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3 računalniki v omrežju in shared printer problem

3 računalniki v omrežju in shared printer problem

Simch ::

Doma sem menjal starejši računalnik z novim, in imam sledeč problem:
Računalnik sem poimenoval z istim imenom kot je bil prej in nanj instaliral HP printer (kot je ze bil na starem). Ta racunalnik recimo poimenujem 1. Nato sem preko mreze instaliral ta printer tudi na racunalnik 2 (kot network printer) in stvar lepo dela. Ko pa sem hotel isti printer instalirat se na racunalnik 3, opazim da racunalnik 3 ne vidi racunalnika 1 in 2 (pred menjavo jih je)! 2 mapi ki sta sharani na racunalniku 2 sta sicer vidni, a pod entire network ne vidim ne 1 ne 2. Iz racunalnika 1 sicer vidim tudi racunalnik 3 a se nanj ne morem povezati (iz 1 na 2 pa gre). Kje bi tukaj bil problem glede na to da je prej vse delalo? najlepsa hvala za namige! (na vseh 3 kistah je xp in vsi compi so v isti workgroupi)


Karen ::

Tole preveri:

Še izsek iz te vsebine:
Here are Microsoft article discussing node types:

If you need to correct this, you'll need to run the Registry Editor on the
computer with the problem.

You need to find this key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\NetBT\Parameters]
and delete these two values (which ever is there):

After you delete the two values, reboot the computer. After the reboot, rerun
IPConfig and re examine the results.

The Registry Editor is a scary tool, but it's pretty simple once you get used to
it. Here are a couple articles that might help:

Just remember to backup the key (create a registry patch) for:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\NetBT\Parameters]
before deleting the values.

Simch ::

Karen CAR!!!

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