Forum » Strojna oprema » 17.julij rojstvo R9000
17.julij rojstvo R9000

jureus ::
17. julij je dan, ko bo Ati RV250 uradno predstavljen svetu. Pri podjetju ATi nameravajo RV250 izdati v najmanj dveh verzijah, doslej sta znani verziji kot Radeon 9000 in Radeon 9000 pro, potrjeno je da bosta nosili te dve imeni. Specifikacije teh dveh kartic pa so:
Radeon 9000, procesor 275MHz, spomin (ram) 550MHz
Radeon 9000 Pro, procesor 300MHz, spomin (ram) 600MHz
Radeon 9000, procesor 275MHz, spomin (ram) 550MHz
Radeon 9000 Pro, procesor 300MHz, spomin (ram) 600MHz

Dami ::
Ja na r300 aka radeon 9700 si pa kr pozabil?
ATI Technologies is set to launch two RV250 core-based graphics chips, the Radeon 9000 and Radeon 9000 Pro, and one top-end, DirectX 9-supporting chip, the Radeon 9700 (codenamed R300), on July 17. With the earlier product rollout, ATI is expected to enjoy stronger sales during the summer vacation season than rival Nvidia.

ATI Technologies is set to launch two RV250 core-based graphics chips, the Radeon 9000 and Radeon 9000 Pro, and one top-end, DirectX 9-supporting chip, the Radeon 9700 (codenamed R300), on July 17. With the earlier product rollout, ATI is expected to enjoy stronger sales during the summer vacation season than rival Nvidia.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Zheegec ::
R250 verjetno kmalu, R300 pa bodo septembra začel prodajat, oktorba bo pri nas??!! Sicer bom pa jaz počakal ali na NV30 ali pa na R10000.

jureus ::
Radeon 8800 Radeon 8700
GPU 350 MHz 350 MHz
Minne 128 MB DDR 64 MB DDR
Minnefrekvens 600 MHz 550 MHz
TV-ut Ja Ja
GPU 350 MHz 350 MHz
Minne 128 MB DDR 64 MB DDR
Minnefrekvens 600 MHz 550 MHz
TV-ut Ja Ja

matter ::

frudi ::
it has arrived
na anandtechu in tomshardware in verjetno na vsakem spodobnem hardware sajtu so že testi...

na anandtechu in tomshardware in verjetno na vsakem spodobnem hardware sajtu so že testi...
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

Tzar ::
Od našega strateškega partnerja iz Azije:
Dear Value Customer,
We are proud to annouce that our Retail version of RV250 64MB DDR, TV OUT, DVI is available now. The performance is closed to TI4200 & better than MX460. The price range is around 15% to 20% cheaper than MX460. Please kindly advise your order forecast if you have interest in this product.
Moreover, the RV250 VIVO version will be available by the end of July.
Zanimivo. Sam sem preizkusil že veliko kartic in tudi sam dobil občutek, da ATI ne bo mogel parirati nVidii po hitrosti, mogoče samo po lepši grafiki. Pa še TV out ima ful boljši.
Dear Value Customer,
We are proud to annouce that our Retail version of RV250 64MB DDR, TV OUT, DVI is available now. The performance is closed to TI4200 & better than MX460. The price range is around 15% to 20% cheaper than MX460. Please kindly advise your order forecast if you have interest in this product.
Moreover, the RV250 VIVO version will be available by the end of July.
Zanimivo. Sam sem preizkusil že veliko kartic in tudi sam dobil občutek, da ATI ne bo mogel parirati nVidii po hitrosti, mogoče samo po lepši grafiki. Pa še TV out ima ful boljši.

Življenje je lepo!

kuglvinkl ::
Za R9000:

Za R9700 si pa preračunajte. THG has also posted their preview, and they toss out an amazing performance figure. Without any enhancements, R300 can deliver 14,000 3DMarks compared to about 11,000 for the Ti4600. As soon as you add Anisotropic Filtering and FSAA to the mix, the R300 delivers 10,000 to the Ti4600's 4,500!

Za R9700 si pa preračunajte. THG has also posted their preview, and they toss out an amazing performance figure. Without any enhancements, R300 can deliver 14,000 3DMarks compared to about 11,000 for the Ti4600. As soon as you add Anisotropic Filtering and FSAA to the mix, the R300 delivers 10,000 to the Ti4600's 4,500!
Your focus determines your reallity
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kuglvinkl ()

para-site ::
Jst upam, da bo 9000 pro v trgovinah čim prej in čim bolj poceni. S kakim VIVO dodatkom zna bit zanimiva, glede na to da mam 17" monitor in da igram igre v 1024x768 in so v taki resoluciji tudi pri 9000 pro dobre performanse. Govori se, da tajvanci r250 kartice že na veliko proizvajajo, tko da nas zna doletet kašna poceni varjanta...
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