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Poklic arhitekt - angleščina

Poklic arhitekt - angleščina

laguna1 ::

V šoli sem dobil pri angleščini nalogo, da opišem poklic arhitekta. Spisal sem tole:

Architect is a person who plans, designs and monitors construction of buildings. He plans new houses, schools, churches, airport terminals, football stadiums ... The architect plans renovation of old buildings too. Its plans do not includ only a building’s looks. They show how to do electrical, heating, ventilation ... The architect must ensure that buildings are safe and strong and that they suit the needs of the people who use them.

The architect first talks to a client about their wishes and suggestions. Then the architect creates drawings for the client to review. If the ideas are okay, the architect draws up the final plans.
Architects generally work in comfortable conditions because they spend most of their time in offices. They spend some time at building sites too. There they see how projects are going. The work on the building site can be hard. The architect should not be afraid of height.
Architect must have drawing skills. He must know mathematics, speak two European languages and must read technical drawings. The architect must be innovative.

The architect can work independently, must be graduates of the Faculty of Architecture.

Design Arhitect plans inside or outside. Advise colors, materials, lighting, furniture style, furniture for individual rooms, combines old with new furniture or anly moved furniture or lighting added.

Landscape Arhitect makes plans for landscape regulation for large interventions in the environment and plans for rehabilitation and to smaller construction work. It works for the protection natural and cultural quality of the environment.

Sedaj me pa zanima, če je to tako vredu, tako slovnično kot vsebinsko.

Že vnaprej se vam zahvaljujem za pomoč in vsakršne namige in izboljšave tega teksta.


technolog ::

Its plans do not includ only a building's looks.

Its? Da ne mogoče his?

They show how to do electrical, heating, ventilation

They show how to do electrical WHAT?

Naprej se mi ne da več gledat, samo preletel sem. Ni slabo, ni pa neki baš.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Marc` ::

To, kar je rekel technolog + "include" se napiše, pa prosim združi par kratkih stavkov, ker bo lažje za brat pa izgledalo bo malo bolj napredno vse skupaj :)

technolog ::

client about their wishes and suggestions.

ne their, ampak his. Al pa če daš client v množino.

They spend some time at building sites too.

Vejca pred too, obvezno. Pa construction site se bolj sliš.

The architect can work independently, must be graduates of the Faculty of Architecture.

1. Ta stavk je krneki, dej ga vn. 2. Faculty != fakulteta.

Design Arhitect plans inside or outside.

interior and exterior.

It works for the protection natural and cultural quality of the environment.

It works in favor of protecting natural and cultural well-being in the enviroment.

V tekstu tud manjka ogromno predlogov (the, a, an), samo to tega marsker učitelj ne bo opazil. Tole je čist spodoben tekst za osnovno šolo & prve tri letnike gimnazije & vse letnike kake tehnične šole. Ne sekiraj se. Maš pa še kar nekaj napak, ampak glavne sm ti tukej izpostavil.

Meizu ::

Na začetku bi moral dat An architect + to, kar je technolog rekel.

Le da sem jaz mnenja, da je vejica tukaj
They spend some time at building sites too.
nepotrebna. Pač pa bi jaz osebno zamenjal besedo "too" z "as well".

technolog ::

Dobro opažanje, se strinjam! Nisem se hotel spustit v tako globoko popravljanje struktur stavkov, če ne bi lahko tekst kar na novo napisal.

Zgodovina sprememb…

laguna1 ::

Hvala za vse namige,mnenje ...


Tear_DR0P ::

2. Faculty != fakulteta

sry ker se vtikam. sam sem bil prepričan da je, pa me zanima razlaga kaj potem je - oziroma zakaj ni.

oxford dict pravi da je faculty = oddelek ali divizija univerze, naša fakulteta za arhitekturo pa si tudi kar pravi Faculty of Architecture
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

technolog ::

Ne, to ni isto. Pri njih je faculty oddelek na eni fakulteti. Vse v eni stavbi oz. kompleksu. Tako kot imaš recimo na naših faksih laboratorije, recimo laboratorij za umetno inteligenco, laboratorij za procesiranje signalov.... To bi lahko prevedli faculty.

MaFijec ::

Nimaš prav.
Pozorno preberi tole Faculty (division) @ Wikipedia
Faculty je oddelek na univerzi, kot je pri nas recimo Univerza v Ljubljani.

Tako imamo Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, ...
Tisto o eni stavbi je zraslo na tvojem zelniku. Poleg tega mešaš pojma univerze in fakultete.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MaFijec ()

technolog ::

Kje mešam pojma univerze in fakultete?

MaFijec ::

Če že moram.
Pri njih je faculty oddelek na eni fakulteti.

To bi morali biti "Pri njih je faculty oddelek na eni univerzi." Kar je isto, kot imamo pri nas.
Tisto kar ti misliš je depertment.
Še primer hirearhije;
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Mathematics

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MaFijec ()

-žiga- ::

technolog je izjavil:

client about their wishes and suggestions.

ne their, ampak his. Al pa če daš client v množino.

Tukaj je OP napisal prav, čeprav verjetno nenamenoma :)
Their se uporabi namesto his/her, ker se ne ve ali je client ženskega ali moškega spola.

technolog ::

Sej sm predlagal, da da client v množino (clients.)

MaFijec ::

Lepo bi bilo, če sploh prebereš na kaj odogovarjaš.
-žiga- ti je hotel povedati je, da je prav tudi, če uporabiš ednino.
To pomeni, da je stavek,
client about their wishes and suggestions,
v renici pravilen, in ne rabiš množine.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MaFijec ()

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