Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Starejsi HP LaserJeti in Windows 7 = no go
Starejsi HP LaserJeti in Windows 7 = no go

piek ::
Imam tezavo s prepricevanjem Win7, da bi tiskali na starejsih HP LaserJetih. Sodec po spletnih objavah se zdalec nisem edini. Ignorantski HP se je namrec odlocil, da podpore za te tiskalnike preposto ne bo, ceprav so se v Visti BP delovali (in ker Win6 je prakticno tudi Win6.1 mi ne bodo govorili, da ne morejo delati).
Kje je tezava? Samodejna namestitev ne deluje, zal pa tudi vsi rocni popravki (namescanje Vistinih gonilnikov) ne ...
Sledil sem temu postopku, kot sem ga nasel na netu, pa ne deluje (med porti se pac ne pokaze DOT4 ali USB, "ustvariti" ga pa tudi ne morem).
Getting the Laserjet 1010 to work on Win 7 RC+1 (ver. 7201). I am running 32 bit version so I am not sure if this will work for the 64 bit version.
Note: Win 7 shares the same code base as Vista. Since there are not always Win 7 drivers available for devices, I have often found that Vista drivers will work.
I don't know when HP released Vista drivers for the 1010 (had to fight with this dang printer to get those working in the past), but they seem to have them now.
Here are the steps I took to get the 1010 working on Win 7.
Download HP drivers from here:
HP LaserJet 1010 Printer series*-* HP LaserJet 1010/1012/1015 Host Based Driver - HP Business Support Center
Unzip into a folder/destination of your choice (remember where you put it)
Go to Devices and Printers window (from win 7 start button)
Click Add Printer
Tell it Dot 4 printer as the Port type
Click Have Disk
When it can't find the driver on A drive, click Browse
Point it back to the Unzipped file location you saved earlier
It should find the .inf file at this point.
Follow the remaining steps.
Imam pa HP LJ1010 in 32-bit Win7 (zadnja uradna razlicica). Kaksna ideja, kaj mi je storiti?
Imam tezavo s prepricevanjem Win7, da bi tiskali na starejsih HP LaserJetih. Sodec po spletnih objavah se zdalec nisem edini. Ignorantski HP se je namrec odlocil, da podpore za te tiskalnike preposto ne bo, ceprav so se v Visti BP delovali (in ker Win6 je prakticno tudi Win6.1 mi ne bodo govorili, da ne morejo delati).
Kje je tezava? Samodejna namestitev ne deluje, zal pa tudi vsi rocni popravki (namescanje Vistinih gonilnikov) ne ...
Sledil sem temu postopku, kot sem ga nasel na netu, pa ne deluje (med porti se pac ne pokaze DOT4 ali USB, "ustvariti" ga pa tudi ne morem).
Getting the Laserjet 1010 to work on Win 7 RC+1 (ver. 7201). I am running 32 bit version so I am not sure if this will work for the 64 bit version.
Note: Win 7 shares the same code base as Vista. Since there are not always Win 7 drivers available for devices, I have often found that Vista drivers will work.
I don't know when HP released Vista drivers for the 1010 (had to fight with this dang printer to get those working in the past), but they seem to have them now.
Here are the steps I took to get the 1010 working on Win 7.
Download HP drivers from here:
HP LaserJet 1010 Printer series*-* HP LaserJet 1010/1012/1015 Host Based Driver - HP Business Support Center
Unzip into a folder/destination of your choice (remember where you put it)
Go to Devices and Printers window (from win 7 start button)
Click Add Printer
Tell it Dot 4 printer as the Port type
Click Have Disk
When it can't find the driver on A drive, click Browse
Point it back to the Unzipped file location you saved earlier
It should find the .inf file at this point.
Follow the remaining steps.
Imam pa HP LJ1010 in 32-bit Win7 (zadnja uradna razlicica). Kaksna ideja, kaj mi je storiti?
Finish it off if you started it!

piek ::
Linux ne bo sel, ker racunalnik uporabljajo tudi starsi, ki so vesci le Windoze okolja ...
Finish it off if you started it!

rsroki :: vem amapak hp pravi, da naj bi gonilniki bili v samih win 7 ..drugače pa bi jaz probal še z gonilniki za visto.. ali pa tole

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: rsroki ()

Cveto ::
Imam LaserJet 5L na LPT portu in dela BP (star mislim da je več kot 10 let). Windowsi so sami našli tiskalnik, namestili gonilnike in to je to.

dragana ::
Jaz imam podoben problem. Laserjet 5L dela BP, samo priključil in dela. Problem je pri Laserjet 1018, ki printa le lokalno. Čim ga deliš z ostalimi v mreži, ne printa več (niti lokalno). Čakam na nove driverje

piek ::
Tole lepo pise na HP/Windows strani ...
Category 6 - Selected product is not supported in Windows 7
Your LaserJet model is not supported in Windows 7.
For more information regarding upgrade programs and new product information, please visit the HP Trade-In/Trade Up website at or directly from HP at .
Drugi link je pa le za XP gonilnike iz leta 2003, kateri tudi ne delajo (niti compatibility mode).
Se kaka ideja?
Category 6 - Selected product is not supported in Windows 7
Your LaserJet model is not supported in Windows 7.
For more information regarding upgrade programs and new product information, please visit the HP Trade-In/Trade Up website at or directly from HP at .
Drugi link je pa le za XP gonilnike iz leta 2003, kateri tudi ne delajo (niti compatibility mode).
Se kaka ideja?
Finish it off if you started it!

ender ::
Kaj pa HPjevi univerzalni gonilniki?
There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

dbokal ::
Ne vem, ali bo še aktualno, toda meni je HPLJ uspešno natisnil preizkusno stran po naslednjem postopku:
1) DL HPjev gonilnik za Win Vista, razpakiraj
2) Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers\Add a printer
3) Add a local printer
4) Use an existing port
5) DOT4_001
6) Have disk.
7) Poišči datoteko hpc1015e.inf iz razpakirane datoteke
8) Izberi tiskalnik HP LJ 1010
9) Natisni testno stran
Tiskalnik se pojavi na ustreznem mestu, pa tudi tiskanje je BP.
Priznam pa, da sem tudi sam že skoraj obupal, ko sem klikal skozi HPjev labirint linkov pri gonilnikih za Win 7. Morda enostavno niso prav povezali zadev.
1) DL HPjev gonilnik za Win Vista, razpakiraj
2) Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers\Add a printer
3) Add a local printer
4) Use an existing port
5) DOT4_001
6) Have disk.
7) Poišči datoteko hpc1015e.inf iz razpakirane datoteke
8) Izberi tiskalnik HP LJ 1010
9) Natisni testno stran
Tiskalnik se pojavi na ustreznem mestu, pa tudi tiskanje je BP.
Priznam pa, da sem tudi sam že skoraj obupal, ko sem klikal skozi HPjev labirint linkov pri gonilnikih za Win 7. Morda enostavno niso prav povezali zadev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dbokal ()

dbokal ::
Po ponovnem branju sem videl, da je to pravzaprav postopek, ki je opisan zgoraj v angleščini. Ne vem, kako se je DOT4_001 pojavil pri meni, vendar pred namestitvijo tiskalnika sem poskušal zgolj z "plug&play" USB uporabo. Nalagal je neke gonilnike, tudi tisklanik mi je postavil med "unknown devices", le tiskati se ni dalo. Torej, zdi se, da je prvi korak prepričati WinVista, da naj napravo, ki ji zazna preko USBja vseeno poskusi namestiti. Ko ta postopek ne pripelje do tiskalnika, pa je treba še ročno dodati HPjev Vista gonilnik.
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