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Kako se tole naredi?

Wolfram ::
pa ni nujno da so take animacije..
v glavnem: kje se dobi podobno skripto - slika razdeljena na linke in prikaz ob mouse over

- spremenil: Wolfram ()

njok ::
Drugace je pa sllika slycana tako da je vsak igralec posebej, potem pa je za vsako sliko posebej onmouseover. Tisti popup se naredi takole (deluje tudi v mozilli).

Wolfram ::

njok: katere programe bi rabu za izvedbo o. kje bi "napisu" onmouseover

Wolfram ::
a mi prosm pomagaš?
a ima potem ta koda kakšno povezavo s tisto ki jo ima slikca, katero klikneš in ima določen link? a se da to vse v dreamweaverju nardit?

njok ::

Wolfram ::

njok ::
Tisto kar je z rumenim so parametri ki jih lahko popravljas da bo popup pac izgledal drugace.
Kar je v oranznem je deklaracija arraya. ce bi rad dodajal popupe potem samo dodas nov element arraya z naslednjo zaporedno stevilko. Potem klices funkcijo doTooltip in kot drugi parameter vneses zaporedno stevilko arraya. Ce bi rasd popup nad sliko potem namesto besedila (Link1, Link2) pac vstavis sliko.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Rollover Popup</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
Image w/ description tooltip- By Dynamic Web Coding (
Copyright 2002 by Sharon Paine
Visit for this script
/* IMPORTANT: Put script after tooltip div or
put tooltip div just before </BODY>. */
var dom = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
var ns5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1) &&
dom) ? true: false;
var ie5 = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) &&
dom) ? true : false;
var ns4 = (document.layers && !dom) ? true : false;
var ie4 = (document.all && !dom) ? true : false;
var nodyn = (!ns5 && !ns4 && !ie4 && !ie5) ? true :
// resize fix for ns4
var origWidth, origHeight;
if (ns4) {
origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.onresize = function() { if (window.innerWidth != origWidth || window.innerHeight
!= origHeight) history.go(0); }
// avoid error of passing event object in older browsers
if (nodyn) { event = "nope" }
/////////////////////// CUSTOMIZE HERE ////////////////////
// settings for tooltip
// Do you want tip to move when mouse moves over link?
var tipFollowMouse= true;
// Be sure to set tipWidth wide enough for widest image
var tipWidth= 160;
var offX= 20; // how far from mouse to show tip
var offY= 12;
var tipFontFamily= "Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif";
var tipFontSize= "8pt";
// set default text color and background color for tooltip here
// individual tooltips can have their own (set in messages arrays)
// but don't have to
var tipFontColor= "#000000";
var tipBgColor= "#DDECFF";
var tipBorderColor= "#000080";
var tipBorderWidth= 3;
var tipBorderStyle= "ridge";
var tipPadding= 4;
// tooltip content goes here (image, description, optional
bgColor, optional textcolor)
var messages = new Array();
// multi-dimensional arrays containing:
// image and text for tooltip
// optional: bgColor and color to be sent to tooltip
//kot prvi argument arraya lahko napises karkoli ker se potem v kodi ne uposteva
messages[0] = new Array('','Here is a
red balloon on a white background',"#FFFFFF");
messages[1] = new Array('','Here is a duck on a light blue
messages[2] = new Array('','Test description','black','white');
//////////////////// END OF CUSTOMIZATION AREA ///////////////////
// preload images that are to appear in tooltip
// from arrays above
if (document.images) {
var theImgs = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<messages.length; i++) {
theImgs[i] = new Image();
theImgs[i].src = messages[i][0];
// to layout image and text, 2-row table, image centered in top cell
// these go in var tip in doTooltip function
// startStr goes before image, midStr goes between image and text
var startStr = '<table width="' + tipWidth + '"><tr><td
align="center" width="100%">';
var midStr = '</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">';
var endStr = '</td></tr></table>';
// initTip - initialization for tooltip.
// Global variables for tooltip.
// Set styles for all but ns4.
// Set up mousemove capture if tipFollowMouse set true.
var tooltip, tipcss;
function initTip() {
if (nodyn) return;
tooltip = (ns4)? document.tipDiv.document: (ie4)? document.all['tipDiv']: (ie5||ns5)?
document.getElementById('tipDiv'): null;
tipcss = (ns4)? document.tipDiv:;
if (ie4||ie5||ns5) { // ns4 would lose all this on rewrites
tipcss.width = tipWidth+"px";
tipcss.fontFamily = tipFontFamily;
tipcss.fontSize = tipFontSize;
tipcss.color = tipFontColor;
tipcss.backgroundColor = tipBgColor;
tipcss.borderColor = tipBorderColor;
tipcss.borderWidth = tipBorderWidth+"px";
tipcss.padding = tipPadding+"px";
tipcss.borderStyle = tipBorderStyle;
if (tooltip&&tipFollowMouse) {
if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
document.onmousemove = trackMouse;
window.onload = initTip;
// doTooltip function
// Assembles content for tooltip and writes
// it to tipDiv
var t1,t2; // for setTimeouts
var tipOn = false; // check if over tooltip link
function doTooltip(evt,num) {
if (!tooltip) return;
if (t1) clearTimeout(t1); if (t2) clearTimeout(t2);
tipOn = true;
// set colors if included in messages array
if (messages[num][2]) var curBgColor = messages[num][2];
else curBgColor = tipBgColor;
if (messages[num][3]) var curFontColor = messages[num][3];
else curFontColor = tipFontColor;
if (ns4) {
var tip = '<table bgcolor="' + tipBorderColor + '" width="'
+ tipWidth + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="' + tipBorderWidth
+ '" border="0"><tr><td><table bgcolor="'
+ curBgColor + '" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="'
+ tipPadding + '" border="0"><tr><td>'+ startStr
+ messages[num][0] + midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily
+ '; font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' +
messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr + '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
} else if (ie4||ie5||ns5) {
var tip = startStr + midStr + '<span style="font-family:' + tipFontFamily
+ '; font-size:' + tipFontSize + '; color:' + curFontColor + ';">' +
messages[num][1] + '</span>' + endStr;
tipcss.backgroundColor = curBgColor;
tooltip.innerHTML = tip;
if (!tipFollowMouse) positionTip(evt);
else t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible'",100);
var mouseX, mouseY;
function trackMouse(evt) {
mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
if (tipOn) positionTip(evt);
// positionTip function
// If tipFollowMouse set false, so trackMouse function
// not being used, get position of mouseover event.
// Calculations use mouseover event position,
// offset amounts and tooltip width to position
// tooltip within window.
function positionTip(evt) {
if (!tipFollowMouse) {
mouseX = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageX: window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
mouseY = (ns4||ns5)? evt.pageY: window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
// tooltip width and height
var tpWd = (ns4)? tooltip.width: (ie4||ie5)? tooltip.clientWidth: tooltip.offsetWidth;
var tpHt = (ns4)? tooltip.height: (ie4||ie5)? tooltip.clientHeight: tooltip.offsetHeight;
// document area in view (subtract scrollbar width for ns)
var winWd = (ns4||ns5)? window.innerWidth-20+window.pageXOffset: document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft;
var winHt = (ns4||ns5)? window.innerHeight-20+window.pageYOffset: document.body.clientHeight+document.body.scrollTop;
// check mouse position against tip and window dimensions
// and position the tooltip
if ((mouseX+offX+tpWd)>winWd)
tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX-(tpWd+offX): mouseX-(tpWd+offX)+"px";
else tipcss.left = (ns4)? mouseX+offX: mouseX+offX+"px";
if ((mouseY+offY+tpHt)>winHt) = (ns4)? winHt-(tpHt+offY): winHt-(tpHt+offY)+"px";
else = (ns4)? mouseY+offY: mouseY+offY+"px";
if (!tipFollowMouse) t1=setTimeout("tipcss.visibility='visible'",100);
function hideTip() {
if (!tooltip) return;
tipOn = false;
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)" onmouseout="hideTip()">Link
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,1)" onmouseout="hideTip()">Link
<div id="tipDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;
Simple, a?

Se izvorna koda.

Wolfram ::
Kaj naj bi to pomenilo?
P.S.: Kako točno bi to naredil? mislim na to, da bi ob mouseover na neko sliko se pokazal ta popup? ne vem kam vstavit sliko v to kodo

Pa hvala k mi pomagaš! če boš kdaj kaj rabil kar mene najprej vpraš

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Wolfram ()

njok ::
Poglej... za izvedbo te zanimata dva dela kode. Prvi je deklaracija arraya:
messages[0] = new Array('','To je prvi popup.',"#FFFFFF","#000000");
messages[1] = new Array('','To je drugi popup.',"#FFFFFF","#000000");
messages[2] = new Array('','To je tretji popup.',"#FFFFFF","#000000");
messages[3] = new Array('','To je cetrti popup.',"#FFFFFF","#000000");
messages[4] = new Array('','To je peti popup.',"#FFFFFF","#000000");
messages[5] = new Array('','To je sesti popup.',"#FFFFFF","#000000");
V arrayu definiras vsak popup posebej.
- argument ostane prazen (
) - argument določi tekst v popupu
- argument določi barvo ozadja
- argument določi barvo teksta
Potem imas drugi del kode ki te zanima.
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,0)" onmouseout="hideTip()"><img
src="" width="50" height="50" border=1></a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,1)" onmouseout="hideTip()"><img
src="" width="50" height="50" border=1></a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,2)" onmouseout="hideTip()"><img
src="" width="50" height="50" border=1></a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,3)" onmouseout="hideTip()"><img
src="" width="50" height="50" border=1></a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,4)" onmouseout="hideTip()"><img
src="" width="50" height="50" border=1></a><br><br>
<a href="#" onmouseover="doTooltip(event,5)" onmouseout="hideTip()"><img
src="" width="50" height="50" border=1></a><br><br>
Tukaj je sest slik. V
tagu imas onmouseover
in onmouseout
parametra. Drugi ostane nespremenjen, medtem ko v prvemu spreminjaš drugi argument funkcije doTooltip
. Tisti argument pove na kateri element arraya naj se nanaša. Tako ima prva slika, ki pokaze popup, ki je definiran v arrayu z indeksom 0, kot drugi argument 0.Bo slo?

Wolfram ::


Wolfram ::
a se da nardit, da bi bil popup prosojen in kako se to naredi?

njok ::
<div id="test" style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px;
width:300px; height:50px; z-index:1; background-color: #FFFFFF; layer-background-color:
#FFFFFF; filter: Alpha(Opacity=50);"></div>
Ce uporabljas dreamweaver poglej med CSS stile pod Extensions > Filter dropdown, kjer imas se vec parametrov (prelivi...).

Wolfram ::

sm probaval pa mi ne rata prav vstavit te kode... no, kam jo vstavim?
uporablam dreamweaver... in moram vseeno vstavit to kodo če nastavim v css kot si rekel?

darh ::

njok ::
kodo vstavi v body, deluje samo z Internet Explorerjem od 4. različice dalje (baje)
se strinjam. nisem nikoli delal z tem... bi blo treba pogledat malo specifikacije
