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Čuden problem z internetom [Slackware 12.1]

Čuden problem z internetom [Slackware 12.1]

Bojevnik ::

Imam dva diska, na enem imam nameščen Slackware 12.1 na drugem pa windows XP.
Za bootanje uporabljam lilo.
Problem je sledeč: Ko XP-je ne ugasnem ampak jih hiberniram (sem pravilno rekel?) in če potem zaženem Slackware mi ne dela internet. Inernet potem ne dela toliko časa dokler ne zbootam XP-jev in jih normalno ugasnem.
Kakšna ideja kaj naj bi bilo narobe?

feryz ::

During resume from standby, the operating system sends S0 IRPs to devices to indicate the change in system power state. Device drivers then typically request D0 IRPs to change their device power state. The operating system is responsible for notifying each device in the correct order. There are two key ordering rules that must be followed to prevent deadlocks:
• A device cannot be turned on until its parent is turned on.
• All non-paged devices must be turned on before any paged device is turned on.

Lahko si mrežna kartica zapomni stanje v katero jo spravi hibernacija XP-jev in se ne prižge dokler jih tega XP-ji ponovno ne ukažejo. Narobe ni nič, rešitve pa ne poznam.

Možnost 2.
The Realtek Windows driver disables the NIC at Windows shutdown time. The current linux r8169 driver does not know how to turn on the NIC from this disabled state, therefore the device will not respond, even if the driver loads and reports that the device is up.
Try this hopefully this saves you the time of recompiling/installing drivers

Probaj drug driver za mrežno za Slackware.

Možnost 3.
Preveri dhcp,ip in ostale mrežne nastavitve v povezavi z routerjem. Mogoče imaš na tej relaciji problem.

Bojevnik ::

PS: bil je problem 2. Sicer nisem namestil novih driverjev, sem ga raje obšel tako da sem v xp-jih v device managerju, pri mrežni nastavil "Allow this device to bring system out of standby" (oz nekaj podobnega)

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  • spremenilo: Bojevnik ()

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