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Kako popraviti router Linksys WRT160N po neuspešni nadgrandji firwara! NUJNO!

Kako popraviti router Linksys WRT160N po neuspešni nadgrandji firwara! NUJNO!

Padly88 ::

No jas imam resen problem!
Na moj zgoraj omenjen router sem nalagal nov firmware dd-wrt in mi sedaj nedela, vse skupaj se je ustavilo na 98% in sem dobil opozorilo, da ni končalo flasha!
Zdaj pa ne dela in ne dela!
Ko vklopim se zažene normalno, nato pa vgasnejo vse lučke razen LAN1 (moj pc) moj pc pa ne zazna ip naslovov, niti če priklopim router na laptop!
Probal sem že z 30 30 30 hard resetom, a ni pomagalo!
Kaj lahko nardim? HVALA!

vinetu ::

V kanto :)):)):))

Padly88 ::

vinetu je izjavil:

V kanto :)):)):))

cjeee, kako kanto mesec nazaj sem dau 50e za njega, zaj sem si ga pa sfuko z nekim drugim firmwarom iz tutoriala How to turn 50$ router into 500$ one :S
Pa to ni zaverjet nekaj ziher gre naret...
Da ga nesem v trgovino pa rečem da je neho delat kujnaenkrat... NEKAJ MORE BIT!

misek ::

Si poskusil postopek nalaganja fw s tftp postopkom?

Padly88 ::

misek je izjavil:

Si poskusil postopek nalaganja fw s tftp postopkom?

mmm, ne, sedaj sem pogledal kaj to sploh pomeni, torej da mam neki program preko katerega ga flasham ane?
No a mi lahko poveste kako naj to naredim, kateri program naj uporabim? Samo je problem na mi celi čas išče ipje pa še ko jih nena piše da je omejena povezava... a bo vseeno šlo? hvalA!

misek ::

I was able to recover my WRT160N from being bricked by performing the following steps:

-Download TFTP2.exe (you can find it via Google.com)
-Download the original WRT160N firmware (I used the file "WRT160N_1.02.2_US_code.bin") from Linksys' website.
-Reset the router (even though the power LED is blinking repeatedly) by turning it off, press & hold the reset button for 30 seconds, turn it on, while still holding down the reset button for 30 seconds, then let go.
-Set a static IPv4 to 192.168.1.x (it can be anything except .1, which is usually reserved for home routers), Subnet to and leave the Gateway alongside with DNS1 & 2 to BLANK.
-Use the application TFTP2.exe and point the server to, password is "admin" (without quotes), and the file should point to the original linksys firmware that you downloaded from the previous step above.

From there, it should be able to upload to itself. Give it about 5 minutes after it states "upload sucessful" and then go ahead with loading in the mini_generic firmware, from the router's Linksys administration page. Then the standard firmware (if you choose to).

I hope this helps!

Padly88 ::

misek je izjavil:

I was able to recover my WRT160N from being bricked by performing the following steps:

-Download TFTP2.exe (you can find it via Google.com)
-Download the original WRT160N firmware (I used the file "WRT160N_1.02.2_US_code.bin") from Linksys' website.
-Reset the router (even though the power LED is blinking repeatedly) by turning it off, press & hold the reset button for 30 seconds, turn it on, while still holding down the reset button for 30 seconds, then let go.
-Set a static IPv4 to 192.168.1.x (it can be anything except .1, which is usually reserved for home routers), Subnet to and leave the Gateway alongside with DNS1 & 2 to BLANK.
-Use the application TFTP2.exe and point the server to, password is "admin" (without quotes), and the file should point to the original linksys firmware that you downloaded from the previous step above.

From there, it should be able to upload to itself. Give it about 5 minutes after it states "upload sucessful" and then go ahead with loading in the mini_generic firmware, from the router's Linksys administration page. Then the standard firmware (if you choose to).

I hope this helps!

nedela, vseeno hvala

KoMar- ::

Kaj "nedela" točno? Prišel si iskat pomoč sem, ne? No, omogoči nam, da ti pomagamo. Pri katerem koraku se ustavi?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: KoMar- ()

StratOS ::

Že 4 linksysove routerje ki so jih ljudje zavrgli sem obudil, imaš 4 možnosti obuditve :
Za več :
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."

Padly88 ::

no sedaj sem uspel popraviti tako da sem v ip napisal routerjeve ipje z drugo končnico in naredil hard reset in naložil firmware, ja problem je da se je ustavilo že preden se je začelo, router se enostavno ni niti vklopil, oz je gorela samo lan1 lučka

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