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program ki izlušči vokal iz mp3ja

program ki izlušči vokal iz mp3ja

Bidox19 ::

lep pozdrav!

zanima me, če kdo pozna kakšen dober program, ki bi iz mp3ja naredil samo podlago, oziroma samo vokal

nekaj podobnega kot je effect pri virtual dju, vendar da bi bilo po možnošti še kvalitetneje..

lahko je tudi profesionalen program, če le ima to funkcijo

hvala in lep pozdrav.

echoman ::

Dejansko se tega ne da narediti, vendar je meni na podlagi tega uspelo. Uporabil sem nič kaj zahteven program Audacity, ki je povrhu še brezplačen. Kako to narediš pa si oglej na YouTube ;)

Daren ::

jodlajodla: Iz komada ti je uspelo narediti akapelo ? Prosim prilimaj navodila kajti na Audacity forumih starejši člani/moderatorji (iz glave, nisem 100%) ljudem govorijo, da se to ne da kar tako narediti in da uspe le kje pa tam kakšen s kakšnim komadom.

Bananovec ::

Na portalu YouTube je bil naložen video, ki je v 5 minutah vseboval remix vseh najuspešnejši komadov iz leta 2009. Pod videom je sledilo vprašanje, kako izluščiti vokal iz komada.
Vem, da je avtor videa trdil, da je uporabil 2 programa in da je potrebno nato še naknadno dodati base.
Če po kakem naklučju uspem najti video in nato po še večjem naklučju uspem najti odgovor, potem ga 100% napišem.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Bananovec ::


5. What software did you use?

--Ableton Live for arranging the music. It's AWESOME, and it's what I use to DJ live with as well. Final Cut Pro for the video. For acapella extraction, see the next question.

6. How did you get the vocals without the instruments?

--if you search for "acapella" with the name of your song, you might find an isolated vocal. In some cases, I use a bit of Adobe Audition (the Center Channel Extractor effect) for vocal isolation. This removes instruments that are to the left or right in your stereo, and leaves only the sound that's in the center. You can also use this effect to take an instrumental and a full track to create an acapella. Check out my book "Audio Mashup Construction Kit" for more details on this technique, there's a whole chapter on it. In a few instances I used Melodyne Studio for vocal isolation.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

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