Forum » Znanost in tehnologija » Roštilj mode vesoljskih plovil
Roštilj mode vesoljskih plovil
Entuzio ::
Dežurne strokovnjake bi prosil za obrazložitev uporabe Roštilj načina vesoljskih plovil med potovanjem po medprostoru. Kako, kdaj, kje in zakaj se ga uporablja. Kot primer npr.kdaj in kje je Apollo 11 zažel uporabljati roštilj mode.
Hvala vsem za bodoče odgovore, Lp
Hvala vsem za bodoče odgovore, Lp
Starodavni ::
Pa mislim, takega načina ne boš našel, to si sam izmislil skovanko. Raje popravi in napiši v originalnem jeziku ta način potovanja.
gani-med ::
verjetno je mislil "barbecue mode"
Vesoljsko plovilo mal okol vrtijo, da se preveč ne segreje od sonca samo na enem mestu.
Vesoljsko plovilo mal okol vrtijo, da se preveč ne segreje od sonca samo na enem mestu.
CO2 is the elixir of life.
KandazaR ::
Roštilj mode vesoljskih plovil
Drugače je Barbecue mode (če že prevajaš je to žar). Več si pa lahko prebereš npr
gani-med ::
Eb citat, ki vse pojasni:
In the Apollo spacecraft, there were various reasons why it was undesirable to allow these temperature extremes to exists for long. For example, test had shown that the heatshield material around the command module would crack and flake if it were allowed to get to cold, while the tanks for the RCS thrusters had to be kept at moderate temperatures at all times to šrevent freezing and overpressurisation. The simple solutiuon was to rotate the spacecraft gently around its long axis, side-on to the Sun. This technique was formally known as passive thermal control (PTC) but for many comentators, a far more descriptice term was the "barbecue mode"
CO2 is the elixir of life.
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