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Colin McRae Rally 2

Colin McRae Rally 2

volk_57 ::

Igra Colin McRae Rally 2 mi noce delat v windows 98 z grafično kartico ATI Radeon 8500. Prej k sm mel GeForce2 je vse delal pa u windows 2000 na istmu sisitemu tut normaln dela v cem je tezava. Pokaze pa un okn z rdecmu krogcam pa napise, da je programi izvedu neveljavvno operacijo.

Love is all you need!

iration ::

Nadgradi os v 2000?
Tudi jaz bi imel kakšno pravico rad v življenju. Npr. pravico do tega, da delam
12 ur na dan in sem za to nagrajen s strani delujočega ekonomskega prostora, ne
pa kaznovan s strani Salmoneličevih gremlinov. - NavadniNimda

sk8er ::

men je lepo delala na win98 in na R8500LE

probi kere druge gonilnike, če ne pa kak patch za igro

koyotee ::

dj si xp-je gor

the_unborn ::

daj gor najnovejsi patch, verjetno bo zaleglo

nuclear ::

xp-jov pa nikakor ne!!! k majo sam večje zahteve zavse igrce!!
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

mAsA ::

Colin McRae Rally 2 - "Invalid Page Fault in Module CMR2.EXE" launching game

This issue affects graphics adapters based on the following chipsets when using only a single monitor configuration:
Attempting to start the game Colin McRae Rally 2 may result in a hang, or error stating "CMR2.EXE caused an invalid page fault in module CMR2.EXE"
For display adapters supporting multiple outputs you can work around this issue by attaching a secondary display. This display must be enabled as an extended desktop as follows:
Ensure that you have installed the latest patch for the game.
Connect a secondary display and reboot the system.
Open DISPLAY PROPERTIES in the Control Panel.
Click on the SETTINGS tab, then select the SECONDARY DISPLAY.
Check the "Extend the desktop onto this display" option.
Apply the settings and launch the game.
Current patches for Colin McRae Rally 2 are available from the Codemasters website.

Upam da bo to pomagalo.(Meni je:D )
AMD Athlon(tm) 1700+@1.47 GHz, K7T266 Pro, DDR 512 Ram,
ATI Radeon 8500, 60+120GB HD, LG 775FT

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