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iz MTS v avi, mkv ali kaj drugega

iz MTS v avi, mkv ali kaj drugega

waters ::

Dobil novo kamero ki snema v HD tehniki in naredi MTS datoteke . S staro digitalno sem snemal v avi obdelal v Pinnaclu in skreiral mpeg ter naredil DVD.

Kaj pa za v bodoče ( družinski posnetki). Imam već mts datotek katere bi sestavil v en posnetek a ne vem v kaj jih konvertirat. TV bo kmalu LED poleg pa Blue Ray predvajalnik. V kaj naj konvertiram, da bo pripravljeno za prihodnje desetletje.


psytoma ::

jaz uporabljam vegas, sicer je potem format mp4 vendar veliko manjša velikost v mb in skoraj ista kvalitete

izvoli če ti bo kaj pomagalo:

Movies coming out of my TZ7/ZS3 are have always been quite good, reasonably sharp with vivid colors.

However I'm an edit guy and most of what I shoot I also cut and process. Most recently I do that in
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum, which I found to be a greatly superior product to Windows Movie Maker,
which I used for many years for my Canon's VGA videos.

Panasonic's new AVCHD made me switch to Vegas, and I'm glad I did because compared to it the WMM is
a sorry piece of crap (especially the XP version)

Anyway,my problem with editing in Vegas was the final product output quality. Using the most comon
WMV or AVI render/compression settings the TZ7 movies were noticeably less sharp and colors substantially
paler compared to the original MTS footage. Many told me that was something to be expected if you do any
video processing, which always sounded like bologni to me, because video is meant to be worked with.

(By the way I'm not suggesting that the WMM output was any better, it's just that that was VGA and this is HD,
and whereas I didn't care that much about a degraded quality of the original VGA video file, now I shoot HD
and I expect the HD benefit all the way.)

I kept looking for better render settings until i found this one:

File>Render As>

Save as type "Sony AVC"
Click "Custom"

Project Tab:
Video Rendering Quality: Best

Video Tab:
Format: AVC
Frame Size: Custom
Width: 1280 Height: 720
"Uncheck" Allow source to adjust frame size
Profile: Main
Entropy Encoding: CABAC
"Uncheck" Allow source to adjust frame rate
Field Order: None (Progressive)
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0000

Bitrate (bps): I recommend anywhere from 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 for Vimeo. Only go below for longer videos.

Audio Tab:
Format: AVC
Sample Rate: 48,000 Hz
Bit Rate: 128,000

System Tab:
Format: MP4

RESULT: quality indistinguishable from the original. and if you wanna push it even further, add a 'light shrapening'
effect to your footage, and the outcome will be EVEN BETTER than your original MTS file quality.

SIZE you ask? between 45 to 60% of the original MTS size.

The output format is the perfectly universal and usable MP4.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: psytoma ()

zavajon ::

waters je izjavil:

V kaj naj konvertiram, da bo pripravljeno za prihodnje desetletje.

V nič. Pusti tako kot je in v prihodnjem desetletju konvertiraj v tisto, kar bo takrat aktualno ;)

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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