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autocad 2008 na win 7 64

autocad 2008 na win 7 64

andrej24 ::

A je kdo ki bi mi razložil kako naložim autocad 2008 na win 7 64 bit?

5er--> ::

Ali dobiš 64bitno varjanto autocada 2008 ali pa:

1. Download and install Orca from Microsoft.
2. Copy the installation files to your hard drive or a network folder.
3. Backup the files ACA.msi and Setup.ini
4. Edit the ACA.msi with Orca and delete the action found in the table "InstallExecuteSequence" that is called "CheckFor64BitOS" Delete the same line under table "CustomAction"
5. Save and close the ACA.msi
6. Edit the Setup.ini with Notepad. Delete the line under "#==================== Platform Requirement" that is labeled "PLATFORM=NO_WOW_64_PROCESS"
7. Double-click the Setup.exe and you should be able to install without any problems.
8. Some support paths under the "Files" tab of the configuration dialog box have incorrect paths. The installer adds and extra "\AppData\AppData" to some support paths located in the user profile. For example the Main Customization File's path is listed as "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\AppData\AppData\Roami ng\Autodesk\ACD-A 2008\enu\Support\ADT" when it should be "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ ACD-A 2008\enu\Support\ADT" Fix the incorrect paths, hit apply, and you are good to go.

andrej24 ::

hvala za odgovor Mam tut 64 bitni autocad sam ga nemorem registrerat.

5er--> ::

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