Forum » Programska oprema » Namestitev Microsoft Virtual PC v Windows 7 x64?
Namestitev Microsoft Virtual PC v Windows 7 x64?

Sandi1987 ::
Kako namestim Microsoft Virtual PC v Windows 7 x64? Napiše, da ni združljiv z Windows 7.

Sandi1987 ::
Jaz sem mislil namestiti starejšo verzijo 2007. Bral sem, da podpira samo Windows XP in Windows Vista.

krneki0001 ::
ČE imaš windows 7, potem si poglej XP mode. Pa si od tam potegni vse skupaj dol.
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster

Sandi1987 ::
Zakaj mi v VMware Workstation ne dela več internet? Piše, da ni omrežnega dostopa.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Sandi1987 ()

Sandi1987 ::
Sedaj dela internet v VMware Workstation. Izbrisal sem program in namestil najnovejšo verzijo.

krneki0001 ::
A kdo uporablja VMware workstation 8? Kako deluje in kakšne možnosti imaš napram VMware workstation 7?
Imam namreč kupljeno original verzijo workstation 7, pa me zanima, če se splača nadgradit na verzijo 8, ker je cena vseeno dost visoka tudi za nadgradnjo?
Imam namreč kupljeno original verzijo workstation 7, pa me zanima, če se splača nadgradit na verzijo 8, ker je cena vseeno dost visoka tudi za nadgradnjo?
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster

zavajon ::
Na pogled in za običajno rabo ni nobene razlike. Sicer pa preveri changeloge. Jaz nisem nič preverjal, ker imam itak "kupljenega" ;)

krneki0001 ::
Če bo še kdo kaj iskal - evo par sprememb:
1.) The hardware requirements to install this version of Workstation have changed. Workstation now requires a relatively modern 64-bit CPU.
2.) The display technology has been changed to provide a better experience for Unity users and users who have multiple monitors. These changes also allow you to add a projector to your laptop without restarting your virtual machine.
3.) Virtual machines can now support up to 64GB of memory. The host system should have more than 64GB of memory to use this feature.
4.) An HD Audio device is available for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008, and Windows 2008 R2 guests. The HD Audio device is compatible with the RealTek ALC888 7.1 Channel High Definition Audio Codec.
5.) USB 3.0 support is available for Linux guests running kernel version 2.6.35 or later (Ubuntu 10.10) through a new virtual xHCI USB controller. To enable this feature, add the following line to the .vmx file: usb_xhci.present = “true”. Do not enable this feature for Windows guests. Because Windows does not currently have a generic xHCI driver, this feature will not work in Windows.
6.) Bluetooth devices on the host can now be shared with Windows guests. With the latest hardware version, Bluetooth devices that are paired to the host system radio are available to Windows guests and can be paired from within the guest. You should not pair Bluetooth audio devices, such as headphones, or Bluetooth input devices, such as keyboards and mice, to a guest.
7.) You can now enable Virtual VT-X/EPT or AMD-V/RVI in the processor settings interface. With this feature, applications running in a guest can take advantage of these virtualization technologies. You can also run 64-bit guest operating systems inside of vSphere running inside Workstation
1.) The hardware requirements to install this version of Workstation have changed. Workstation now requires a relatively modern 64-bit CPU.
2.) The display technology has been changed to provide a better experience for Unity users and users who have multiple monitors. These changes also allow you to add a projector to your laptop without restarting your virtual machine.
3.) Virtual machines can now support up to 64GB of memory. The host system should have more than 64GB of memory to use this feature.
4.) An HD Audio device is available for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008, and Windows 2008 R2 guests. The HD Audio device is compatible with the RealTek ALC888 7.1 Channel High Definition Audio Codec.
5.) USB 3.0 support is available for Linux guests running kernel version 2.6.35 or later (Ubuntu 10.10) through a new virtual xHCI USB controller. To enable this feature, add the following line to the .vmx file: usb_xhci.present = “true”. Do not enable this feature for Windows guests. Because Windows does not currently have a generic xHCI driver, this feature will not work in Windows.
6.) Bluetooth devices on the host can now be shared with Windows guests. With the latest hardware version, Bluetooth devices that are paired to the host system radio are available to Windows guests and can be paired from within the guest. You should not pair Bluetooth audio devices, such as headphones, or Bluetooth input devices, such as keyboards and mice, to a guest.
7.) You can now enable Virtual VT-X/EPT or AMD-V/RVI in the processor settings interface. With this feature, applications running in a guest can take advantage of these virtualization technologies. You can also run 64-bit guest operating systems inside of vSphere running inside Workstation
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: krneki0001 ()

Mavrik ::
Vse kar sem jaz opazil (razen, nekaj novosti namenjene bolj "cloud" deploymentu) je ogromen kup novih hroščev in nestabilnega delovanja. Med drugim mi je crknil dostop do fizičnega diska, tako da sem lepo šao nazaj na Workstation 7.
Lahko pa komot preizkusiš 30-dnevni trial.
Lahko pa komot preizkusiš 30-dnevni trial.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

krneki0001 ::
Problem je da gre za produkcijske mašine in si ne morem privoščit, da bi šlo kaj narobe.
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster

Mavrik ::
Ne vem kaj imaš potem sploh razmišljati o nadgradnji brez da bi TOČNO vedel katerega od novih fičerjev rabiš - če dela pustiš.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mavrik ()

krneki0001 ::
VMware workstation 7 ima nekaj omejitev. Recimo omejitev rama, omejitev jeder, pa nekaj problemov z nekaterimi mrežnimi karticami (če ima fizična mašina 2 mrežni).
Druga stvar pa je da nekaterih novih sistemov še ne podpira - recimo windows server 8 in windows 8.
Druga stvar pa je da nekaterih novih sistemov še ne podpira - recimo windows server 8 in windows 8.
Asrock X99 Extreme 4 | Intel E5-2683V4 ES | 64GB DDR4 2400MHz ECC |
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
Samsung 250GB M.2 | Asus 1070 TI | 850W Antec | LC Tank Buster
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