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Reset biosa na Hp

Reset biosa na Hp

pikachu004 ::

stranka mi je na servis prinesla prenosnik Hp nc6400.
Ko se prižge zahteva Power-on password.
Je kakšna možnost resetirat bios oz zaobiti geslo?
Hvala za odgovore

bluefish ::

Pa stranka ne pozna gesla?

pikachu004 ::

ne, pravi da je prenosnik kupil preko oglasa in ga dobil tako kot je.

krneki0001 ::

Obstaja par programov, ki ti resetirajo biosov password, samo delajo iz dosa, ko prideš v mašino. Pri power on passwordu je pa to malo težje.
Če boš odkril kako se to naredi, napiši tukaj. Imam podoben problem z prenosnikom HP evo 800.

msenjur ::

in kakšna je verjetnost, da je ukraden???

pikachu004 ::

ne vem kakšna je verjetnost da je ukraden, me niti ne zanima, stranka želi storitev, jaz bi rad opravil delo in zanj zaračunal.

koliko računalnikov so mi lahko že prinesli na servis (ukradenih) brez zahteve gesla?

msenjur ::

hja, veliko, samo ta je imel lahko tko zavarovanega...

sicer pa ni važno, važno je, da je stranka zadovoljna, in da pokaže EUR, a ne? ;)

drugač pa... laik kot sem jest, pogledam na google...



Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: msenjur ()

pikachu004 ::

a nej ga zavrnem zaradi tega ker ga je mogoce ukradu?

msenjur ::

itak da ne... :)

krneki0001 ::

hja, veliko, samo ta je imel lahko tko zavarovanega...

sicer pa ni važno, važno je, da je stranka zadovoljna, in da pokaže EUR, a ne? ;)

drugač pa... laik kot sem jest, pogledam na google...



To dvoje za prenosnike odpade. Sprobano in zadeva ne deluje.

pikachu004 ::

nekje sem prebral da naj bi bil jumper zraven baterije in se z njim resetira ampak ga ne najdem nikjer.?

LordTado ::

jumper je verjetno kje drugje,poglej kera matična je in potegni manual dol...tam mora bit not

krneki0001 ::

Govorimo za prenosnike, na za osebne računalnike. Ti naj nebi imeli bios reset jumperja na plati.

msenjur ::

ja drugi link govori o laptopih...

Here is what the manual says!!!
Maintenance and Service
HP Pavilion dv4000 Notebook PC
Compaq Presario V4000 Notebook PC

Resetting the Computer
If the computer you are servicing has an unknown password,
follow these steps to set a new password. These steps also
clear CMOS:
1. Enter an incorrect password and press enter.
2. Repeat step 1 two more times.
After the third entry of the incorrect password, the computer
responds with a "System Disabled" message and provides an
override password.
3. On another computer running Windows XP, download the
unlock6.exe utility from the HP Channel Services Network
(CSN) Web site at http://www.hp.com/partners/csn. Copy the
unlock6.exe utility into the root directory (C:\ drive).
4. Access MS-DOS by clicking Start > All Programs >
Accessories > Command Prompt.
5. Enter unlock6 xxxxx 0, where "xxxxx" is the password
generated by the computer in step 2.
The computer responds with another system-generated
6. Enter the password generated in step 5 on the disabled
computer to enter the system BIOS. In the BIOS, navigate
to the Security tab and Administrator Password. Enter the
password generated in step 5 as the current password. Enter
a new password to change it.
7. The password has been reset and all CMOS settings have

Isotropic ::

jah baterijo daj ven in pocakaj 10min.

LordTado ::

veš kej še probej
ene matične majoi tko da stisneš tipko insert in jo držiš pol pa pritisneš gumn power in ga držiš.
Tako mislim da resetiraš bios ali pa samo defaultneš vse nastavitve,ki pa tudi mislim da so brez pasworda...

bluefish ::

Glede jumperja sem za nekatere HP prenosnike bral, da je ponavadi skrit pod tipkovnico in je precej težko priti do zadeve.

AndrejS ::

Zadevo močno smrdi po ukradeni robi.... morda boš celo sokriv !

Pyr0Beast ::

Zelo verjetno ukraden.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

RiNC ::

Še ena ideja - mogoče deluje...

1. iz neta potegni bios (torej na proizvalačevi strani poišči - predlagam najnovejšega)
2. posnami na usb ključ
3. priklopi usb ključ v prenosnik
4. pritisni vse 4 tipke s puščicami, ko jih držiš prižgi prenosnik, nato roke stran
5. bios se bi naj nadgradil in seveda zresetiral vse na default nastavitve

Tole je postopek, kako rešiš spodletelo fleshanje biosa, mogoče bo delovalo tudi pri tvoji "težavi".

Podrobnejši opis postopka je tukaj -> link

Sum na ukradeno robo ostaja... >:D
CURIOSITY did not kill the cat...
...it was the BUS!

Duhec ::

Mišljen je USB floppy disk ne USB ključ.

RiNC ::

OK pol pa USB floppy... meni je delalo tudi z USB ključem.
CURIOSITY did not kill the cat...
...it was the BUS!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: RiNC ()

Duhec ::

E, to! Hvala za info.

RiNC ::

Maintenance and Service Guide (HP Compaq nc6400 Notebook PC):

1.2 Resetting the Computer
If the computer you are servicing has an unknown password,
follow the steps below to reset the password. These steps also
clear CMOS.
The following steps will not clear an unknown password if the
stringent security option has been enabled in the BIOS. If
stringent security is enabled, the system board must be replaced
to reset an unknown password. Refer to Section 5.21, “Top
Cover,” for more information on replacing the system board.
Before replacing the system board, perform the steps below to
make sure stringent security has been properly enabled.
Enabling stringent security provides enhanced protection for the
power-on password and administrator password and other forms
of power-on authorization. Stringent security is enabled/disabled
by accessing the Password Options menu in the Computer Setup
utility. Refer to Section 2.1, “Computer Setup,” for more
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (refer to Section 5.3,
“Preparing the Computer for Disassembly,” for more
2. Remove the real-time clock (RTC) battery (refer to
Section 5.11, “RTC Battery,” for more information on
removing and replacing the RTC battery).
3. Wait approximately 5 minutes.
4. Replace the RTC battery and reassemble the computer.
5. Connect AC power to the computer. Do not reinsert any
batteries at this time.
6. Turn on the computer.
All passwords and all CMOS settings have been cleared.

Če rabiš celotni pdf, me kontaktiraj na ZS.
CURIOSITY did not kill the cat...
...it was the BUS!

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