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Vaš najboljši komad

Vaš najboljši komad

perci ::

Sean Paul:
- I'm Still In Love With You
- Punky

mchaber ::

South Park - Dreidel dreidel dreidel:)

mchaber ::

Windows 95 sucks

Well, I bought up.
Brought windows home,
and d'cided to boot it up.

But when I load it up,
It says my memory is not enough...
I'd be runnin' out.
I need some extra RAM to fix me up...

I have to cough it up...
Open my wallet up.
It never stops. (4x)

It's Windows 95!
It suckin' up my Drive.
It' makes a pretty all fine.
But my PC... is obsolete.
I'll have to buy myself a brandnew machine...

Bring it up...
Stick me up.
You suck me in, and then you got me hooked.
You got me..., you got me.

There's so much stuff to buy
I need a new harddrive
It's gonna suck me dry.
My CPU says, 'don't have the speed',
it takes an hour just to bring up the screen

Oh no.
I making software buys,
It's making Bill Gated come.
You make a rich man come.


Jakka ::

/me is Playing: Nouky - When The Rain Begins To Fall [03:48m/192Kbps/44KHz]

:D :D :D :D :D

S-Master ::

Benny Benassy - Satisfaction ;)
traktor ti matr jebal !!

trpo ::

U2- It's A Beautiful Day
U2 so men naboljša skupina sploh. :D

Jakka ::

O ja Spider. Si vidu videospot? :D :D :D

/me is Playing: Benny Benassi - Satisfaction [03:11m/192Kbps/44KHz]
/me is Playing: Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Greece Dub) [06:39m/192Kbps/44KHz]

:D :D :D

whatever ::

Vangelis - Conquest of paradise

njok ::

Crystal Method - Born Too Slow (Eric Morillo Remix)

Satisfaction je pa res pogruntana pesmca... poslusal sem jo ze IIRC pred poletjem, celo poletje v diskotekah, pa ce jo sedaj slucajno slisim v kakem lokalu ni cisto nic narobe. :D

njok ::

B1 - Emolotion

Avenger ::

Cutting Crew - Died in your arms tonight

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.

ripmork ::

Died in your arms tonight-ga vsi poznamo(VICE CITY:D :)) )...

me je spet metallica zagrabila (ENTER SANDMAN)>:D wuuuu!!!

Trubadur ::

me je spet metallica zagrabila (ENTER SANDMAN) wuuuu!!!

tooo!posluš zadn komad na ...and justice for all-dyers eve
Berite Thomasa!

andromedar ::

Dire Straits - Telegraph Road

Tomi ::

Od prejšnjega četrtka mi je blazno všeč:
Pointer Sisters: I'm so excited;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tomi ()

ripmork ::

metallica:dyers eve;) ...sam moraš imet res naglas>:D ....drzgače pa ena taka čustvena in romantična:Seal-Kiss from a rose(komad iz batmana):D


DJ Lasha - Pinokkio FULL SEKA

mp218 ::

Everything but the girl - Five Phantoms

od bolj udarnih pa...
Linkin Park - Somewhere I belong

nostalgično pa ...

Faithless - Insomnia

Ghero0 ::

U2 so itak zakon tako da nima smisla govort o tem :D

Drgač pa od faithelessov insomnia tut ni za stran vržt, sem pa dons po radiu slišu, in mi je zdej ful ušeč, od Alexie - Per dire di no!
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

]Fusion[ ::

- Requiem for a dream - Requiem(Remix) ; lahko tudi navadnega, samo je bolj umirjen
- Evanescence - My immortal
- Pulp Fiction Theme :>
- Michael Andrews- Mad world
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

mchaber ::

Pankrti - Rdeča plošča - Sarajevo 1984:))

njok ::

Junior Jack - Stupidisco (Hott 22 main vocal)

Ja, vem, da je komad ful star, samo ta remix je prevec hud! :)

glinik ::

Kdo ima rad rock in hard rokc. Ta enostavno mora slišat NIGTWISH!

Če bi faušija gorela, cela Slovenija bi gorela :)))

Je vredno razmisleka ...

Arkadij ::

Kdo ima rad rock in hard rock. Ta enostavno mora slišat Zeppeline! :)

Trubadur ::

Iron Maiden - The Trooper, Iron Maiden, Fear of the dark, Run to the hills, Flight of Icarus , Paschedale, Dream Of Mirrors, Ghost Of The Navigator>:D

Tero ::

Tiesto - Walking On clouds

Meni ful dobra pesem;)
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

Zheegec ::

Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) live Seattle 1989.
Ah, dobri stari časi...
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

hooger ::


nekaj odličnih komadov!

OMD - Maid of Orleans
DJ tiesto - Forever today
Moby - porcelain
moby - why does my heart feel so bad?
Neki to vole vruće - jeans generacija
pa tut kšn Oliver Dragojević ni slab


ripmork ::

Jimi Hendrix-All along watch tower....poslastica;)

mchaber ::

RIPMORK moraš! slišat še Little wing in Voodoo Chile (slight return):)

OldSkul ::

Europe- Cherokee, Halfway to heaven, Rock the night, Carrie
Dire Straits- Heavy fuel, Lady writer, Sultans of swing
Phil Collins- True colors..
Prince- Diamonds and pearls, Cream..
Vse od Santane
Whitesnake- Is this love
Tudi Talk Talk - Its my life (original IMO boljši od priredbe!)
in še mnogo

dëych ::

Sundawner - Krystal Dreams
Blank & Jones - A Forest
Paul Oakenfold - southern sun (DJ Tiësto remix)
Blank & Jones - Mind Of The Wonderful - Martin Roth Remix
ATB - Ecstasy
Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
armin van buuren - midway - monkey forest
Solar Stone - Solar Coaster

sm to bi lahko še pisal...:D


dmok ::

Saxon - Ride like the Wind
Kings Of Convenience - I'd Rather Dance With You
Van Morrison - Precious Time
Elevators - Zulejne J Krmpjir
Pantera - Cemetary Gates
Iron Maiden - Be quick or be dead
Panda - Tok tok
The Bambi Molesters - Theme From Slaying Beauty
van Halen - Baluchitherium

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dmok ()

ripmork ::

mchaber:jap,tut dobra komada.
poa še dva:
Hey Joe
Purple Haze....Hendrix experience:)

Metallica:ma vse kar majo,še posebej Load:D

Exilian ::

Pornorama - I'd Say Yes (Leilwa)
Pornorama - Leliwa (Valentino Kanzyani Remix)
It's not the opensource i hate.
It's the fanclub I cannot stand.

Stampl ::

se opravidujem sm komade ne bom nasteval k bi jih blo prevec...
bendi pa so:
Children of Bodom
In Flames
Cradle of filth
vcasih brainstrom
System of a down
>:D >:D >:D :D :)) 8-) 8-O :8) >:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Stampl ()

Neon87 ::

Neki najboljših:
-LINKIN PARK- In the end
-Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven
-IRON MAIDEN - Fear of the dark
-Siddharta - Pot v X
- Eagles - Hotel California
-Mettalica - Nothing else matters
-Eminem feat. Dido - Stan
-Green day - Basket case
-Blink182 - All the small things ,...........

Raw ::

Yoko Kanno.. Dost muske iz animejev je njeno maslo.
Predvsem vsecna GITS SAC in Cowboy Bebop ost..
Rad bi dobu kaj vec od Orige (ruska pevka, popularna na Japonskem)
Komadi kot so "Inner Universe" in "Rise"... je komu ze kaj podobnega padlo v uho?
I am what I am and I do what I can

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Raw ()

Zheegec ::

Metallica - Harvester Of Sorrow
Nirvana - All Apologies
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Arkadij ::

Mnja, komadov bi bilo res preveč.

Led Zeppelin
The Who
Pink Floyd
Deep Purple
The Doors
Iggy Pop
Janis Joplin
B Marley & The Wailers

Mogoče še kakšen komad od Jefferson Airplane. Trenutno pa najboljši komad definitivno Zeppelin - What is What and what Should Never Be.

DavidJ ::

Izmed tukaj mnogo naštetih bi lahko našel marsikaj, kar ustreza mojemu okusu, vendar 'the Pesem' ni bila omenjena, niti skupina skupina, ki jo izvaja, ne. Grdavži! >:D

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

Kapo dol!
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

mchaber ::

RIPMORK: Angel, Foxy lady,The Wind Cries Mary

Drugač pa še tud Eagles: Hotel California

A. Smith ::

Jah, Queeni so zakon...

Trenutno pa se topim ob pesmi Berlin - Take my breath away
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis

Trubadur ::

Apocalyptica ma tut par res hudih komadov

dela ::

armand van helden- hear my name

ziga7 ::

Dj Assult, Ass-N-Titties 2001, Hip-hop, 12"


Metallica: One, Sanatorium...
Robbie Willimas: album Swing When You're Winning
Slon in Sadež: Veneti, Kauboj iz Ljubljane, Raper..)
Nataša Atlas: Gedeida


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: STASI ()

ripmork ::

Metallica: One-live verzija

maticm ::

Jeff Mills...The Bells :D
Pornorama - kanzyani mix
en dober house k se ful vrti sam ne vem naslova :\


zfan1234 ::

Aerosmith - I don't want to miss a thing

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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