Forum » Omrežja in internet » IP, proxy in anonimnost
IP, proxy in anonimnost
Avenger ::
OK, zadeva je taka... zlo rad mam anonimnost, pa ne zato, ker bi bil zlobni 133t 1i3k h4x0r, pač nočem, da mi vidjo moj IP. Kako ga skrit? Kakor vem lahko to samo preko proxy serverja. OK, grem iskat free proxye, najdem enga, grem v mozillo, ga nastavim, vtipkam stran in mi lepo pove naslov proxy serverja na katerem sem. Grem na kolegov forum, napišem post in guess what? Logiral se je moj PRAVI IP? Kako je to možno??... mislm wtf?
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
tejo ::
Težko možno. Obišči in tam pod okencem za prijavo preveri IP.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tejo ()
Avenger ::
Jp, tam mi tud lepo napiše proxijevga....
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
Avenger ::
Že mam zajca... evo, TALE stran pove malce več... Men je recimo povedal tole:
**.**.**.** Warning: Your computer is telling websites that your IP address is ***.**.**.** and has been forwarded for IP address ***.***.**.***. This could mean that you are using a proxy server that is NOT hiding your IP address. If this is correct, everyone can see this information. Feel free to try other proxy servers until you find one that doesn't release this information.
Your Forwarded for Name is BSN-**-**-**
Očitno tisti proxy forvardira moj IP...
A je še kakšna druga možnost skritja IPja poleg proxya?
**.**.**.** Warning: Your computer is telling websites that your IP address is ***.**.**.** and has been forwarded for IP address ***.***.**.***. This could mean that you are using a proxy server that is NOT hiding your IP address. If this is correct, everyone can see this information. Feel free to try other proxy servers until you find one that doesn't release this information.
Your Forwarded for Name is BSN-**-**-**
Očitno tisti proxy forvardira moj IP...
A je še kakšna druga možnost skritja IPja poleg proxya?
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
Uporabnik ::
eni proxyji pač forvardirajo tvoj ip eni pa ne, odvisno kako so nastavljeni... najdi drugega
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