Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Računalnik z RAID poljem se noče obuditi v življenje
Računalnik z RAID poljem se noče obuditi v življenje
ibozic ::
Par mescev mi je stal comp, ki vsebuje abit nfs7-s, 2× gail RAM 512mb, radeon 9800pro, 2× maxtor 120gb raid...
Ko sem ponovno priklopil comp, mi začne piskati in se noce vzgati. Ker sem takoj pomisll na grafo,sem dal not drugo in se ono sprobal na drugem compu pa sem vidu da je izpravna, enako sem naredil z rami. ali lahko spklepam, da je crknila matična?
Ubistvu je težava v tem, da sem imel vzpostavljeno raid polje, ki diska predstavlja kot eno celoto (2× maxtor 120gb 8mb), na njih imam shranjene neke podtke, ki bi jih nujno rabil. Ce dam not drugo matično oz. le te diske priklopim na drug comp, a bom lahko potegnil podatke z diskov?
Kaj priporočate?
Vnaprej hvala
Ko sem ponovno priklopil comp, mi začne piskati in se noce vzgati. Ker sem takoj pomisll na grafo,sem dal not drugo in se ono sprobal na drugem compu pa sem vidu da je izpravna, enako sem naredil z rami. ali lahko spklepam, da je crknila matična?
Ubistvu je težava v tem, da sem imel vzpostavljeno raid polje, ki diska predstavlja kot eno celoto (2× maxtor 120gb 8mb), na njih imam shranjene neke podtke, ki bi jih nujno rabil. Ce dam not drugo matično oz. le te diske priklopim na drug comp, a bom lahko potegnil podatke z diskov?
Kaj priporočate?
Vnaprej hvala
Eno je teorija, v praksi se pa drugace izkaze.
- spremenilo: Stepni Volk ()
Andruxa ::
Men je na Abit NF7 crknu termostat in mi je tkole piskal, dokler nism v biosu izklopu varnostnega izklapljanja. Sicer pa odvisno kako piska.
Mas na internetu specifikacijo teh piskov (mislim da le-te doloca BIOS ), samo zdej se res ne bi spomnu kje. Torej poglej kateri BIOS imas, in na inetu poisci spec piskov. Mogoce poglej ce ti delajo vsi ventilatorji, pa ce vsi delajo, probaj izklopit varnostni izklop racunalnika ob previsoki
temperaturi, lahko pa da je sel ventilator na procesorju.
Glede RAID-a, kateri RAID pa imas, 0-5 ?
Namrec, ce imas zrcaljenje (0), potem bos dobil podatke, ...
Aja, sej si napisal da nimas zrcaljenja, za tvoj primer pa res ne vem, ...
Mas na internetu specifikacijo teh piskov (mislim da le-te doloca BIOS ), samo zdej se res ne bi spomnu kje. Torej poglej kateri BIOS imas, in na inetu poisci spec piskov. Mogoce poglej ce ti delajo vsi ventilatorji, pa ce vsi delajo, probaj izklopit varnostni izklop racunalnika ob previsoki
temperaturi, lahko pa da je sel ventilator na procesorju.
Glede RAID-a, kateri RAID pa imas, 0-5 ?
Namrec, ce imas zrcaljenje (0), potem bos dobil podatke, ...
Aja, sej si napisal da nimas zrcaljenja, za tvoj primer pa res ne vem, ...
Lp, A
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Andruxa ()
ibozic ::
Ne nimam zrcaljenja, v tem je panika. Nemorem pa sploh priti v bios, ker se ne zažene. Ventilatorji vsi delajo, na brtonu 2800+ pa imam zalmana. Bom probu nazaj priklopit original hladilnik, ki sem ga v boxu dobu.
kje pa bi lahko pogledal specifiklacijo piskov?
kje pa bi lahko pogledal specifiklacijo piskov?
Eno je teorija, v praksi se pa drugace izkaze.
Andruxa ::
Tole sm najdu , mislim da bi moral bit ta pravo :
Beep Codes for ABIT AWARD BIOS Motherboards
1. No beep at all - this means your motherboard is dead, either due to a defective or underpowered power supply, poorly seated CPU or RAM, or a dead-on-arrival board
2. One Beep - board is working fine
3. One long Beep then machine shuts down - faulty, improperly installed or missing CPU
4. 1 short (Beep) System booting is normally
5. 2 short (Beep) CMOS setting error
6. 1 long - 1 short (Beep) DRAM ERROR
7. 1 long - 2 short(Beep) Display card or monitor connected error
8. 1 long - 3 short(Beep) Keyboard Error
9. 1 long - 9 short(Beep) ROM Error
10. Long(Beep) continuous DRAM isn't inserted correctly
11. Short(Beep) continuous POWER supply has a problem
12. A two-tone siren, generally caused by overheating or out of specification voltages
Four beeps then machine shuts down. This is because this version of the BIOS will shut down your machine if no fan tachometer signal is detected on the fan header. Make sure you attach a fan to the FAN1 or FAN4 header or clear CMOS to reset to default (no checking).
zanimivo :
Here is a classic problem with Younger NF7 mobo's.
On some young mobo's especially "young" ones, people have ran into trouble when they started over clocking and ran into a big problem that their system now does not boot and can't be resurrected. There is no video signal at boot time? Fans turn, HDD spin up, red & green lights are on , on the mobo....tried clearing CMOS but it does not help? Any ideas what to do next?
Answer to this as described above is you have hosed your BIOS chip. Most over-clockers will have encountered this in OCing NF2 boards. It's a well-documented problem of the NF2 chipset saving new BIOS settings via the NB memory - which corrupts the data when FSB is "out of spec". It's generally a problem to younger boards but as they get "run in", they mature and the problem disappears. As I have said before, because of this flakiness its a good idea to have another bios rom and hot-flash the old one if this happens to you, if your into OCing then a backup spare Bios rom or a Bios Saviour will not go amiss.
od tule :
Beep Codes for ABIT AWARD BIOS Motherboards
1. No beep at all - this means your motherboard is dead, either due to a defective or underpowered power supply, poorly seated CPU or RAM, or a dead-on-arrival board
2. One Beep - board is working fine
3. One long Beep then machine shuts down - faulty, improperly installed or missing CPU
4. 1 short (Beep) System booting is normally
5. 2 short (Beep) CMOS setting error
6. 1 long - 1 short (Beep) DRAM ERROR
7. 1 long - 2 short(Beep) Display card or monitor connected error
8. 1 long - 3 short(Beep) Keyboard Error
9. 1 long - 9 short(Beep) ROM Error
10. Long(Beep) continuous DRAM isn't inserted correctly
11. Short(Beep) continuous POWER supply has a problem
12. A two-tone siren, generally caused by overheating or out of specification voltages
Four beeps then machine shuts down. This is because this version of the BIOS will shut down your machine if no fan tachometer signal is detected on the fan header. Make sure you attach a fan to the FAN1 or FAN4 header or clear CMOS to reset to default (no checking).
zanimivo :
Here is a classic problem with Younger NF7 mobo's.
On some young mobo's especially "young" ones, people have ran into trouble when they started over clocking and ran into a big problem that their system now does not boot and can't be resurrected. There is no video signal at boot time? Fans turn, HDD spin up, red & green lights are on , on the mobo....tried clearing CMOS but it does not help? Any ideas what to do next?
Answer to this as described above is you have hosed your BIOS chip. Most over-clockers will have encountered this in OCing NF2 boards. It's a well-documented problem of the NF2 chipset saving new BIOS settings via the NB memory - which corrupts the data when FSB is "out of spec". It's generally a problem to younger boards but as they get "run in", they mature and the problem disappears. As I have said before, because of this flakiness its a good idea to have another bios rom and hot-flash the old one if this happens to you, if your into OCing then a backup spare Bios rom or a Bios Saviour will not go amiss.
od tule :
Lp, A
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Andruxa ()
ibozic ::
glede na to da se piski ponavljajo in trajajo eno sekundo, potem bomo sprobal spet rame, ce ne pa napajalnik. Zaenkrat hvala, se pa se javim, da povem kako se je zadeva razvila.
Eno je teorija, v praksi se pa drugace izkaze.
ibozic ::
Se lepo zahavljujem Andruxa-ju za izkazano pomoc. Res je bila tezava z rami, ponovno sem jih vzel ven jih ocistil in zadeva sedaj breskrbno deluje.
Najlepsa hvala in lep pozdrav!
Najlepsa hvala in lep pozdrav!
Eno je teorija, v praksi se pa drugace izkaze.
Vredno ogleda ...
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