Forum » Strojna oprema » 3D Mark 2001SE Nature na DX7 hardveru!
3D Mark 2001SE Nature na DX7 hardveru!

tha_man ::
Poglejte si tole razpravo:
Kot kaže z nekaj tweaki Nature test deluje tudi na starih Radeonih (s softwersko emulacijo pixel shaderjev - sem mislil da to sploh ni mogoče!). Se da komu stestirati zadevo še s kakim GF2?
Kot kaže z nekaj tweaki Nature test deluje tudi na starih Radeonih (s softwersko emulacijo pixel shaderjev - sem mislil da to sploh ni mogoče!). Se da komu stestirati zadevo še s kakim GF2?
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd

Gandalfar ::
ja QL dela. Dobim med 13 in 15 fps.
Geforce2 PRO 64MB , 256MB, athlon1200
Geforce2 PRO 64MB , 256MB, athlon1200
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gandalfar ()

LunKi ::
To je za pričakovati
Jst mam med 30-40 fps
je pa res da mam pr benchu v codecreatures pa 25fps
sam je pa zadeva full lepa, še posebej trava ki je...dihjemajoča! Sam ostala okolica pa ni tolk lepa

Jst mam med 30-40 fps

je pa res da mam pr benchu v codecreatures pa 25fps
sam je pa zadeva full lepa, še posebej trava ki je...dihjemajoča! Sam ostala okolica pa ni tolk lepa

jRk0 ::
Jaz mam v nature nad neki 45 fps prblizno povprecno. na radeon 8500. samo je pa kul to ziher, zaj bofo pa vsi tocke nabijali se s tem:D
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.

LunKi ::
Moj frend nima opasne kartice (gf2) in ga zanima če bi se dal uporabt ta programčič in nato emulirat shaderje pri igri Impirium galactica 3 demo???
Aja za opozorilo, ig3 ni priporočljiv za epileptike!
See for yourselvez
Aja za opozorilo, ig3 ni priporočljiv za epileptike!
See for yourselvez

Clemento ::
kul! baje ze obstajajo programcici za r8500 ki emulirajo funkcije r300
kart in s tem dx9 ! Drugace imam jaz v 3dmarku 62fpsjev!!!
kart in s tem dx9 ! Drugace imam jaz v 3dmarku 62fpsjev!!!
*Epox 8rda+, XP2600+@stock speed, TT Silent Boost, AS5, Ati AH3650
*Abit NF7-S, XP2500+@2425Mhz, 1.85V(220x11), TT Volcano 12, AS5, Rage128PRO
*Abit NF7-S, XP2500+@2425Mhz, 1.85V(220x11), TT Volcano 12, AS5, Rage128PRO

BoO ::
QL deluje; zgleda da še ne bo treba grafične zamenat (GF2MX)
A kdo ve kaj so še ostale nastavitve?

A kdo ve kaj so še ostale nastavitve?
An approximate solution to the right problem is more desirable than a precise solution to the wrong problem.

Tic ::
Clemento: a lahko poveš kej več.
Pa zanima me tole: a tut jest, k mam 8500, lahko to nardim (to vem da), sam a bom kej prdubu???
Točke in slabšo kvaliteto mogoče?
Pa zanima me tole: a tut jest, k mam 8500, lahko to nardim (to vem da), sam a bom kej prdubu???
Točke in slabšo kvaliteto mogoče?
persona civitas ;>

tejo ::
Ma zgleda sem spet edini, ki mu tole ne dela nič!
Me je pa kr groza , ko na koncu zagledam rezultat 3000 točk!
Me je pa kr groza , ko na koncu zagledam rezultat 3000 točk!

VASkO ::
hehe, meni pa na MXu dela od 7-15 FPS Nature teast. Je se kaksna fora, da bi videl tudi vodo, ker jaz namrec pixel shader efektov sploh ne vidim.

jamiroq ::
meni pa na Kyrotu 2 dela 13-20 FPS;
@ VASkO ne moreš;
quote iz beta.txt (ki je btw zraven v RARu):
@ VASkO ne moreš;
quote iz beta.txt (ki je btw zraven v RARu):
Advanced functionality will enable User selectable 3D Features not
available in many older Cards.
Yet, this is presently achieved not by Emulation but by NUL-Rendering.
This means, advanced 3D Features the Card is not capable of, are reported
as available in Hardware, but have their calls intercepted and the
respective 3D Features will not be rendered.

Clemento ::
Tic: ti sploh ne rabis saj ti nature test dela ze tako ali tako hardversko ker imas dx8.1 karto!!!! r8500 karta ima hardverske pixelshaderje 1.4
*Epox 8rda+, XP2600+@stock speed, TT Silent Boost, AS5, Ati AH3650
*Abit NF7-S, XP2500+@2425Mhz, 1.85V(220x11), TT Volcano 12, AS5, Rage128PRO
*Abit NF7-S, XP2500+@2425Mhz, 1.85V(220x11), TT Volcano 12, AS5, Rage128PRO

VASkO ::
aha ze vem, sem si malo zatem prebral readme
drugace pa nature zgleda zlo dobro na MXu, hehe
drugace pa nature zgleda zlo dobro na MXu, hehe

tha_man ::
Morja ni, reke pa so. Osebno sem vedno mislil da so pixel shaderji zaslužni predvsem za tisto kul travo in drevje, a očitno temu ni tako. Brezveze

(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd

Tic ::
Clemento: ja halo...kd da nevem. Zanimajo me točke ki bi jih dobil. Mislite da bi blo več al mn. Sicer pa kaj to obremeni. Gpu al cpu? B reku da gpu...

persona civitas ;>

kuglvinkl ::
Unfortunately, you are completely wrong (other than maybe the fact that this program has been around 2months). You are confused between Vertex shaders, and Pixel shaders.
If a graphics card does not have hardware support for Vertex shaders, then it is emulated in software mode - the Radeon 7x00 does not have vertex shaders, but is able to complete the Vertex shader test as it runs it in software mode. If a graphics card does not have hardware support for Pixel shaders then it is unable to perform the required actions at all - there is no software emulation possible in DX8 - the Radeon 7x00 does not have pixel shaders and hence it does not attempt the Pixel shader test.
The piece of software in question is actually an ingenious piece of work, as it allows software emulation of the pixel shaders when a graphics card has no hardware support (something that is not normally possible as mentioned above) - the cost is a heavy demand on the CPU and hence much lower frame rates. Radeon 7x00 owners such as myself have never seen the Nature test run on our PCs, only the Nature demo (part of the 3dMark2k1 demo) which does not use Pixel shaders - this is to allow everyone to run the demo without it crashing.
If a graphics card does not have hardware support for Vertex shaders, then it is emulated in software mode - the Radeon 7x00 does not have vertex shaders, but is able to complete the Vertex shader test as it runs it in software mode. If a graphics card does not have hardware support for Pixel shaders then it is unable to perform the required actions at all - there is no software emulation possible in DX8 - the Radeon 7x00 does not have pixel shaders and hence it does not attempt the Pixel shader test.
The piece of software in question is actually an ingenious piece of work, as it allows software emulation of the pixel shaders when a graphics card has no hardware support (something that is not normally possible as mentioned above) - the cost is a heavy demand on the CPU and hence much lower frame rates. Radeon 7x00 owners such as myself have never seen the Nature test run on our PCs, only the Nature demo (part of the 3dMark2k1 demo) which does not use Pixel shaders - this is to allow everyone to run the demo without it crashing.
Your focus determines your reallity

LunKi ::
Vsi k mislte da je pixel shader en shit se motite, big time. Zadeva naredi vodo skoraj realistično (morrowind trenutno edini špil ki ima grafiko ki tudi meni šteka na 1280x1024x32 full det.), tukaj je tudi impirium galactica 3 demo v kateri ladje zgledajo res fantastične...thx to pixel shader. Ko primerjam vodo (sivino) s shedano se lohk samo nasmehnem in uživam!
Drugače pa imajo kartice od radeona 7000 naprej te funkcije
Drugače pa imajo kartice od radeona 7000 naprej te funkcije

_Mortal_ ::
ne ampak samo od 8500 naprej in GF3,GF4 (ne MX)
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