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Win XP SP2 in Blutooth

Win XP SP2 in Blutooth

jast ::

Imam prenosnik Hel80 z Win XP SP2.
Nikakor ne uspem usposobiti blutootha, tudi pomoč na mokrosoftovi strani http://support.microsoft.com/?id=840635 ni pomagala.
Preprosto ne najde KJE se bloototh nahaja. dev.maneger = + Bluetooth Devices
- Bluetooth Bus Enumerator , = propreties - Location=unknowon.
Ali kdo ve rešitev?

jast ::

ma kaj je to, o vsaki stvari doktorirate, a o tem pa nhče nima pojma??ma kaj je to, o vsaki stvari doktorirate, a o tem pa nhče nima pojma??

Tomay ::

Saj ne da ne bi imeli pojma, samo nimamo pogosto težav na eksotičnih prenosnikih.

Tu si potegni dol zadnje gonilnike za tvojo zadevo in poizkusi ponovno.

Lahko poizkusiš tudi z original gonilniki izdelovalca bt. (v device managerju pogledaš pci&ven).

Nekaterim prenosnikom se da bt tako kot wireless vklopit in izklopit. Z stikalom ali softwersko. zato RTFM.
Voodoo 4Ever

jast ::

Hvala za pomoč, ampak to sem že prej vse naredil, pa zadeva vseeno ne dela.
V biosu (nasvet iz mojmikro foruma)nimam možnosti vklopa-izklopa naprave, tako da res nimam pojma v čem je point.
Poleg tega menim da nisem brezveznik glede računalnikov, in zato me vse še bolj jezi.
Dejansko naj bi SP2 povozil driverje od Broadcoma in delal štalo ki jo je očitno težko rešiti.,celo Malimehki se tega zaveda in ponuja na suportu http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840635/... kvazi rešitve ki pa tudi ne pomagajo.

jast ::

Čeprav je prenosnik eksotičen je Intel certified laptop z Core2Duo procem in GeForcem Go 7600 z 256Mb Rama, in moram povedati da sem glede performans navdušen nad njim.:D

Tomay ::

Pa si poizkusil namestit gonilnike za BT od boradcoma, mislim prav z njihove strani, ne tiste, ki ti jih ponuja izdelovalce prenosnika?
Voodoo 4Ever

`ripper` ::

si mogoce pogledal ce ma ksn knof kje skrit al pa da je funkcija BT nastimana na kombinacijo tipe Fn + kaka-druga-tipka. Eni notebooki vem da majo za Wlan ugasnit tko, pa eni majo eno aplikacojo za wlan in bluetooth (sony vaio, recmo), kjer s klukcami upravljas WiFi in BT...

Mal navodila u roke preden zmerjas use povprek, ker v 10 minutah nisi odgovora dobil =)

bibl bubl babl ble
tukej sicer napišeš, kaj maš v ohišju, sam mene je mal sram... :)

jast ::

Ne nima.
Navodila prebrana

jast ::

O.K Sam sem našel rešitev za svojo težavo, in jo objavljam, za bodoče trpeče.


Download the official package from here:

Official Release (http://www.spackass.com/daniel-marshall... Files/bcu-btw4-0-1-700.zip)

Then download the new patched files from my site here:

Bluetooth Patched Files (http://www.spackass.com/daniel-marshall... Files/bluetooth_patches.rar)

And the latest .inf here

Latest .inf (16/05/2005) (http://www.spackass.com/daniel-marshall... Files/BTWUSB.rar)


Initial preparation
� Make sure you are logged onto Windows with a user account that has Administrative rights.
� Disable anti-virus software.
� If you have a firewall running on your PC, disable it.

Disconnect your device
Before pulling it out please find it in the device manager and uninstall the device
If you have a USB or a PCMCIA / PC Card Bluetooth device, please disconnect it. If you have a
laptop / notebook or other device with Internal Bluetooth that can be "turned off" please turn it off.

Uninstall previous Bluetooth software
If you have previously installed any Bluetooth software you should uninstall it before proceeding.
The following list is of software that should be uninstalled, but it is not necesarily a complete list!
� Any previous Widcomm software
� Any previous Soleil software
� Sony Bluespace software
� XTNDConnect Blue Manager software
� Microsoft Patch Q323183
� Any drivers that were supplied with your Bluetooth device
� Microsoft IntelliType and IntelliPoint software for Bluetooth mice & Keyboards.


Extract the files
Extract the packages that you downloaded from above links and use the 'btwusb.inf' from 'btwusb.rar' archive to replace the inf that is extracted from the 'bcu-btw4-0-1-700' package.

Driver Installation
Now for the driver and software installation.
Go to the folder where the 'bcu-btw4-0-1-700' packaged was extracted and run setup.exe, let it complete its tasks
it may or may not ask for you to plug in/enable your device you can continue without
doing this so do that.
Reboot the PC and make sure it is fully booted and then.....
reboot the PC into safe mode (F8 when booting). (important step please dont miss out)

Software Patching
Reboot into safe mode if not already done so.
Use the files extracted from bluetooth_patches.rar to replace the following:

BTTray and BTStackserver in C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software

wbtapi.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

Reboot the PC

Bluetooth Installation

Plug in your device now! If you are really lucky it will find your respective device and install the widcomm drivers from the directory the widcomm package was extracted to, if you are not lucky it will just install the windows drivers (the usual case).

To check which drivers the PC has installed:
Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device manager
and find your device, click properties > driver and see the manufacturer information etc version should be Widcomm.

If windows has Installed the microsoft drivers do the following:
Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device manager
Find anything bluetooth apart from the top two listed in bluetooth devices (things like bluetooth network and COMS) and uninstall them, leaving the two at the top.

Click on the top one, should be something like "generic bluetooth device", click update driver > manual search > choose selected
> > have disk > navigate to where you extracted the 'bcu-btw4-0-1-700' package then click OK

Should list your device in the box, click install let it do its thing. You shouldnt need to reboot but if you do, do so.
(if your device is not listed upon doing this ensure you have replaced the btwusb.ini file in the directory with the one supplied, if you have
and it still doesnt list it or says no hardware info see below on how to get help)

Check the device manager to make sure the driver has been installed correctly.

The Widcomm icon should now be in your task bar and be white and the Microsoft one should have disappeared.

Your device should now be working fully and properly with the Widcomm drivers version
If for some reason your device is not listed or not working you may have missed a step or done something wrong.
You should start again from the beginning of this guide again and again before contacting me as bluetooth is a funny thing as we all know and it may work second time or third time or fourth time.....


* Connect your Bluetooth dongle, and let Windows add it as whatever
* Open "system information" from start/programs/accessories/system tools/system information
* Expand "Components"
* Select "USB"
* Locate the device in the list
* It will have an ID in the following format: USB\VID_XXXX&PID_YYYY\ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
* Make a note of the VID (the XXXX) and the PID (the YYYY)

And post your device VID and PID here

I will try and create an inf that works for you but cant be 100% sure that will work either. |O

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