Forum » Problemi človeštva » Izrael : Palestina že n-tič
Izrael : Palestina že n-tič
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Fritz ::
Del sporočila političnega vodstva Jemna:
FULL Speech HIGHLIGHTS of AnsarAllah leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi's speech:
o We consider the American step, along with some countries, to form a multinational coalition under the guise of protecting trade in the Red Sea, a hostile step aimed at protecting Israel.
o Shipping lines are safe for all ships, except for ships linked to the Israeli enemy entity, or heading to the ports of occupied Palestine.
o We affirm that Yemen will defend itself in the event that it is exposed to any attack.
o Any attempt to prevent us from carrying out our religious & humanitarian duty in supporting Palestine will be met with a strict response.
FULL Speech HIGHLIGHTS of AnsarAllah leader, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi's speech:
o We consider the American step, along with some countries, to form a multinational coalition under the guise of protecting trade in the Red Sea, a hostile step aimed at protecting Israel.
o Shipping lines are safe for all ships, except for ships linked to the Israeli enemy entity, or heading to the ports of occupied Palestine.
o We affirm that Yemen will defend itself in the event that it is exposed to any attack.
o Any attempt to prevent us from carrying out our religious & humanitarian duty in supporting Palestine will be met with a strict response.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Chalky ::
Zanimivo pri vsem skupaj je da ZDA ni potrebno varovati pomorskih poti saj imajo prost Azijski in Evropski trg in so na prvem mestu po proizvodu nafte tako da jim v resnici sploh nebi bilo potrebno varovati pomorskih poti na Bližnjem Vzhodu in Rdečem morju. Boljše vprašanje bi bilo kaj bi se zgodilo če bi se Američani odločili da ne bodo več varovali ostalih držav in da je zdaj vsak sam in, da imajo tako Houtiji proste roke pri zaseganju in bombardiranju transportnih ladij. To je dober primer kaj bi se zgodilo če bi Američani umaknili svojo mornarico, mednarodnih zakonov nebi bilo več in bi bil vsak zase.
A so Hutiji napadali ladje pred genocidom v Gazi? Niso. ZDA bi lahko kadarkoli rekle apartheid režimu naj neha z genocidom in bi tudi Hutiji nehali z napadi na določene ladje, ker ne napadajo vsepovprek in so podali seznam pogojev (prekinitev ognja, dostava humanitarne pomoči v Gazo...) za ustavitev napadov.
Kepe so se začele valiti:
Točno o tem ti govorim. Nikjer ne piše da morajo to ZDA početi. Problem je ker cel svet to vzame kot nekaj samoumevnega. Če se jutri ZDA umaknejo in so vse pomorske poti nevarovane kaj misliš da se bo zgodilo? ZDA imajo opcijo in se lahko umaknejo vendar kdo bo potem zakrpal luknjo?
Vse ostalo kar si napisal ni potrebno komentirati. Ni na nivoju.
Oh ubogi mi, kaj bi mi brez Američanov. Še sreča, da vsako trgovsko in ribiško ladjo spremlja nekaj ameriških vojaških ladij in je tako zagotovljen mir na morju
Pred vojno v Gazi so Iranci zasegli kar nekaj tankarjev in kar nekaj so jih tudi napadli. Še prej so enako počeli Somalici. To se dogaja neprestano samo da se je zdaj vse skupaj povečalo in je bolj pogosto. Če se Američani umaknejo bo pa tam dol veljala sila močnejšega oziroma bo Iran zasegel vse kar mu ne diši.
Se je že začelo:
MAP OF THE DAY: The number of ships that have diverted from the Red Sea and instead taken the 10/14-day longer route around Africa has risen to >100.
The map shows **container ships** declaring European ports as destination, with one only left in the Red Sea
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Chalky ()
Rambutan ::
Pred vojno v Gazi so Iranci zasegli kar nekaj tankarjev in kar nekaj so jih tudi napadli. Še prej so enako počeli Somalici. To se dogaja neprestano samo da se je zdaj vse skupaj povečalo in je bolj pogosto. Če se Američani umaknejo bo pa tam dol veljala sila močnejšega oziroma bo Iran zasegel vse kar mu ne diši.
Iran je zasegel ameriške tankerje kot odgovor na ameriški zaseg iranskih tankerjev. Najprej so Američani zasegli iranski tanker.
US authorities ordered a tanker of Iranian crude oil to redirect towards the US in recent days, in a move officials believe was the trigger for Iran's decision to capture a US-bound tanker on Thursday.
Če bi ZDA nehala podpirati Izrael in ga prisilila v premirje in pogajanja, bi Hutiji nehali napadati izraelske ladje. Tako pa gremo direkt proti novemu konfliktu, ki bo nam v Evropi otežil dobavo nafte in povišal stroške.
Chalky ::
Tam na bližnjem Vzhodu še dolgo ne bo miru. Ko država kot je Jemen kjer ljudje dobesedno umirajo od lakote objavljajo takšne posnetke potem veš da jim ni pomoči.
Je pa impresivno od kje jim vse to orožje. Ameriška udarna skupina Eisenhower naj bi bila v bližini. To se ne bo dobro končalo.
Je pa impresivno od kje jim vse to orožje. Ameriška udarna skupina Eisenhower naj bi bila v bližini. To se ne bo dobro končalo.
papasmrk ::
Če bi ZDA nehala podpirati Izrael in ga prisilila v premirje in pogajanja, bi Hutiji nehali napadati izraelske ladje. Tako pa gremo direkt proti novemu konfliktu, ki bo nam v Evropi otežil dobavo nafte in povišal stroške.
Pa saj Izrael je povedal kakšni so pogoji za prekinitev spopadov. V bistvu so pogoji precej enostavni in je lahko hitro konec vseh teh spopadov. Pa tud hutiji bi tako prišparal na raketah in dronih.
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti
Rambutan ::
ZDA že planirajo novo vojno. Ker Američani zelo verjetno ne bodo poslali svojih vojakov na kopno, Hutijskih upornikov ne bodo mogli uničiti samo iz zraka in se bo ta konflikt vlekel v nedogled. Če se vmeša še Iran in zapre pot tankerjem iz zalivskih držav, bomo spet imeli nafno krizo.
Trenutna ameriška vlada pod Bidnom je daleč najbolj nevarna vlada, kar jih je ZDA imela.
The US and its allies are considering possible military strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, in a recognition that a newly announced maritime task force meant to protect commercial ships in the Red Sea may not be enough to eliminate the threat to the vital waterway.
Planning is underway for actions intended to cripple the Houthis’ ability to target commercial ships by hitting the militant group at the source, according to four people familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified discussing internal deliberations. They underscored that the US still wants diplomacy to work and hasn’t decided to go ahead.
Even so, one of the people said the Pentagon is preparing to offer President Joe Biden the possibility of what was described as a “heavy” response to the Iran-backed militants. Asked Tuesday about possible military action, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said he wouldn’t “telegraph any punches one way or the other.”
Strikes on the Houthis in Yemen, where they are based, would be fraught with risks. Among the biggest: the potential for a broader regional conflict — exactly the outcome the Biden administration has sought to avoid after Israel launched its ground campaign against Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip in response to the group’s Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel. Hamas is deemed a terrorist organization by the US and the EU.
Trenutna ameriška vlada pod Bidnom je daleč najbolj nevarna vlada, kar jih je ZDA imela.
The US and its allies are considering possible military strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, in a recognition that a newly announced maritime task force meant to protect commercial ships in the Red Sea may not be enough to eliminate the threat to the vital waterway.
Planning is underway for actions intended to cripple the Houthis’ ability to target commercial ships by hitting the militant group at the source, according to four people familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified discussing internal deliberations. They underscored that the US still wants diplomacy to work and hasn’t decided to go ahead.
Even so, one of the people said the Pentagon is preparing to offer President Joe Biden the possibility of what was described as a “heavy” response to the Iran-backed militants. Asked Tuesday about possible military action, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said he wouldn’t “telegraph any punches one way or the other.”
Strikes on the Houthis in Yemen, where they are based, would be fraught with risks. Among the biggest: the potential for a broader regional conflict — exactly the outcome the Biden administration has sought to avoid after Israel launched its ground campaign against Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip in response to the group’s Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel. Hamas is deemed a terrorist organization by the US and the EU.
Rambutan ::
Pa saj Izrael je povedal kakšni so pogoji za prekinitev spopadov. V bistvu so pogoji precej enostavni in je lahko hitro konec vseh teh spopadov. Pa tud hutiji bi tako prišparal na raketah in dronih.
Kakšni so izraelski pogoji za prekinitev spopadov? Kolikor vem, je uradni cilj uničenje Hamasa. Neuradno pa se mi zdi, da je cilj Izraela izgon Palestincev iz Gaze. Počasi že tipajo teren za izraelsko gradnjo v Gazi.
An Israeli real estate firm that gained instant international notoriety for a social media post promising beachside villas for sale in Gaza says the whole thing was a joke gone wrong — but still insists it would like to build the homes for Israeli settlers if the government would allow it.
The non-apology apology from developer Ze’ev Epshtein of Harey Zahav came after his company posted a picture of the beach and war-ravaged buildings in Gush Katif, a former Israeli settlement in Gaza that was handed over to Palestinians when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Along the beach are the renderings of a half-dozen modernist villas, under the headline:
Wake up! A beach house is not a dream.
Če bi ZDA nehala podpirati Izrael in ga prisilila v premirje in pogajanja, bi Hutiji nehali napadati izraelske ladje. Tako pa gremo direkt proti novemu konfliktu, ki bo nam v Evropi otežil dobavo nafte in povišal stroške.
ZDA podpre napadeno Ukrajino vam ni prov in jamrate kako bi morali prisilit napadenega v koncesije rusom, ZDA podprejo Izrael ko napade gazo in vam spet ni prov in jamrate kako bi morali prisilit napadalca v koncesije palestincem. Ne vem, men se zdi kot da vam ni problem v tem da A pobija B, ampak svoje mnenje oblikujete izključno na tem, koga podprejo ZDA.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
Fritz ::
Pred vojno v Gazi so Iranci zasegli kar nekaj tankarjev in kar nekaj so jih tudi napadli. Še prej so enako počeli Somalici. To se dogaja neprestano samo da se je zdaj vse skupaj povečalo in je bolj pogosto. Če se Američani umaknejo bo pa tam dol veljala sila močnejšega oziroma bo Iran zasegel vse kar mu ne diši.
A Iranci, da so zasegli in napadli neke ladje. Ziher jim je bil dolgčas in so to storili kar tako, brez kakršnekoli povezave s piratskimi zasegi Iranskih tankerjev s strani ZDA ali na zahtevo ZDA ter z napadi s strani Izraela, anede?
Somalci pa so se res šli piratstva, čeprav imajo neke bolj ali manj utemeljene zamere. In to piratstvo je razlog, da imajo v Džibutiju poleg ostalih bazo tudi Kitajci in da se je z vojaškimi ladjami spremljalo trgovske ladje ali pa so jim šli pomagati, če je kazalo na možen napad. Torej niso samo ZDA skrbele za varnost plovbe.
Pri Jemnu je zadeva toliko težja, ker ne gre za precej odprt Adenski zaliv temveč za ožino Bab el Mandeb in potem ozko rdeče morje, kar se zlahka pokrije z droni in protiladijskimi raketami. Ob tem, da so Jemenci že uspešno uporabili balistično raketo proti ladji.
Ne vem, če je naslednja navedba resnična vendar bi bilo logično, da se Kitajci ne bodo izpostavljali zaradi apartheid režima, če njihove ladje niso ogrožene:
Chinese military ships in the Red Sea refused to help the cargo ships of the Zionist regime in Bab al-Mandab strait.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Fritz ::
ZDA podpre napadeno Ukrajino vam ni prov in jamrate kako bi morali prisilit napadenega v koncesije rusom, ZDA podprejo Izrael ko napade gazo in vam spet ni prov in jamrate kako bi morali prisilit napadalca v koncesije palestincem. Ne vem, men se zdi kot da vam ni problem v tem da A pobija B, ampak svoje mnenje oblikujete izključno na tem, koga podprejo ZDA.
Seveda. Ampak izključno zato, ker so ZDA skoraj vedno na napačni strani zgodovine in globoko vmešane v takšna in drugačna sranja.
Je pa res, da so tako Američani kot Rusi v vlogi okupatorja prave rožice v primerjavi z genocidnim apartheid režimom.
Mimogrede, Jemenci so ravnokar izšli iz zelo hude vojne, ki so jo proti njim vodile Savdova Arabija in ZAE, podprte s strani ZDA & Co., seveda.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Lesoto ::
Mimogrede, Jemenci so ravnokar izšli iz zelo hude vojne, ki so jo proti njim vodile Savdova Arabija in ZAE, podprte s strani ZDA & Co., seveda.
A to da se Jemenci PREDVSEM med sabo, to pa nisi opazil? Mimogrede, vojna še poteka.
Yemeni civil war (2014%E2%80%93present) @ Wikipedia
Fritz ::
Jemen je bil na dobri poti do miru zaradi približevanja med Savdovo Arabijo in Iranom, glavnima dejavnikoma tujega vpliva v Jemnu, poleg ZAE.
Zdaj bo pa kažin iz drugih razlogov in če jih napadejo s kopenskimi silami, zna to biti razlog, ki bo v Jemnu združil včerajšnje sovražnike.
Zdaj bo pa kažin iz drugih razlogov in če jih napadejo s kopenskimi silami, zna to biti razlog, ki bo v Jemnu združil včerajšnje sovražnike.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Rambutan ::
Jemen je bil na dobri poti do miru zaradi približevanja med Savdovo Arabijo in Iranom, glavnima dejavnikoma tujega vpliva v Jemnu, poleg ZAE.
Zdaj bo pa kažin iz drugih razlogov in če jih napadejo s kopenskimi silami, zna to biti razlog, ki bo v Jemnu združil včerajšnje sovražnike.
Precej bo odločilno to, kako se bo SA pozicionirala. Na začetku decembra so mediji poročali, da se ZDA pogovarjajo z zalivskimi državami o sodelovanju v tej koaliciji proti Hutije, zdaj je pa jasno, da SA vsaj uradno ne bo v tej koaliciji. Če bo SA ostala na strani BRICS držav skupaj z Iranom, bo to velik poraz za ZDA.
The US has been consulting with Gulf allies about potential military action against Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels in response to their increasingly brazen attacks on ships in the Red Sea, according to several people with knowledge of the discussions.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rambutan ()
Fritz ::
Jemen je bil na dobri poti do miru zaradi približevanja med Savdovo Arabijo in Iranom, glavnima dejavnikoma tujega vpliva v Jemnu, poleg ZAE.
Zdaj bo pa kažin iz drugih razlogov in če jih napadejo s kopenskimi silami, zna to biti razlog, ki bo v Jemnu združil včerajšnje sovražnike.
Precej bo odločilno to, kako se bo SA pozicionirala. Na začetku decembra so mediji poročali, da se ZDA pogovarjajo z zalivskimi državami o sodelovanju v tej koaliciji proti Hutije, zdaj je pa jasno, da SA vsaj uradno ne bo v tej koaliciji. Če bo SA ostala na strani BRICS držav skupaj z Iranom, bo to velik poraz za ZDA.
Zakaj bi SA rinila v to sranje zaradi apartheid režima, če njihov tovor ni ogrožen, v kolikor ni povezan z apartheid režimom.
Pa verjetno nimajo nobene želje, da bi jim Jemenci spet sesuli kak pomembnejši del naftne infrastrukture.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
Rambutan ::
Zakaj bi SA rinila v to sranje zaradi apartheid režima, če njihov tovor ni ogrožen, v kolikor ni povezan z apartheid režimom.
Pa verjetno nimajo nobene želje, da bi jim Jemenci spet sesuli kak pomembnejši del naftne infrastrukture.
Hutiji so njihovi nasprotniki, ZDA pa (bivši) zavezniki. Še pred kratkim se je SA dogovarjala z ZDA in Izraelom o normalizaciji odnosov. Najverjetneje pa res ne bodo sodelovali v tej koaliciji, vsaj ne uradno. SA je trenutno v takem položaju, da bi lahko marsikaj iztržili od ZDA in BRICS.
Riyadh wants a US defence pact – including fewer restrictions on US arms sales to it – and assistance in developing its own civilian nuclear programme.
It also said any deal would require major progress towards the creation of a Palestinian state, which is a hard sell for the most religious and far-right nationalist government in Israel’s history.
Lesoto ::
Jemen je bil na dobri poti do miru zaradi približevanja med Savdovo Arabijo in Iranom, glavnima dejavnikoma tujega vpliva v Jemnu, poleg ZAE.
Saj tudi Izrael je bil blizu s SA, zaradi tega pa ta akcija Hamasa (oziroma Irana).
BRICS držav
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
fur80 ::
Ne vem kdo je zadnjilč govoril o slabo izurjenih Izraelcih, nemotiviranih, celo, da so sami 18 letniki. Tako zgleda lovljenje Hamasovceh po Gazi, Hamas te ulične taktike ne spravi skupaj, pa če jih Talibanci 20 let šolajo po peskovnikih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Fritz ::
Saj tudi Izrael je bil blizu s SA, zaradi tega pa ta akcija Hamasa (oziroma Irana).
Poudarek je na "bil". Pa tudi ZDA niso več tako velik "prijatelj", kot so bile.
Dokler Savdijcem in drugim ne napadajo ladij oz. tovora, zakaj bi se sekirali okrog tega.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Fritz ::
Tile hamasovci so res od sile. Da to narediš z nekaj RPG-ji moraš biti pa res sposoben:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
fur80 ::
Tile hamasovci so res od sile. Da to narediš z nekaj RPG-ji moraš biti pa res sposoben:
Ne vem kaj nam hočeš dopovedati in prodati tukaj? Da je Izrael kar tako iz ljubega mira napadel in pobil svoje ljudi v Izraelu, ter 7000 otrok iz Palestine? To je to in je vsa resnica?
AtaŠtumf ::
Who are the Houthis ?
The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, Ansarullah, Ansarullah or Ansar Allah, are a Zaydi Shia militant group active in Yemen. In 2014, during a conflict with government forces, they occupied the capital of the country, Sanaa, and since 2015, the Houthis have been fighting against coalition forces of Arab states operating in the country at the request of the Yemeni government. The Houthis in Yemen receive help from Iran. The country supplies them with weapons and equipment, and also provides political support. However, the extent of Iranian support for the Houthis is ambiguous, their ties to Iran are not as close as, for example, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and they do not answer to Iranian command. After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Houthis sided with Hamas and threatened Israel with missile attacks. At the same time, the Houthis are actively trying to fire at civilian and military ships of Western countries - the country's coast is washed by the Indian Ocean and allows the use of weapons both in the Indian Ocean and in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, through which the most important maritime trade route passes.
What kind of missiles do they have?
The main weapons of the Houthis are ballistic and cruise missiles of Iranian origin with a range of 300-1200 km. The most long-range among them are Toufan (presumably one of the versions of the Iranian Ghadr missile) with a range of 2 thousand km, a ballistic missile on a mobile launcher Burkan 2 with a range of 1.2 thousand km, Zoheir anti-ship missiles (a modified version of the Quds missile with a special radar for targeting radio-contrast targets), as well as a significant amount of loitering ammunition, including Iranian Shahed 136. With these weapons, the Houthis threaten not only to strike Israel for conducting an operation in the Gaza Strip, but also to attack US Navy ships deployed to the Red Sea for protection Israel, as well as in the civil courts of Western states. Container ships Maersk Gibraltar, Alanya and Palatium III have already come under attack in the Red Sea.
How dangerous are Houthi missiles?
Over the past two months, US Navy destroyers USS Mason (DDG-87) and USS Carney (DDG-64) have shot down at least 38 Houthi drones and several Houthi missiles in the Red Sea. Yemeni rebels have reportedly stepped up attacks on commercial ships carrying gas and oil through the world's busiest shipping lanes. It is curious that only Standard Missile-2 missiles are suitable for intercepting high-speed and stealthy targets. The latest version of the Block IV rocket costs $2.1 million apiece. This is 100 times more than the cost of the Shahed 136 drones used by the Houthis. Also, new SM-6 (RIM-174 ERAM) missiles with active radar guidance are used to intercept high-speed targets.
The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, Ansarullah, Ansarullah or Ansar Allah, are a Zaydi Shia militant group active in Yemen. In 2014, during a conflict with government forces, they occupied the capital of the country, Sanaa, and since 2015, the Houthis have been fighting against coalition forces of Arab states operating in the country at the request of the Yemeni government. The Houthis in Yemen receive help from Iran. The country supplies them with weapons and equipment, and also provides political support. However, the extent of Iranian support for the Houthis is ambiguous, their ties to Iran are not as close as, for example, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and they do not answer to Iranian command. After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Houthis sided with Hamas and threatened Israel with missile attacks. At the same time, the Houthis are actively trying to fire at civilian and military ships of Western countries - the country's coast is washed by the Indian Ocean and allows the use of weapons both in the Indian Ocean and in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, through which the most important maritime trade route passes.
What kind of missiles do they have?
The main weapons of the Houthis are ballistic and cruise missiles of Iranian origin with a range of 300-1200 km. The most long-range among them are Toufan (presumably one of the versions of the Iranian Ghadr missile) with a range of 2 thousand km, a ballistic missile on a mobile launcher Burkan 2 with a range of 1.2 thousand km, Zoheir anti-ship missiles (a modified version of the Quds missile with a special radar for targeting radio-contrast targets), as well as a significant amount of loitering ammunition, including Iranian Shahed 136. With these weapons, the Houthis threaten not only to strike Israel for conducting an operation in the Gaza Strip, but also to attack US Navy ships deployed to the Red Sea for protection Israel, as well as in the civil courts of Western states. Container ships Maersk Gibraltar, Alanya and Palatium III have already come under attack in the Red Sea.
How dangerous are Houthi missiles?
Over the past two months, US Navy destroyers USS Mason (DDG-87) and USS Carney (DDG-64) have shot down at least 38 Houthi drones and several Houthi missiles in the Red Sea. Yemeni rebels have reportedly stepped up attacks on commercial ships carrying gas and oil through the world's busiest shipping lanes. It is curious that only Standard Missile-2 missiles are suitable for intercepting high-speed and stealthy targets. The latest version of the Block IV rocket costs $2.1 million apiece. This is 100 times more than the cost of the Shahed 136 drones used by the Houthis. Also, new SM-6 (RIM-174 ERAM) missiles with active radar guidance are used to intercept high-speed targets.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
papasmrk ::
Pod črto, teli Hutiji so neki islamski dobri možje, podobno kot Hamas, Isis, Al Kaida, itd...
Evo junake:
Evo junake:
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti
Rambutan ::
Bivši ameriški admiral Stavridis o tem, kako naj bi "koalicija voljnih" ukrepala proti Jemnu. Zračni napadi na Hutije v Jemnu, če to ne bo zadostovalo, pa bo seveda treba napasti tudi Iran.
SA je 8 let napadala Hutije z ameriškim orožjem, pa je morala na koncu priznati poraz. Tudi ameriška koalicija ne bo dosegla zmage nad Hutiji, če ne bo posredovala tudi s kopensko vojsko, kar je pa malo verjetno. Kot kaže, Zda hočejo konflikt z Iranom, vse gre v to smer.
Enako kot se je Bidenu mudilo z umikom iz Afganistana, da se je "posvetil" Ukrajini, bodo sedaj ZDA zavrgle Ukrajino in povzročili nov konflikt, zaradi katerega bomo spet nosili posledice v EU.
Thus the US and its partners may have to do more than put additional warships on defensive patrol. We must be prepared to go on offense: to carry out offensive strikes against targets ashore, perhaps using Tomahawk missiles and attack aircraft from the carrier USS Eisenhower, now patrolling the Gulf of Oman. Such strikes would be legitimate under the law of war and should be proportional, meaning against Houthi infrastructure on the southern Arabian peninsula.
If this doesn’t have a calming effect on Houthi activities, it would be entirely appropriate to strike the sponsor — Iran — especially its maritime infrastructure in the north Indian Ocean and the Gulf. This could include oil and gas platforms, port facilities and patrol vessels of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Obviously, we must do our utmost to avoid further escalation, but both the Houthis and Tehran must see there is a real price to pay.
SA je 8 let napadala Hutije z ameriškim orožjem, pa je morala na koncu priznati poraz. Tudi ameriška koalicija ne bo dosegla zmage nad Hutiji, če ne bo posredovala tudi s kopensko vojsko, kar je pa malo verjetno. Kot kaže, Zda hočejo konflikt z Iranom, vse gre v to smer.
Enako kot se je Bidenu mudilo z umikom iz Afganistana, da se je "posvetil" Ukrajini, bodo sedaj ZDA zavrgle Ukrajino in povzročili nov konflikt, zaradi katerega bomo spet nosili posledice v EU.
Thus the US and its partners may have to do more than put additional warships on defensive patrol. We must be prepared to go on offense: to carry out offensive strikes against targets ashore, perhaps using Tomahawk missiles and attack aircraft from the carrier USS Eisenhower, now patrolling the Gulf of Oman. Such strikes would be legitimate under the law of war and should be proportional, meaning against Houthi infrastructure on the southern Arabian peninsula.
If this doesn’t have a calming effect on Houthi activities, it would be entirely appropriate to strike the sponsor — Iran — especially its maritime infrastructure in the north Indian Ocean and the Gulf. This could include oil and gas platforms, port facilities and patrol vessels of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Obviously, we must do our utmost to avoid further escalation, but both the Houthis and Tehran must see there is a real price to pay.
Chalky ::
Jemen je bil na dobri poti do miru zaradi približevanja med Savdovo Arabijo in Iranom, glavnima dejavnikoma tujega vpliva v Jemnu, poleg ZAE.
Zdaj bo pa kažin iz drugih razlogov in če jih napadejo s kopenskimi silami, zna to biti razlog, ki bo v Jemnu združil včerajšnje sovražnike.
Precej bo odločilno to, kako se bo SA pozicionirala. Na začetku decembra so mediji poročali, da se ZDA pogovarjajo z zalivskimi državami o sodelovanju v tej koaliciji proti Hutije, zdaj je pa jasno, da SA vsaj uradno ne bo v tej koaliciji. Če bo SA ostala na strani BRICS držav skupaj z Iranom, bo to velik poraz za ZDA.
The US has been consulting with Gulf allies about potential military action against Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels in response to their increasingly brazen attacks on ships in the Red Sea, according to several people with knowledge of the discussions.
Kot kaže to ne bo držalo.
#Breaking: Confirmed by the British: Saudi Arabia is part of the naval coalition against the Houthis.
Gre samo zato da Savdijci niso želeli biti imenovati v tisti koaliciji.
Lesoto ::
GregiB ::
Kyle Kulinski je dobro opisal, da obstajajo za Gazo in Zahodni breg le 4 možne "rešitve":
- Uradna razdelitev na dve, mednarodno priznani državi. Judovsko državo Izrael in Palestino
- Vzpostavitev ene, skupne države, kjer imajo vsi državljani (popolnoma) enake pravice
- Zavzetje in nadzor nad celotnim območjem s strani Izraela in izvajanje oz. nadaljevanje apardheida nad palestinci
- Popoln genocid in / ali etnično čiščenje območja in postopna naselitev z judivskimi naseljenci
Trenutna vladajoča izraelska desničarska politika noče niti slišati o prvih dveh opcijah, torej ostane le.... 3 & 4
- Uradna razdelitev na dve, mednarodno priznani državi. Judovsko državo Izrael in Palestino
- Vzpostavitev ene, skupne države, kjer imajo vsi državljani (popolnoma) enake pravice
- Zavzetje in nadzor nad celotnim območjem s strani Izraela in izvajanje oz. nadaljevanje apardheida nad palestinci
- Popoln genocid in / ali etnično čiščenje območja in postopna naselitev z judivskimi naseljenci
Trenutna vladajoča izraelska desničarska politika noče niti slišati o prvih dveh opcijah, torej ostane le.... 3 & 4
You're not stuck in traffic.... You are the traffic!
Bellator ::
Kyle Kulinaki je bizgec, ki rad komentira zadeve o katerih nima pojma.
Opcijo 1 so imeli Palestinci večkrat na mizi, ampak niso hoteli niti slišati o tem
Edina smiselna opcija je, da pospravijo Hamas.
Opcijo 1 so imeli Palestinci večkrat na mizi, ampak niso hoteli niti slišati o tem
Edina smiselna opcija je, da pospravijo Hamas.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bellator ()
kunigunda ::
Kyle Kulinaki je bizgec, ki rad komentira zadeve o katerih nima pojma.
Opcijo 1 so imeli Palestinci večkrat na mizi, ampak niso hoteli niti slišati o tem
Edina smiselna opcija je, da pospravijo Hamas.
Opcija 1 je bila fina samo za izraelce, ostalih pogojev izraelci niti slisati niso hoteli
Moe_Lester ::
Mene je Kyle zelo razočaral v zadnjih mesecih. Ga gledam in poslušam redno, politično se v veliki večini točk strinjam z njim.
Ampak njegovo komentiranje tega konflikta je pa katastrofalno. Sem pričakoval več objektivnosti. Žalostno kako hitro se je obrnil proti Sandersu in Fettermanu naprimer, brez, da bi sploh poskušal razumeti ali razložiti njuni poziciji. Običajno še Trumpove odločitve malo bolj pretehta, v tem primeru pa tema na oči in z glavo skozi zid.
Ampak njegovo komentiranje tega konflikta je pa katastrofalno. Sem pričakoval več objektivnosti. Žalostno kako hitro se je obrnil proti Sandersu in Fettermanu naprimer, brez, da bi sploh poskušal razumeti ali razložiti njuni poziciji. Običajno še Trumpove odločitve malo bolj pretehta, v tem primeru pa tema na oči in z glavo skozi zid.
Rambutan ::
Izrael iz Gaze umika 13. bataljon Golani brigade zaradi izgub. To posredovanje se verjetno ne bo končalo po izralskih planih, po svetu se veča pritisk na Izrael, Izrael ima gospodarske težave zaradi vpoklica 300.000 mobiliziranih od 10 miljonov Izraelcev in blokade Hutijev. Težko se bo boriti proti gverilski taktiki Hamasa v urbanem območju.
The Israeli occupation forces' Golani Briagde's 13th Batallion has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after suffering substantial losses in its ranks, which culminated in a well-drawn ambush in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
Seven Golani troops, including two high-ranking officers, were killed on December 12, when Resistance fighters ambushed occupation forces in the al-Shujaiya.
This toll includes Litenuent Colonel Tomer Grinberg, the commander of the 13th Battalion, and Colonel Izhak Ben Basat, the head of the Golani Brigade chief's forward command team. Grinberg was previously videotaped rallying his troops in the northern Gaza Strip, promising them victory. The 13th Batallion also lost Major Roei Meldasi, a company commander in the same ambush.
Nine days following the historic ambush that crushed soldiers and officers from Golani's 51st and 13th Battalion, the IOF has decided to pull out the battered 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip, in order to "regroup and rest."
The Israeli occupation forces' Golani Briagde's 13th Batallion has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after suffering substantial losses in its ranks, which culminated in a well-drawn ambush in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
Seven Golani troops, including two high-ranking officers, were killed on December 12, when Resistance fighters ambushed occupation forces in the al-Shujaiya.
This toll includes Litenuent Colonel Tomer Grinberg, the commander of the 13th Battalion, and Colonel Izhak Ben Basat, the head of the Golani Brigade chief's forward command team. Grinberg was previously videotaped rallying his troops in the northern Gaza Strip, promising them victory. The 13th Batallion also lost Major Roei Meldasi, a company commander in the same ambush.
Nine days following the historic ambush that crushed soldiers and officers from Golani's 51st and 13th Battalion, the IOF has decided to pull out the battered 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip, in order to "regroup and rest."
GregiB ::
Opcijo 1 so imeli Palestinci večkrat na mizi, ampak niso hoteli niti slišati o tem
Res? Kdaj? Na kateri mizi pa je bila opcija o dveh državah v mejah iz leta 1967 iz leta 2017? So jo takrat tisti za to mizo sprejeli? So hoteli slišati o njej?
You're not stuck in traffic.... You are the traffic!
fur80 ::
Izrael iz Gaze umika 13. bataljon Golani brigade zaradi izgub. To posredovanje se verjetno ne bo končalo po izralskih planih, po svetu se veča pritisk na Izrael, Izrael ima gospodarske težave zaradi vpoklica 300.000 mobiliziranih od 10 miljonov Izraelcev in blokade Hutijev. Težko se bo boriti proti gverilski taktiki Hamasa v urbanem območju.
The Israeli occupation forces' Golani Briagde's 13th Batallion has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after suffering substantial losses in its ranks, which culminated in a well-drawn ambush in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
Seven Golani troops, including two high-ranking officers, were killed on December 12, when Resistance fighters ambushed occupation forces in the al-Shujaiya.
This toll includes Litenuent Colonel Tomer Grinberg, the commander of the 13th Battalion, and Colonel Izhak Ben Basat, the head of the Golani Brigade chief's forward command team. Grinberg was previously videotaped rallying his troops in the northern Gaza Strip, promising them victory. The 13th Batallion also lost Major Roei Meldasi, a company commander in the same ambush.
Nine days following the historic ambush that crushed soldiers and officers from Golani's 51st and 13th Battalion, the IOF has decided to pull out the battered 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip, in order to "regroup and rest."
Klasični regroup, 60 "naj bi" jih umrlo od 1000, pa so jih potegnili ven. Zasedli pa so že skoraj pol Gaze. Moraš pa vedeti, da je to promotorska stran Palestincev. kar si linkal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
kunigunda ::
Opcijo 1 so imeli Palestinci večkrat na mizi, ampak niso hoteli niti slišati o tem
Res? Kdaj? Na kateri mizi pa je bila opcija o dveh državah v mejah iz leta 1967 iz leta 2017? So jo takrat tisti za to mizo sprejeli? So hoteli slišati o njej?
A pa ti res misls da je blo na sporazumu napisano samo ali hoces 2 drzavi, obkrozi da/ne ? Sporazum je imel stotine tock. Glavna tocka s palestinske strani je bila,
da pustijo vrnitev beguncev, ki so zaradi pogroma '48 zapustili domove in izraelci tega niso dovolili. Vse ostale tocke so potem nepomembne.
Smrekar1 ::
A pa ti res misls da je blo na sporazumu napisano samo ali hoces 2 drzavi, obkrozi da/ne ? Sporazum je imel stotine tock. Glavna tocka s palestinske strani je bila,
da pustijo vrnitev beguncev, ki so zaradi pogroma '48 zapustili domove in izraelci tega niso dovolili.
Problem je v tem, da Palestinci kot "begunce" smatrajo potomce vseh, ki so takrat zapustili domove.
GregiB ::
Problem je v tem, da Palestinci kot "begunce" smatrajo potomce vseh, ki so takrat zapustili domove.
Se ni podobno dogajalo z "begunci", ki so se množično priseljevali po letu 1947? Pa niso bili palestinci...?!
You're not stuck in traffic.... You are the traffic!
Smrekar1 ::
kunigunda ::
A pa ti res misls da je blo na sporazumu napisano samo ali hoces 2 drzavi, obkrozi da/ne ? Sporazum je imel stotine tock. Glavna tocka s palestinske strani je bila,
da pustijo vrnitev beguncev, ki so zaradi pogroma '48 zapustili domove in izraelci tega niso dovolili.
Problem je v tem, da Palestinci kot "begunce" smatrajo potomce vseh, ki so takrat zapustili domove.
Kar je tudi logicno po celem svetu. Samo izrael ni podpisat hotu tud une k so mel palestinski dokument
sbawe64 ::
Gestapo na delu:
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Smrekar1 ::
Gestapo na delu:
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza
Tole je bolj Göbbles na delu.
Del poročila, ki ga ne povzemajo:
OHCHR has confirmed the killings at Al Awdabuilding, although the details and circumstances of the killings are still under verification.
Rekala kazala. Glede na opis dogodka bi rekel, da se je najbrž par Hamasovcev našemilo v IDF in pobilo ducat civilistov, da bi očrnili Izrael. To niti ne bi bilo najbolj gnilo dejanje, ki ga je Hamas naredil ta teden. In tole poročilo tudi ne bi bilo najbolj proteroristično poročanje o konfliktu.
Chalky ::
Izrael iz Gaze umika 13. bataljon Golani brigade zaradi izgub. To posredovanje se verjetno ne bo končalo po izralskih planih, po svetu se veča pritisk na Izrael, Izrael ima gospodarske težave zaradi vpoklica 300.000 mobiliziranih od 10 miljonov Izraelcev in blokade Hutijev. Težko se bo boriti proti gverilski taktiki Hamasa v urbanem območju.
The Israeli occupation forces' Golani Briagde's 13th Batallion has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after suffering substantial losses in its ranks, which culminated in a well-drawn ambush in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
Seven Golani troops, including two high-ranking officers, were killed on December 12, when Resistance fighters ambushed occupation forces in the al-Shujaiya.
This toll includes Litenuent Colonel Tomer Grinberg, the commander of the 13th Battalion, and Colonel Izhak Ben Basat, the head of the Golani Brigade chief's forward command team. Grinberg was previously videotaped rallying his troops in the northern Gaza Strip, promising them victory. The 13th Batallion also lost Major Roei Meldasi, a company commander in the same ambush.
Nine days following the historic ambush that crushed soldiers and officers from Golani's 51st and 13th Battalion, the IOF has decided to pull out the battered 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip, in order to "regroup and rest."
Za stran ki si jo nalepil še nisem slišal vendar dvomim o tej informaciji. Če pogledaš zemljevid se lepo vidi da IDF zlahka prodira in da so Sever Gaze (najtežji del) že praktično zavzeli. Tudi Jug postaja podoben tako da ne verjamem da se Izrael iz kjerkoli umika. Izgub imajo pa precej manj kot sem sam pričakoval. Mislil da malce čez 500 mrtvih kar je izjemno malo. Je pa tako da tisti ki so poškodovani ponavadi preživijo ker jih Izraelski helikopterji poberejo in v 5 minutah pripeljejo nazaj v Izrael do bolnice tako da so pri tem izjemno učinkoviti.
kunigunda ::
Izrael iz Gaze umika 13. bataljon Golani brigade zaradi izgub. To posredovanje se verjetno ne bo končalo po izralskih planih, po svetu se veča pritisk na Izrael, Izrael ima gospodarske težave zaradi vpoklica 300.000 mobiliziranih od 10 miljonov Izraelcev in blokade Hutijev. Težko se bo boriti proti gverilski taktiki Hamasa v urbanem območju.
The Israeli occupation forces' Golani Briagde's 13th Batallion has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after suffering substantial losses in its ranks, which culminated in a well-drawn ambush in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
Seven Golani troops, including two high-ranking officers, were killed on December 12, when Resistance fighters ambushed occupation forces in the al-Shujaiya.
This toll includes Litenuent Colonel Tomer Grinberg, the commander of the 13th Battalion, and Colonel Izhak Ben Basat, the head of the Golani Brigade chief's forward command team. Grinberg was previously videotaped rallying his troops in the northern Gaza Strip, promising them victory. The 13th Batallion also lost Major Roei Meldasi, a company commander in the same ambush.
Nine days following the historic ambush that crushed soldiers and officers from Golani's 51st and 13th Battalion, the IOF has decided to pull out the battered 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip, in order to "regroup and rest."
Za stran ki si jo nalepil še nisem slišal vendar dvomim o tej informaciji. Če pogledaš zemljevid se lepo vidi da IDF zlahka prodira in da so Sever Gaze (najtežji del) že praktično zavzeli. Tudi Jug postaja podoben tako da ne verjamem da se Izrael iz kjerkoli umika. Izgub imajo pa precej manj kot sem sam pričakoval. Mislil da malce čez 500 mrtvih kar je izjemno malo. Je pa tako da tisti ki so poškodovani ponavadi preživijo ker jih Izraelski helikopterji poberejo in v 5 minutah pripeljejo nazaj v Izrael do bolnice tako da so pri tem izjemno učinkoviti.
To s prevozi zihr ne drzi saj jim bolnice ze pokajo po sivih, samo v eni vecjih je bilo cez 1500 ranjenih pripeljanih in so na oddelku (od oktobra)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kunigunda ()
Rambutan ::
Izrael iz Gaze umika 13. bataljon Golani brigade zaradi izgub. To posredovanje se verjetno ne bo končalo po izralskih planih, po svetu se veča pritisk na Izrael, Izrael ima gospodarske težave zaradi vpoklica 300.000 mobiliziranih od 10 miljonov Izraelcev in blokade Hutijev. Težko se bo boriti proti gverilski taktiki Hamasa v urbanem območju.
The Israeli occupation forces' Golani Briagde's 13th Batallion has withdrawn from the Gaza Strip after suffering substantial losses in its ranks, which culminated in a well-drawn ambush in the al-Shujaiya neighborhood.
Seven Golani troops, including two high-ranking officers, were killed on December 12, when Resistance fighters ambushed occupation forces in the al-Shujaiya.
This toll includes Litenuent Colonel Tomer Grinberg, the commander of the 13th Battalion, and Colonel Izhak Ben Basat, the head of the Golani Brigade chief's forward command team. Grinberg was previously videotaped rallying his troops in the northern Gaza Strip, promising them victory. The 13th Batallion also lost Major Roei Meldasi, a company commander in the same ambush.
Nine days following the historic ambush that crushed soldiers and officers from Golani's 51st and 13th Battalion, the IOF has decided to pull out the battered 13th Batallion from the Gaza Strip, in order to "regroup and rest."
Za stran ki si jo nalepil še nisem slišal vendar dvomim o tej informaciji. Če pogledaš zemljevid se lepo vidi da IDF zlahka prodira in da so Sever Gaze (najtežji del) že praktično zavzeli. Tudi Jug postaja podoben tako da ne verjamem da se Izrael iz kjerkoli umika. Izgub imajo pa precej manj kot sem sam pričakoval. Mislil da malce čez 500 mrtvih kar je izjemno malo. Je pa tako da tisti ki so poškodovani ponavadi preživijo ker jih Izraelski helikopterji poberejo in v 5 minutah pripeljejo nazaj v Izrael do bolnice tako da so pri tem izjemno učinkoviti.
Precej drugih virov poroča o umiku tega bataljona na regrupiranje.
Gverilska taktika ne deluje tako, da držiš fronto in preprečuješ napredovanje nasprotnika. Hamas se skriva in napada IDF iz zased. IDF bo lahko napredoval, imel pa bo velike izgube, ko bo držal zasedeno ozemlje.
bajsibajsi ::
Umik ali regrupiranje nima bistvenega pomena za zaustavitev nacijev v Izraelu, v vsakem primeru Izrael desetletja terorizira palestince. Cetudi ima IDF nekaj izgub, menim da Hamas/Palestinci nimajo sans. Kako le, ce ti iz zraka priletijo tonske bombe.
Dokler ima Izrael podporo USA, je relativno varen. Ko/ce jih prijatelji zapustijo in konkretno zagusti, bo pa Izrael izbrisan. Upam, da bodo takarat vsi slabi zidje v Izraelu, dobri zidje pa na varnem.
Dokler ima Izrael podporo USA, je relativno varen. Ko/ce jih prijatelji zapustijo in konkretno zagusti, bo pa Izrael izbrisan. Upam, da bodo takarat vsi slabi zidje v Izraelu, dobri zidje pa na varnem.
Chalky ::
Dobra debata, mislim da jo je Cenk konkretno izgubil vendar je bilo zanimivo poslušati obe strani:
Moe_Lester ::
Douglas Murry je eden redkih, ki zna mirno, brez pretiranih čustev predstaviti dejstva. Človek res izredno dobro pozna zadeve, vključno z zgodovino. Pa eden redkih komentatorjev je, ki je dejansko na terenu in ima informacije iz prve roke.
fur80 ::
bajsibajsi je izjavil:
Umik ali regrupiranje nima bistvenega pomena za zaustavitev nacijev v Izraelu, v vsakem primeru Izrael desetletja terorizira palestince. Cetudi ima IDF nekaj izgub, menim da Hamas/Palestinci nimajo sans. Kako le, ce ti iz zraka priletijo tonske bombe.
Dokler ima Izrael podporo USA, je relativno varen. Ko/ce jih prijatelji zapustijo in konkretno zagusti, bo pa Izrael izbrisan. Upam, da bodo takarat vsi slabi zidje v Izraelu, dobri zidje pa na varnem.
Izrael ima jedrsko orožje, preden bodo izbrisani, bo izbrisano še katero večje mesto naspotnikov. Bi stavil na Teheran.
gibabla ::
No comment:
This was a very precise and targeted military operation that Israel carried out with a range of efforts to reduce any civilian casualties," the senior U.S. administration official said.
The IDF has published extensive, irrefutable evidence that points to the abuse of the Shifa hospital complex by Hamas for terrorism purposes, and underground terrorism activity," an IDF spokesperson told The Post.
But in his Oct. 27 briefing, Hagari provided a clear picture of what he thought Israel forces would find, showing an animated video of what allegedly lay beneath the facility. In the film, masked militants patrolled on one level, which was connected to a warren of rooms further below ground with laptops and sleeping quarters.
The targeting by a U.S. ally of a compound housing hundreds of sick and dying patients and thousands of displaced people has no precedent in recent decades. The march on al-Shifa caused the hospital's operations to collapse. As Israeli troops closed in and fighting intensified, fuel ran out, supplies could not enter, and ambulances were unable to collect casualties from the streets.
In the weeks since, other hospitals in Gaza have come under attack in ways that mirror what happened at al-Shifa -- making the assault not just a watershed moment in the conflict, but a vital case study in Israel's adherence to the laws of war.
The law is about what was in the mind of the attacker at the time the attacker planned and executed the mission with respect to both the collateral damage they expected to cause and the military advantage they anticipated gaining," said Michael Schmitt, an emeritus professor at the U.S. Naval War College.
Less than 24 hours after Israeli forces entered the complex, the IDF released video footage showing spokesman Jonathan Conricus walking through the radiology unit. Behind an MRI machine, he points out what he calls a "grab bag" containing an AK-style rifle and an ammunition magazine.
Photos released by the military later that day purported to show the full haul of weapons recovered at the hospital -- about 12 AK-style rifles, in addition to magazines of ammunition and several grenades and bulletproof vests.
As the dust settled on al-Shifa, experts warned of the precedent it had set.
the senior U.S. administration official said.
Sej si videl nekaj časa nazaj, za nekatere je dovolj da te ZDA podprejo in avtomatično navijajo za 'drugo stran', pa če je na njej putin, hamas, iran, severna koreja...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.