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Ste že kdaj obiskali "Deep Web"

Tesla_ :: HFWCDl (brez presledka
The Invisible Web (also called Deepnet, the Deep Web, Undernet, or the hidden Web) refers to World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexable by standard search engines.
It should not be confused with the dark Internet, the computers that can no longer be reached via Internet, or with the distributed filesharing network Darknet, which could be classified as a smaller part of the Deep Web.
Mike Bergman, founder of BrightPlanet,[1] credited with coining the phrase,[2] has said that searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed. Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines do not find it. Traditional search engines cannot "see" or retrieve content in the deep Web—those pages do not exist until they are created dynamically as the result of a specific search. The deep Web is several orders of magnitude larger than the surface Web.
Osebno še nisem obiskal, čeprav je varno(seveda, če sam namerno ne iščeš na pedopr0n), dostopen pa je samo preko proxyjev aka TOR..
The Invisible Web (also called Deepnet, the Deep Web, Undernet, or the hidden Web) refers to World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexable by standard search engines.
It should not be confused with the dark Internet, the computers that can no longer be reached via Internet, or with the distributed filesharing network Darknet, which could be classified as a smaller part of the Deep Web.
Mike Bergman, founder of BrightPlanet,[1] credited with coining the phrase,[2] has said that searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed. Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines do not find it. Traditional search engines cannot "see" or retrieve content in the deep Web—those pages do not exist until they are created dynamically as the result of a specific search. The deep Web is several orders of magnitude larger than the surface Web.
Osebno še nisem obiskal, čeprav je varno(seveda, če sam namerno ne iščeš na pedopr0n), dostopen pa je samo preko proxyjev aka TOR..
- zaklenil: Gandalfar ()

Bananovec ::
Invisible Wen je še kaj več kot samo TOR in proxyji.
Sem obiskal večkrat, zgolj da raziščem in ne z nekimi zlobnimi nameni.
PS: Tor je izsledljiv
PS2: OP, hvala za pixo.
Edit: Linkd do skrite Wikipedije
Sem obiskal večkrat, zgolj da raziščem in ne z nekimi zlobnimi nameni.
PS: Tor je izsledljiv
PS2: OP, hvala za pixo.
Edit: Linkd do skrite Wikipedije
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bananovec ()

Bananovec ::
OP is making reference to the "second layer" of the "charter web", which is a bogus "secret" part of "the deep web".
This dis-information about "the deep web" comes from a 4chan infographic that get's posted there every now and again when technologies such as TOR and I2P get "discovered" again by new users who have questions about these less-than-conventional networking technologies.
The infographic claims that the first three "layers" of the deep web consist of anything from normal content, to unindexed web pages, and other hard to find pages (but omits actual "deep" content like dynamically generated pages)...but still all common HTTP traffic.
The "charter web" is sub divided into two "layers"...TOR hidden services (which do often contain "dark" material, such as underaged pr0n and drug smuggling contacts) and the second layer which consists of "deeper, darker content that requires a closed shell system hardware modification to access"...
90% of the infographic OP is referring to is disinformation, though, spread by either troll who want to make him look stupid, or by criminals who use TOR and need to generate extra network traffic as to make statistical analysis of that network more difficult by law enforcement types. Going even further, a firm grasp of the TCP/IP model will tell you that, yes, network protocols are "layered", but not in the sense that this infographic reality, a TOR packet is layered like so:
(Application layer data; i.e. HTTP, SSH, FTP, etc.)
(TOR onion routing more about it from the TOR project website)
(TCP headers)
(IP headers)
(Netork-access layer frames; i.e. ethernet, wi-fi specific encoding, etc.)
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Tesla_ ::
Invisible Wen je še kaj več kot samo TOR in proxyji.
Sem obiskal večkrat, zgolj da raziščem in ne z nekimi zlobnimi nameni.
PS: Tor je izsledljiv
PS2: OP, hvala za pixo.
Je izsledljiv(:D), TOR rabiš, da lahko sploh obiščeš .onion strani, ni pa seveda prepovedano(razen, če je tvoj namen gledanje kiddipr0n).

Ziga Dolhar ::
Na deep web ne hodim, vendar občasno, ko se pojavi potreba po posebnih dobrinah, ki jih drugje ni mogoče dobiti, obiščem The Nether.

technolog ::
No. Deep Web glede na sliko hosta OP, najbrž direktne datoteke. To ni za primerjat s .torrent datotekami, za katere ni pravne podlage.
Ali se motim?
Ali se motim?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: technolog ()

Gandalfar ::
Glede na to, da imajo tudi z Megauploadom en kup zanimivih pravnih tezav, prakticno vsi ostali hosti (ki niso pobegnili) pa se vedno delajo - pa to ze kaj - 10 let? Pa niti ne rabi bit cuden deep web ampak splosni nacin sirjenja vsebin.

technolog ::
Hotel sem rečt da je razlika med otroško pornografijo in piratskimi programi in filmi. Ali pač?

Bananovec ::
No. Deep Web glede na sliko hosta OP, najbrž direktne datoteke. To ni za primerjat s .torrent datotekami, za katere ni pravne podlage.
Ali se motim?
Deep Web je geto Interneta. Mislim, da ti tako najlažje, vsaj kakor jaz razumem, razložim to stvar
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bananovec ()

Bananovec ::
Ima kar gslo prav. Deep Web je itak brezvezen. Najdeš sam wnb folk. Wnb hekerji, wnb politiki, wnb dilerji, wnb morilci, wnb aktivisti, wnb gengsterji, ...
Taprave lepote Deep Weba so pa itak skrite in privatne in jih 99'99% folka nikoli ne bo našlo.
Taprave lepote Deep Weba so pa itak skrite in privatne in jih 99'99% folka nikoli ne bo našlo.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Isotropic ::
Invisible Wen je še kaj več kot samo TOR in proxyji.
Sem obiskal večkrat, zgolj da raziščem in ne z nekimi zlobnimi nameni.
PS: Tor je izsledljiv
PS2: OP, hvala za pixo.
Edit: Linkd do skrite Wikipedije
nisem gledal, ampak a ni na tej wiki leglo otroske pornografije?

Bananovec ::
Ne, zgolj linki do njih.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Mesar ::
Ima kar gslo prav. Deep Web je itak brezvezen. Najdeš sam wnb folk. Wnb hekerji, wnb politiki, wnb dilerji, wnb morilci, wnb aktivisti, wnb gengsterji, ...
Taprave lepote Deep Weba so pa itak skrite in privatne in jih 99'99% folka nikoli ne bo našlo.
In te lepote so kaj? Troli so skriti tam?
Your turn to burn!

Bananovec ::
Ko boš našel, boš že vedel. V istem momentu, ko boš TI našel, več to ne bo lepota.
Upam, da razumeš. Nekaj podobnega ti že pove prva slikca.
Upam, da razumeš. Nekaj podobnega ti že pove prva slikca.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Mesar ::
Katera prva slika? V prvem pustu? Tista je tak velka, da se mi ni dalo cele pogledat. Zakaj neki nebi blo lepo ko jaz najem? Kaj ti bom dol z neta zripal pa požrl? DDosa? Mislim... kaj ti ni jasno, jaz govorim o konkretnih stvareh, ti pa več kot očitno živiš v nekem izmišljenem svetu na oblakcih, ker imate svoj internet.
Your turn to burn!

Bananovec ::
Ti pa očitno ne razumeš bistva. Sprobaj zadevo in če ti slučajno kapne v glavo o čem govorim, potem sporoči.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Mesar ::
Kaj naj sprobam? TOR naj grem nalagat pa zapacat svoj PC zato, da se bom lahko eno popoldne igral pol pa se mi tak več nebo dalo? Fck that...
Your turn to burn!

Mesar ::
1. TOR je sledljiv
2. če bi bilo toliko tega tam zakaj ustrezni organi ne ukrepajo in pozaprejo najprej ljudi potem pa še serverje s vsebino?
Pa se spet pogovarjamo kot, da smo na sejmu...
2. če bi bilo toliko tega tam zakaj ustrezni organi ne ukrepajo in pozaprejo najprej ljudi potem pa še serverje s vsebino?
Pa se spet pogovarjamo kot, da smo na sejmu...
Your turn to burn!

Mesar ::
>> Naivnežev vse polno.
>> A ne gledate dnevnika?
Ne ker ni na nivoju.
>> A ne gledate dnevnika?
Ne ker ni na nivoju.
Your turn to burn!

gendale ::
ne morm verjet da noben še ni omenu silk road
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

Tesla_ ::

Mesar ::
Pa še ena stvar... 4chan je deep web? Nekdo je stupid much...
Približno 804.000 rez. (0,29 sek.)
Približno 804.000 rez. (0,29 sek.)
The Invisible Web (also called Deepnet, the Deep Web, Undernet, or the hidden Web) refers to World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexable by standard search engines.
Your turn to burn!

gendale ::
ne morm verjet da noben še ni omenu silk road
Res morš bit idiot, da tam kej naročiš :D
Kot da Paypal ni trackable..
bitcoin, ne paypal
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)

jype ::
Mesar> 4chan je deep web
Mesar> Ne ker ni na nivoju.
Kaže pa, kako po svetu otroci z brzostrelkami pobijajo otroke, pa kako tanki vozijo čeznje.
No, Deep Web pa nima odgovornega urednika, ki bi slike, zaradi katerih bi se pritoževali naročniki, izločil.
Tesla_> Ja, ampak moraš naložit denar na bitcoin, right?:D
Al pa zračunat kšn kovanc.
Mesar> Ne ker ni na nivoju.
Kaže pa, kako po svetu otroci z brzostrelkami pobijajo otroke, pa kako tanki vozijo čeznje.
No, Deep Web pa nima odgovornega urednika, ki bi slike, zaradi katerih bi se pritoževali naročniki, izločil.
Tesla_> Ja, ampak moraš naložit denar na bitcoin, right?:D
Al pa zračunat kšn kovanc.

Tesla_ ::
Pa še ena stvar... 4chan je deep web? Nekdo je stupid much...
Približno 804.000 rez. (0,29 sek.)
The Invisible Web (also called Deepnet, the Deep Web, Undernet, or the hidden Web) refers to World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexable by standard search engines.
V bistvu veljajo vse strani, ki jih ne moreš najti na googlu, za "deep web"

Mesar ::
Pa še ena stvar... 4chan je deep web? Nekdo je stupid much...
Približno 804.000 rez. (0,29 sek.)
The Invisible Web (also called Deepnet, the Deep Web, Undernet, or the hidden Web) refers to World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexable by standard search engines.
V bistvu veljajo vse strani, ki jih ne moreš najti na googlu, za "deep web"
To ti misliš.
Mesar> 4chan je deep web
Mesar> Ne ker ni na nivoju.
Kaže pa, kako po svetu otroci z brzostrelkami pobijajo otroke, pa kako tanki vozijo čeznje.
No, Deep Web pa nima odgovornega urednika, ki bi slike, zaradi katerih bi se pritoževali naročniki, izločil.
Tesla_> Ja, ampak moraš naložit denar na bitcoin, right?:D
Al pa zračunat kšn kovanc.
Dokler so to ne dogaja pri nas... kaj se čem sikirat? Mamo dovolj problemov tu...
Your turn to burn!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mesar ()

Tesla_ ::
Ok, ne rabite bit paranoični, te strani lahko obišče vsak kre*en ki ima 2 minuti časa.. FBI pa tudi ne opreza za vsaki, ki bo morda ponesreči kliknil na CP(čeprav ponesreči skoraj ne moreš kliknit, razen , če je to tvoj namen..)

Tesla_ ::
Kwa je tisti link na skrito varno pogledat?
Evo tukaj imaš par linkov:
Tor Link Directory : http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/
Hidden Wiki : ciz4t2plqme3e73a.onion
House of Anonymous : http://pdjfyv7v3pn34w4f.onion
Deep Search : http://xycpusearchon2mc.onion/
Zelo previdno klikaj, sej če kej ponesreči klikneš ne bo nič, vendar vseeno pazi

gendale ::
še huje, lahko da mu bojo všeč
seznam zanč moderatorjev in razlogov da so zanč
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
gor je mavrik apple uporabniček (mali možgani in mali penis)
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