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Izrael : Palestina že n-tič

Izrael : Palestina že n-tič

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Maxlos ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Dejansko ni čisto vseeno pred katerim sodišče se kaj odvija. A kljub prijaznim opozorilom o napaki, ti "boti" vztrajajo dalje pri svojem. Kako je šele potem pri vseh ostalih informacijah, ki mam jih tukaj p(r)odajajo.:8)

Da da,
Eno bo zahtevalo izročilo Izraelskega VODSTVA, drugo bo pa razsodilo da je dejanje Izraela, na žalost tudi posredno podpornike, izvajanja GENOCIDA.

Sedaj pa se blamiraj ICJ in ICC.

Mass graves in Gaza show victims' hands were tied, says UN rights office
Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly found stripped naked with their hands tied, prompting renewed concerns about possible war crimes amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.
The development follows the recovery of hundreds of bodies "buried deep in the ground and covered with waste" over the weekend at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, central Gaza, and at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in the north. A total of 283 bodies were recovered at Nasser Hospital, of which 42 were identified.

As of 22 April, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including 14,685 children and 9,670 women, the High Commissioner's office said, citing the enclave's health authorities. Another 77,084 have been injured, and over 7,000 others are assumed to be under the rubble.
"Every 10 minutes a child is killed or wounded. They are protected under the laws of war, and yet they are ones who are disproportionately paying the ultimate price in this war," said the High Commissioner.

In resnično, kako izpadate BUDALE, kokakor kli hočete narediti primerjavo z Ukrajino.
Ne pozabite, primerna uporaba metod, zahodnih vrednot : :Every 10 minutes a child is killed or wounded.
Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::

Za tiste ki ste s problemom Palestine začeli ukvarjati leta 2023...

Vemo pa, da bo sagregacijo opravičil recimo Gregor P v kontekstu:
Ne. Ne razumem, kako kdo reče "država apartheida", ko Palestina ni del Izraela? Južna Koreja ni država apartheida, ker Severna Koreja zatira svoje državljane
Nisem prepričan, zakaj vas Maxlos:D spravlja na to vprašanje. Ne, samo izraelske ceste obstajajo samo na okupiranem ozemlju (kolikor vem, ni cest samo za Judje, tudi na okupiranem ozemlju). Seveda je to vse na papirju, ne nujno v praksi. Nisem prepričan, da bi lahko varnost v praksi pustila skozi samo Jude. :))

Israel's war( porpavim genocide) on Gaza hits 200th day amid plans to invade Rafah..s strani okupacijske sile, financirane z zahodnimi davki
It added that at least 485 medical staff, 66 civil defence personnel, 140 journalists, and 224 relief workers were among the Palestinian victims.

Over 7,000 Palestinians remain missing under the rubble of the destroyed homes across the Palestinian enclave, the office also said.

za was turned into a vast destroyed area due to the Israeli bombardment which never stopped for 200 days.

The Palestinian official figures estimate that 60 percent of the residential homes across Gaza and over 80 percent of commercial facilities were damaged.

The Government Media Office said the Israeli army fired nearly 75,000 tonnes of explosives across Gaza that left an unprecedented scale of destruction in the tiny enclave.

It added that 86,000 house units were completely destroyed, and 309,000 others were partially damaged but still uninhabitable.
Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::

Barking up the wrong tree

Sync ::

Se strinjam in se posipam z pepelom. Milošević ne sodi sem.

3. dnevno pomanjkanje zraka v naravi in spustitev na nivo nekaterih tukaj, ko primerjajo Gazo z koncetracijskimi taborišči v drugi svetovni vojni naredita svoje.

Maxlos ::

Sync je izjavil:

Se strinjam in se posipam z pepelom. Milošević ne sodi sem.

3. dnevno pomanjkanje zraka v naravi in spustitev na nivo nekaterih tukaj, ko primerjajo Gazo z koncetracijskimi taborišči v drugi svetovni vojni naredita svoje.

No sej lahko primerjaš koliko, otrok (ne samo judovskih) na dan/uro se je v prejšnjem stoletju odločilo za permanentne počitnice na Poljskem.
Potem ja, sej si zagotovo pozabil dodati Sarkazem ko si primerjal Miloševiča in trenutno stanje v Gazi.
Ti namignem :V Gazi so naciji in podporniki Nacijev bistveno bolj učinkoviti. To je verjetno posledica občutka biti zatirana nacija ene 4000let.
Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::

Še malo, pa bomo na zahodu začeli blokirat UN, sej so olni Hamasovega no Fake news.
Israel blasts UN for excluding Hamas from sexual violence blacklist

IDF Kills 18 Children in Rafah Hours After US House Approves Billions in Military Aid
"Members of Congress should understand that approving more military aid could subject them to personal liability for aiding and abetting an ongoing genocide in Gaza."

Smokescreen': officials voice concern over US plans for Gaza aid pier
Fears Israel is influencing location of dock away from the north, where famine threat is most severe

In ko mešaš drek, se tudi prime
Exclusive: New evidence challenges the Pentagon's account of a horrific attack as the US withdrew from Afghanistan
Those results, which were released on April 15, reaffirmed that a lone ISIS-K bomber carried out the attack, and found that "new information obtained during the review did not materially impact the findings in the November 2021" investigation, and the review "did not recommend any modifications to those findings." The review did not pursue numerous reports from Afghan survivors of significant gunfire in the wake of the blast.

In še svoboda na zahodu...
Columbia university: IDF soldiers attack students with unknown gas

ADMINISTRATORS AT COLUMBIA University responded to reports of students being injured by a chemical attack against an on-campus rally for Gaza by chiding students for holding protests without official authorization. Meanwhile, students told The Intercept that even as the school's public safety department has said it is investigating the incident, school administrators themselves have yet to contact the victims -- some of whom have had to seek medical care for their injuries.
Barking up the wrong tree

boolsheat ::

Izraelec, Žid, biviši IDF vojak:

Isreal wants to archive this, what the right wing government has been saying for years, wipe out Gaza.
Israel is on the way to become a fundamentalist state.
In Israel a fascist government is in power.

HitroDihanje ::

Bolje parki in turistična naselja kot pa teroristi in teroristična naselja.

Sin od enega od ustanoviteljev Hamas pove kratko in jedrnato :

boolsheat ::

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Kosek1 ::

boolsheat je izjavil:

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Težko je zaustavit tak teroristični napad posilstvi, ki ga je izvedel Hamas.

kunigunda ::

Kosek1 je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Težko je zaustavit tak teroristični napad posilstvi, ki ga je izvedel Hamas.

Joj, se kar mlatite prazno slamo. Nobenih posilstev, rezanja glav itd ni bilo. IDF je to ven dal in ocitno so ljudje kot kure, ko enkrat neki ven das je to to.
Kasneje so vse zive inspekcije probale najti sleherne dokaze, pa jih ni bilo (seveda je bila kooperacija IDF na nuli).

Da bo malo bolj jasno.
Agenda Hamasa 7.oktobra je bila:
- Napad in zajetje cimvec IDF vojakov na mejnih tockah okoli Gaze
- Napad in zajteje cimvec IDF vojakov na parih vojaskih outpostih v bliznji okolici
To je bila vsa agenda.
Za napad je pred 7.oktobrom je vedelo samo 6 ljudi (4 operativci, dva kravatarja), od katerih je IDF uspel likvidirati mislim da 2.
Vsem ostalim borcem (ki so sli z namenom cilja ali mucenistva) je bila stvar predana sele zjutraj na dvoriscu, od koder so potem startali.
To da je akcija trajala dlje in malo bolj razsirjeno je bilo zgolj zato, ker je hamas (bil tudi sam presenecen) tako z lahkoto zavzel nepripravljen IDF in
so zaceli lutati se malo okoli izven obsega naloge.
Vecino mrtvih civilistov na podrocju priseljencev je bilo zato, ker so le-ti zaceli streljati na Hamas.
Vsak ostali "izgred", ce je kdo ubil neoborozenega civilista je bil zgolj v pescici posameznikov (take cvetke najdes povsod v zgodovini v vseh narodih).
Ze Mentaliteta Hamasa je taksna, da noben ne pomisli o posilstvu Izraelk, pa tud cajta ni blo glih na pretek.
Tudi nikoli se noben hamasovec ni skrival za civilisti (prej bi se IDF), ne mores pa v tako gostem podrocjo biti nekje, kjer civilistov ni. Razen ce si na sred
fusbalskega igrisca izpostavljen dronom satelitom izvidnikom...
Kar se tice IDF-a, so imeli vso znanje, tehniko, informacije ipd. da bi kirursko odstranili glavo hamasu, brez da bi gaza ratala rusevina, vendar se tega niso sli.
Zakaj temu tako, je veliko razlogov, in ni samo eden.

Bellator ::

kunigunda je izjavil:

Kosek1 je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Težko je zaustavit tak teroristični napad posilstvi, ki ga je izvedel Hamas.

Joj, se kar mlatite prazno slamo. Nobenih posilstev, rezanja glav itd ni bilo. IDF je to ven dal in ocitno so ljudje kot kure, ko enkrat neki ven das je to to.

Kaj so bili vsi tisti posnetki, ko so ljudi vlekli iz avtomobilov in jim rezali vratove ali poslali metek v čelo, kot naprimer tiste penzionerje na postaji, ki so čakali avtobus.

Ali pa tisti posnetek, kjer so nago ženako zavezali na poltovrnjak, da so jo lahko tudi navadni palestinci s palico po riti...

kunigunda je izjavil:

Da bo malo bolj jasno.
Agenda Hamasa 7.oktobra je bila

Agenda Hamasa je poklati čimveč židov, kar je najlažje, če se lotijo (in so se) civilistov, genocidno dejanje torej.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bellator ()

boolsheat ::

HitroDihanje ::

Ko berem odgovor od kunigunde se dejansko zavedam v kakšnem mentalnem k*rcu je zahod. Ljudje dejansko raje mahajo s tujimi zastavami na ulicah kot pa z lastnimi. Tudi v USA je folk totalno zblojen in ja...prej ko slej bo prišel dan streznitve.

boolsheat ::

Kosek1 je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Težko je zaustavit tak teroristični napad posilstvi, ki ga je izvedel Hamas.

Hamas so teroristi kar se mene tiče, ampak menda ni prav nobenih posilstev bilo takrat:

Bellator ::

Zakaj torej stojiš ob strani teroristom? Je vse OK s teboj?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bellator ()

boolsheat ::

Kje sem jim stal ob strani?

Ves čas ponavljam samo očitno dejstvo, ki ga večina ignorira, da je Izrael namensko podpiral terorizem v Gazi.

kunigunda ::

Bellator je izjavil:

kunigunda je izjavil:

Kosek1 je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Težko je zaustavit tak teroristični napad posilstvi, ki ga je izvedel Hamas.

Joj, se kar mlatite prazno slamo. Nobenih posilstev, rezanja glav itd ni bilo. IDF je to ven dal in ocitno so ljudje kot kure, ko enkrat neki ven das je to to.

Kaj so bili vsi tisti posnetki, ko so ljudi vlekli iz avtomobilov in jim rezali vratove ali poslali metek v čelo, kot naprimer tiste penzionerje na postaji, ki so čakali avtobus.

Ali pa tisti posnetek, kjer so nago ženako zavezali na poltovrnjak, da so jo lahko tudi navadni palestinci s palico po riti...

kunigunda je izjavil:

Da bo malo bolj jasno.
Agenda Hamasa 7.oktobra je bila

Agenda Hamasa je poklati čimveč židov, kar je najlažje, če se lotijo (in so se) civilistov, genocidno dejanje torej.

Jest ti to govorim iz dokaj prve roke.
Sicer pa uno s postaje je bila druga skupina ljudi in ni imela veze s 7okt skupino.
Moras vedeti, da ko je Hamas prebil mejo, je ven uslo na tisoce palestincev, ki so sli delat pizdarije, velik jih je blo tud z orozjem, bodisi so sli krast stvari, streljat folk itd. . Kdo od teh je bil hamas in kdo ne, tudi ne more nihce trditi, lahko da zgolj navadni zafrustrirani palestinci.

HitroDihanje je izjavil:

Ko berem odgovor od kunigunde se dejansko zavedam v kakšnem mentalnem k*rcu je zahod. Ljudje dejansko raje mahajo s tujimi zastavami na ulicah kot pa z lastnimi. Tudi v USA je folk totalno zblojen in ja...prej ko slej bo prišel dan streznitve.

Zahod je tak, da ko american pobije 15 ljudi v soli, je to strelski pohod. Ko en arabec ubije enega, je to terorizem.
Tko je ze od nekdaj in nic bolje ne kaze.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: kunigunda ()

boolsheat ::

The former spokesman for the families of the abductees in an interview with Zaman Israel:

"There is no doubt that Netanyahu is preventing a deal to release the abductees"
without me
Chaim Rubinstein, until recently the spokesman for the families of the abductees, reveals details about the meetings with Netanyahu, about the pressure exerted by the Prime Minister's Office and the reasons for which he resigned from his life project
In an interview with Gideon Alon, he reveals:

In retrospect, we learned that Hamas offered on October 9 or 10 to release all the captive civilians in its hands if the IDF did not enter the Gaza Strip, but the government rejected the offer

Zakaj Satanyahu to počne?

"Netanyahu knows that the day the hostages are released, Smotrich and Ben Gvir will resign from the government because in their view the price he will pay for the release of the abductees is too high. This is why Netanyahu has thwarted any dialogue for the release of the hostages [...] There is no doubt that Netanyahu prevents a deal. Netanyahu knows that if he goes to the elections now, he will have no one to form a new government with, and the consideration that guides him is a cold political consideration."


bajsibajsi ::

Kosek1 je izjavil:

boolsheat je izjavil:

Netanyahu je podpiral teroriste v Gazi.

Zato je treba razorožit Izreal in postavit neodvisno, mednarodno vojsko na mejo, nekakšen UNPROFOR, da ustavi norce na obeh straneh.

Težko je zaustavit tak teroristični napad posilstvi, ki ga je izvedel Hamas.

Da, pod skrbno nacrtovanim scenarijem vrhovnih nacijev Izraela.

bajsibajsi ::

Bellator je izjavil:

Zakaj torej stojiš ob strani teroristom? Je vse OK s teboj?

Saj ne stojimo ob strani teroristom. Za kaj takega bi morali stati ob Izraelu in s tem zlobnemu delu zidov. Ob zidih, kateri niso le teroristi, ampak tudi bolestno zlobni klavci. Ob Izraelu kateri desetletja terorizira palestince. Taksnemu Izraelu nikoli ne bomo stali ob strani.

Maxlos ::

Bellator je izjavil:

Zakaj torej stojiš ob strani teroristom? Je vse OK s teboj?

Nihče te ne brani da na javnem forumu poveš da odkrito podpiraš USA in Izrael, in dejanja ki jih oboji danes izvajajo so skladna z zahodnimi normami , in to katerikolimi.
Ne vem, če si tako prepričan, te take izjave RESNIČNO nebi smele skrbeti in se ne sramuj tud ekaj takega napisat.
Barking up the wrong tree

Maxlos ::

Mr. Netanyahu, antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to millions. Do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government.
Barking up the wrong tree

boolsheat ::

Bellingcat - zanimivi posnetki kako se genocidna vojska zabava ob rušenju
"nevarne teroristične infrastrukture":


Maxlos ::

Barking up the wrong tree

nejcek74 ::

tudi tule je cel kup tovrstnih analiz:
Forensic Architecture - Palestine
Sicer to zrtvam ne pomaga kaj dosti, ampak vseeno: očitno cenzura le ni tako zelo vseprisotna na zahodu, bolj je problem da ljudje nočejo pogledat

Maxlos ::

nejcek74 je izjavil:

tudi tule je cel kup tovrstnih analiz:
Forensic Architecture - Palestine
Sicer to zrtvam ne pomaga kaj dosti, ampak vseeno: očitno cenzura le ni tako zelo vseprisotna na zahodu, bolj je problem da ljudje nočejo pogledat

Ko so na oblasti v Izraelu, kot bi rekli verski extremisti , potem veš da iteligenca ravno ni nekaj, kar dela na robu, ko bi bilo še nekako sprejemljivo. Vzami si samo kakšne ameriške Republikanske Senatorje, tam ni da ni, kar bi v nekomu z neko splošno izobrazbo, pripisali facpalm. Če jim daš pa v roke vzvode in orožja je pa to kar je…
Sedaj samo čakamo, kdaj se bodo priče pojavile in začele potrjevati uporabo ti. Ninja Bomb 7. oktobra. 2023.
Barking up the wrong tree

Pac-Man ::



personally were i JVP i would not proudly repost a picture on instagram that contains signs that literally say “a curse on the Jews”


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Maxlos ::

Columbia University VP unable to answer if Palestinians are humans
Barking up the wrong tree

Maxlos ::

Barking up the wrong tree

Chalky ::

Kdo financira to sranje?


Zanimivo da gre v večini primerov za hipster emote in ne Palestince ki živijo v ZDA. Se vidi da gre za privilegiranost saj dvomim da sploh vedo kaj je Hezbollah oziroma Hamas in, če bi dejansko kdaj bili v družbi teh terorističnih skupin sem prepričan da bi hitro spremenili svoj ton.

Maxlos ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Kdo financira to sranje?


Zanimivo da gre v večini primerov za hipster emote in ne Palestince ki živijo v ZDA. Se vidi da gre za privilegiranost saj dvomim da sploh vedo kaj je Hezbollah oziroma Hamas in, če bi dejansko kdaj bili v družbi teh terorističnih skupin sem prepričan da bi hitro spremenili svoj ton.

Oh, a poveš koliko kazenskih ovadb je padlo.. ker vemo da je ene par aktivnih v Ameriki in Avstraliji glede napadov s strani zionistov na protestnike...no nekaj … pa politiki v Ameriki se bojijo boga. Pač ko debili zagovarjate ločitev cerkve od države..

Za vse ostale pa : če bo slučajno gencid, koliko Evropskih vald, no nemška, Francoska bo odstopila ? Seveda Chalky že ve, kako delujejo te bot-i
The Court to deliver its Order on Tuesday 30 April 2024 at 3 p.m.
Document Number
Document Type
193 - Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany)
Incidental Proceedings
THE HAGUE, 26 April 2024. On Tuesday 30 April 2024, the International Court of Justice will deliver its Order on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by Nicaragua in the case concerning Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Nicaragua v. Germany). A public sitting will take place at 3 p.m. at the Peace Palace in The Hague, during which Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the Court, will read the Court’s Order.
It is recalled that, on 1 March 2024, Nicaragua filed an Application instituting proceedings against Germany concerning alleged violations by Germany of its obligations deriving from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, “intransgressible principles of international humanitarian law” and other norms of general international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip (see press release 2024/19). The Application also contained a Request for the indication of provisional measures. Public hearings on the request were held on 8 and 9 April 2024 (see press release 2024/28 for the requests made by the Parties).
Earlier press releases relating to this case are available on the Court’s website.
Barking up the wrong tree

fikus_ ::

Columbija ima težavo in se marsikatera druga univerza, da se morajo lepo obnašati do donatorjev (zidov), ki vcasih zahtevajo policijsko posredovanje za naprave proteste.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Gregor P ::

Kako pol lahko sploh študirajo tam?!? Keri hipokriti;(
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

fikus_ ::

Mogoce je ze bilo objavljeno tukaj, ampak kljub temu povezava.


Upraviceno se lahko bojijo za svoje genocidne riti.

Precej populisticno, vendar ok primerjava


IL politiki zelo tece voda v grlo, so se zelo zaleteli s to "obrambo" drzave. IL se ima pravico braniti, ampak ne s pobijanjem civilistov, se manj z napadi po sosednjih drzavah.
Javno mnenja na celem svetu se obraca proti IL in njihovim politikom. Napovedujem, da bo IL imel oz. ze imam velike gospodarske tezava, prav tako vojaske, ce bo ICC imel jajca za obtoznice, pa se politicne. Ljudje se bodo zaceli izseljevati, ostali bodo ortodoksni židje. Brez financne podpore IL s strani Usa in bogatih Židov, bo drzava postala podobna sosednjim drzavam.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Maxlos ::

UCLA chancellor condemns 'instigators' who attacked pro-Palestinian camp on campus
Los Angeles mayor calls late-night attack by counter-demonstrators 'abhorrent' as footage shows people wielding sticks
Some of the students who were injured at the encampment on Tuesday night described their attackers as pro-Israel or Zionist counter-protesters. Video footage of the violence included some counter-protesters yelling pro-Israel comments as pro-Palestinian protesters tried to fight them off.
David N Myers, a UCLA professor of Jewish history who watched footage of the late-night violence, said some of the attackers appeared to be carrying Israeli flags and other pro-Israel symbols.

'No doubt' Netanyahu preventing hostage deal, charges ex-spokesman of Families Forum
Haim Rubinstein claims Israel rejected early Hamas offer to free all civilians if IDF didn't enter Gaza, lays out PM's alleged political meddling that led him to quit last month
Did you feel like the government was ignoring you?

"Absolutely. No representative of the government or the IDF had updated the families of the hostages that the IDF was beginning its ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. We couldn't understand how it could be that the families weren't getting updated on the ramifications this could have for them."
How did you deal with this?
"On that day, October 26, I called on the families to come to Hostages Square in Tel Aviv. At the assembly, we announced that the prime minister and the defense minister must meet the families, but there was no response to that from Netanyahu's or Yoav Gallant's offices.

Iz 2016

Ben-Gvir threatens Netanyahu with "implications" if Rafah invasion does not proceed

Netanyahu's statement regarding the rumored ICC arrest warrant.

V podnapisih, sploh za Chalky GregorP in podpbne ki direktno podpirajo, pa niso razumeli nagovora..
Branimo se pred genocidom tako da Z genocidom nad 35.000+ ljudmi, pokopanih 17.000+ pod ruševinami, razseljevanjem 1.000.000+, blokada dostopa do hrane, vode, elektrike, pomoči, pohabljanjem trupel kot tudi uničevanjem zarodkov, uničevanjem domov, šol, bolnišnic, centri za pomoč, mošeje, cerkve ... In nekako so BILI slabi fantje!!??

Us, dela sedaj na dammge conntrol, ker bo veselo..
US finds Israeli units committed human rights abuses before Gaza war o State department says five units mostly from IDF but including at least one police unit responsible for gross violations in West Ban
Shortly before the sanctions were due to be announced, however, Israeli government lawyers urgently contacted Washington and insisted that under the current 10-year US memorandum of understanding governing military relations with Israel signed in 2018, Israel should be given more time to respond to the US finding. US officials stressed that Leahy sanctions remained under consideration.
Netzah Yehuda is notorious for a series of incidents involving abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank. In 2022, the battalion commander was reprimanded and the platoon commander and company commander were removed from their positions following the death of a 78-year-old Palestinian American man, Omar Assad, who suffered a heart attack after being detained, bound and gagged by members of the unit at a West Bank checkpoint.

President Joe Biden in Tel Aviv in October; IDF soldiers in Nahal Oz, in December; Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv also in October.
'Different rules': special policies keep US supplying weapons to Israel despite alleged abuses
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The IDF admitted Assad's death was a consequence of "moral failure and poor decision-making" by the soldiers who had detained him.

IOF kill Palestinian heading to work by throwing him off a roof West Bank
Israeli occupation forces brutally assault Hassan Rebhi Mansiya, dragging him to a building's roof before throwing him off it.
Barking up the wrong tree

bajsibajsi ::

Saj pravim, da je Izrael rakava tvorba, katera si ne zasluzi obstoja v normalni druzbi. Veliko prebivalcev Izraela (in sirse) je vec kot ocitno klavcev. Genocidna umetna tvorba, katera desetletja terorizira palestince. Potrebno je poudariti, da zidi genocidniki, ne zivijo izkljucno v Izraelu.

Tudi med nami neka manjsina nacijev in oportunistov zagovarja genocid Izraela.

Izrael je bil umetna rakava tvorba ze vrsto let pred 7. oktobrom. Bolestno zlobni del zidov, fuj, nagnusni.
Ceprav so desetletja terorizirali palestince, je potrebno omeniti, da so se spravljali tudi na zide v Izraelu, kateri so normalno sobivali s palestinci.

boolsheat ::

Maxlos ::

Presenečen sem, da Izrael uporablja ista orodja proti Palestincem, ki so jih nacisti uporabljali med holokavstom proti Judom, kot je koncentracijsko taborišče, dehumanizacija Palestincev tako, da jih imenujejo živali, da izvajajo genocid, da jih uvrščajo med manjvredne z uvedbo režima apartheida, ki so Judje obsojali celo tiste, ki so preživeli holokavst.
Israeli Minister Reportedly Asks IDF To Kill Palestinians Instead Of Arresting Them
The alleged comments are not the first time that far-right Itamar Ben-Gvir has called for executing Palestinian captives to manage overcrowding in prisons.

"How close did we come to a dead student?": Columbia faculty slam NYPD for firing gun during sweep
While removing pro-Palestinian protesters from the campus this week, a sergeant "accidentally" fired his weapon

Also on Tuesday, City College of New York student demonstrations were broken up by police. More than two dozen students were arrested by campus public safety before NYPD was called to detain at least 173 people. It's unclear how many were "outside agitators," a claim spouted by Mayor Adams and the NYPD.

Raids continued on New York campuses early Friday morning, with at least 43 arrests made at The New School and 13 at New York University. Both schools authorized the sweeps Thursday, per NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry. The NYU chapter of the American Association of University Professors put out a statement of "no confidence" in the University's president, Linda G. Mills following the sweep, according to Washington Square News, the school's student newspaper.
Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::

The violent crackdown carried out on Columbia University students protesting Israel's genocidal assault on the Gaza Strip was led by a member of the school's own faculty, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has declared.

Aaron Cohen, an Israeli counterterrorism analyst, posted a video showing his presence with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), prior to dispersing the Palestine solidarity encampment

Smešno je, kako Američani mislijo, da živijo v svobodni družbi, dokler mirno protestiranje proti ubijanju otrok ne postane teroristično dejanje. Država, ki temelji na vojni, vztraja v vojni in stremi za geopolitično hegemonijo z osvajanjem skozi vojno...

Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::

BBC objava
Two Palestinian boys were shot dead by Israeli soldiers in November last year. Basil was 15, and Adam was eight years old.

bajsibajsi je izjavil:

Saj pravim, da je Izrael rakava tvorba, katera si ne zasluzi obstoja v normalni druzbi. Veliko prebivalcev Izraela (in sirse) je vec kot ocitno klavcev. Genocidna umetna tvorba, katera desetletja terorizira palestince. Potrebno je poudariti, da zidi genocidniki, ne zivijo izkljucno v Izraelu.

Tudi med nami neka manjsina nacijev in oportunistov zagovarja genocid Izraela.

Izrael je bil umetna rakava tvorba ze vrsto let pred 7. oktobrom. Bolestno zlobni del zidov, fuj, nagnusni.
Ceprav so desetletja terorizirali palestince, je potrebno omeniti, da so se spravljali tudi na zide v Izraelu, kateri so normalno sobivali s palestinci.

Odpri temo z naslovom pred 7. oktobrom in vprašaj "v kontekstu" , zakaj ima Human Watch zadnjih 20 let toliko težav z Izraelom.

Še ena norma

More than three-quarters of the 99 journalists and media workers killed worldwide in 2023 died in the Israel-Hamas war, according to a new report from CPJ that highlights the grave situation for reporters on the ground.

CPJ counted 77 journalists and media workers killed over the first 10 weeks of the war, including 72 Palestinians, three Lebanese and two Israelis -- more than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year. A further 11 were killed in January and the first few weeks of February, bringing the total number of journalists' deaths linked to the conflict to 88, CPJ found.

Other press freedom organizations have reached an even higher death toll. The International Federation of Journalists estimated almost one in 10 Gaza-based journalists have been killed, despite protections for media workers under international law.
Barking up the wrong tree

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Maxlos ()

Maxlos ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Kdo financira to sranje?


Zanimivo da gre v večini primerov za hipster emote in ne Palestince ki živijo v ZDA. Se vidi da gre za privilegiranost saj dvomim da sploh vedo kaj je Hezbollah oziroma Hamas in, če bi dejansko kdaj bili v družbi teh terorističnih skupin sem prepričan da bi hitro spremenili svoj ton.

Bomba je bila natančno vodena in je zadela točno tarčo, na katero so upali.

Israeli precision-guided munition likely killed group of children playing foosball in Gaza, weapons experts say

Na srečo, kot je dokumentirano, ti ne spadaš v spodnjo kategorijo... Je bilo pa orožje učinkovito uporabljeno...
Njihov celoten problem je v tem, da ves preostali svet gleda in nekatere od nas skrbi, da so se odločili pobiti kup igrajočih se otrok.
Barking up the wrong tree

boolsheat ::

Zanimive grožnje dobiva ICC tožilec:

Med drugim vsebuje bučke o Iranu, čeprav je vsem jasno, da je Netanyahu sam najbolj odgovoren za krepitev, financiranje Hamasa.

Vsi podpisani so tudi bili lepo nagrajeni, trije tudi z milijončkom:

Maxlos ::

Barking up the wrong tree

Maxlos ::

Barking up the wrong tree

boolsheat ::

Izraelski minister za pravosodje:

An Israeli cabinet member is unexpectedly disappointed by the closing of Al Jazeera's operations in Israel: Justice Minister Yariv Levin.
On Wednesday, Israel Hayom correspondent Amir Ettinger reported that, at a recent meeting with hostages' families, Levin said, "I know little about the management of the war and the negotiations. We're told nothing and they don't share with us. Most of what I know is from watching Al Jazeera, because I speak Arabic."


Fritz ::

Združene države licemerja.

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

c3p0 ::

FDV študenti se derejo "from the river to the sea".

Skupina študentov in študentk je v sklopu protesta zasedla ljubljansko Fakulteto za družbene vede. Univerzo so pozvali, naj obsodijo dogajanje v Gazi in prekinejo vezi z izraelskimi univerzami.



Maxlos ::

Ko bo kdo češ čas hotel opravičevati Amerikance da so bili na pravi strani....
Israel has abandoned its goals of freeing the captives in Gaza, instead seeking to establish a long-term presence with its Rafah ground offensive and pursue top Palestinian leaders, Israeli military officers have told Middle East Eye. Speaking on condition of anonymity, three officers, one of whom is serving in Gaza, questioned Netanyahu's strategy in the ongoing war on Gaza. One officer told MEE the government's aims were unclear and the objective of rescuing captives and destroying Hamas had "collapsed". "Netanyahu's operations in Gaza are fundamentally aimed at hunting down Yahya Sinwar," said the officer in Gaza, adding that the war had become "personal" for the Israeli premier. Sinwar, Hamas's leader in the enclave, is Israel's number one target and has not been seen in public since the war began. Last month, a Hamas official said Sinwar had visited combat zones above the ground and held deliberations with the group's leadership abroad. The military officer in Gaza said that conducting special operations targeting high-ranking individuals in a densely populated area risked making the conflict "perpetual", and would be impossible without Israeli casualties and subsequent "retaliations" by the army. An officer not currently serving in Gaza said a "new phase" of the war was being planned involving a long-term military presence through special operations. "This plan has been partially approved by the US," the officer told MEE. "It's all part of a plan agreed upon by the two countries for a Hamas-free Gaza."

The US has previously said it opposes the re-occupation of Gaza or re-establishing a permanent Israeli presence there. Israel has repeatedly said its main war objectives remain "returning our hostages and eliminating Hamas" Israel estimates that 128 of around 250 captives taken to Gaza during Hamas's surprise attack on Israel in October remain there, including 35 who the military says are dead. Hamas says at least 70 captives have been killed in Israeli air strikes. Protests in Israel led by the families of captives have called on the government to end the war on Gaza and bring their loved ones home.
Barking up the wrong tree

Sakin ::

Ne bo pomagalo. Bombardiramo as we speak.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman!
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