconfig.pri
which: no chrpath in (/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib/mit/bin)
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Required dependencies:
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
WARNING: /home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0/clebs.pri:127: Unescaped backslashes are deprecated.
Project MESSAGE: Looking for qtversion430       : yes
Project MESSAGE: Looking for boost-po           : yes
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Suggested dependencies:
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Looking for libmarble          : no
Project MESSAGE: Looking for libusb             : no
Project MESSAGE: Looking for libusb10           : no
Project MESSAGE: Looking for chrpath            : no
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
Project MESSAGE: Additional features:
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
WARNING: /home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0/clebs.pri:47: Unescaped backslashes are deprecated.
Project MESSAGE: Building with marblevisualizer : no
Project MESSAGE: Building with libusbconnection : no
Project MESSAGE: Building with libusb10connectio: no
Project MESSAGE: ------------------------------------
Project ERROR: No device drivers found, please install either libusb or libusb-1.0 (alpha quality driver)
linux-b0y5:/home/bojan/Dokumenti/igotu/igotu2gpx-0.3.0 # 

libmarble - ni na seznamu, je libmarblewidget13 - nameščen
libusb - nekaj je nameščeno, je pa še cel kup drugih
libusb10 - ni na seznamu
chrpath - nameščam zdaj

Nič od tega mi ne najde:

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