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Cron jobs

Cron jobs

pizdarija1 ::

Problem imam pri inštalaciji zatakne se pri 4 koraku, prvič sem se srečal z takimi navodili in nevem kje naj začnem "server" je na mojem računalu windowz, cpanela ni za cron pa nevem kaj naj inštaliram najdel sem program CronForWindows si lahko kaj pomagam z njim, navodila:

4. In cPanel, click on the Cron jobs icon. Select Advanced (Unix Style), and one by one, fill in the crons you were given by the installer. The values that you should put in each box are seperated by spaces, eg put all the text before the first space in the Minute box, then Hour, then Day, then Month, then Weekday, then finally Command. You will have to Commit Changes and select Advanced (Unix Style) after entering each one to make a new box appear for the next one. (If no cPanel and on a linux server with shell access, use the cron program to import these crons manually. If no cPanel and no linux with shell, you're a bit screwed and should consider changing servers)
NOTE TO non-Cpanel users: To import the cronjobs, copy all the cronjobs into a text file called crons.txt, upload it to your server, then run the shell command

crontab /path/to/crons.txt

, making sure to backup old crons first, as this overwrites any existing crons. Hope this helps.

Tole bi moral uporabit:
*/5 * * * * curl http://localhost/FREE-scripts/codes-lit...
0 0 * * * curl http://localhost/FREE-scripts/codes-lit...

Gwanaroth ::

Najprej si malo pojme razčisti..
Lights often keep secret hypnosis..

pizdarija1 ::

Kot sem povedal nič nevem o tem, kakšna pomoč mogoče?

techfreak :) ::

If no cPanel and no linux with shell, you're a bit screwed and should consider changing servers

Drugače pa uporabi recimo http://cronw.sourceforge.net/ (navodila so priložena ko namestiš).

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