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Synology Disk Station DS209+II NAS

Synology Disk Station DS209+II NAS

Gogo ::

V planu imam nakup Synology Disk Station DS209+II NAS. Vendar pa ne vem kakšna diska bi dal noter. Kaj bi bilo najbolj optimalno? Gledam WD Green serijo. Bi bila OK? Velikost pa nad 640 GB. Koliko plošč je v 1 TB disku (3 x 320)?
Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite|Ryzen 3 3100|GeForce GT 1030|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|

TehDucky ::

3x333,3GB plošče v 1 TB disku, malo večje kot pri 2x320GB 640GB disku. Ja green diski so za storage čisto ok. Še posebno tanovi, ko majo neke zadeve kot je Intelli Seek in Intelli Power.

trnvpeti ::

gogo, si kupil ds209+II?
koliksna cena, kako se obnese?

Gogo ::

Kupil pri www.dealcat.de za 380,00€ + 2x 1TB diska.
Svar rula, vendar pa:
- ne pozna hibernacije tako da dela ventilatorček nonstop,
- emule in torrente ne morem uštimat, pa da se ubijem, enako pravijo na forumu synology,
- novi SW prihaja kar redno,
- drugo pa je meni kar ok: backup imaš poseben program, imaš audio station, slike ipd
Če te kaj zanima pa reci.
Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite|Ryzen 3 3100|GeForce GT 1030|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|

trnvpeti ::

zanima me naslednje:
- koliko je stvar glasna
- kako se greje
- kaksne diske 1T imas
- za hibernacijo, sem bral, da pri green diskih rabis nekaj na diskih izklopit preden so v uporabi v ds
- a se priblizas 90/60 download upload, kot je napisano pri specifiacijah
- si probal hitrost glede na ds209 model
- kako deluje itunes server
- lahko nadomestis time machine
- si mogoce probal zamenjati en disk, kako se je restavriral raid1
- mail station: si probal mogoce grey list

Gogo ::

Evo par hitrih odgovorov:
- je kar precej glasna, vsaj če je v sobi tišina
- temperatura sistema pravi da je 51°C, diska ma imata 41 in 38°C
- diska sta 2 x 1 TB Western Digital Caviar Green 1000GB (WD10EACS)16 MB Cache
- kar se tiče hibernacije, ventilatorček se vrti nonstop,
- download/upload lahko rečem le to: imam staro 10 MB kartico in jo zasede 95%, ko uštimam 1G povezavo bo bolje :)
- s starim modelom nisem primerjal,
- itunes ne uporabljam, prav tako time machine,
- restavracija raida 1 še ni v planu :)
- mail station bom uštimal ko dobim domeno, konec leta

Toliko zaenkrat
Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite|Ryzen 3 3100|GeForce GT 1030|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|

Gogo ::

Moram se popraviti, gre v hibernacijo in sicer imaš možnost nastaviti po koliko minutah gre spančkat. Ta čas deluje le ventilator. Več:
1) I can hear my system hibernate the HDDs, but the fan stays on. Why?
The fan will always remain active, even during the hibernating state. Our engineers have experimented with having the fan off and found that the HDD/system motherboard can become overheated. This is why the fan is on about 60% of the nominal speed. The fan will enter "low-speed" mode after one minute the disks enter hibernation mode. When there is disk activity, the fan will return to full power.
*Attempts to disable the fan will result in the system to emit a constant warning beeper, after five minutes of the system not detecting a fan, the system will shut down.
*For the DS106 series, and DS-101g+, the fan will activate if the system temperature exceeds 47C.
*For all RS models, the fans remain at a fixed speed; please also note that the RS is marketed towards markets which will utilize a machine/server room; please consider the CS/DS model if noise is a concern.
*For x08 models, DS107R2 Series (R2 models have solid color Synology Logo Dot on side panel, and a Letter 'E' in the serial number, third character from the left) the fans will remain fixed a lower speed, and will not adjust speeds depending on on system activity.
Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite|Ryzen 3 3100|GeForce GT 1030|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|

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