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problem z inštalacijo driverov - nvidia

problem z inštalacijo driverov - nvidia

gor13azd ::


A še ima mogoče kdo težave z zadnjimi driveri pri nvidiji? Imam 9800gtx in ko hočem inštalirat drivere mi na koncu javi - The system has not been modified - pa da naj probam še enkrat kasneje posnet gonilnike.
Probal sem že vse razno - tudi z driver cleanerom.
Na drugih forumih sem najdo poste ljudi, ki imajo podobne težave - zgleda da je to splošni problem, ampak noben ni rešil težave. Pozna kdo rešitev?

lp, gorazd

strictom ::

Sem imel podoben problem. Poskusil sem več verzij gonilnikov. Vključno z zleechanimi 180 beta s guru3d.com. Nič ni delovalo.

Potem mi je Vista sama inštalerala ene driverje in zdaj dela vredo.

To mi pokaže dxdiag:

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

gor13azd ::

Ja meni se to dogaja od takrat, ko je nvidija z driveri dala podporo še za Physx (Adds support for NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on all GeForce 8-series,9-series and 200-series GPUs with a minimum of 256MB dedicated graphics memory (this driver package installs NVIDIA PhysX System Software v8.09.04). Pa kolko wem moja kartica bi mogla podpirat to novost(9800gtx) - fiziko al kaj je to.

gor13azd ::

Sem "rešil" težavo, če lahko temu tako rečem. Na Nvidijevi strani sem prebiral Release notes za te driverji in naletel na to.

Installation Instructions
1 Follow the instructions on the NVIDIA .com Web site driver download page to
locate the appropriate driver to download, based on your hardware and operating
2 Click the driver download link.
3 The license agreement dialog box appears.
4 Click Accept if you accept the terms of the agreement, then either open the file or
save the file to your PC and open it later.
5 Extract the zip files to a temporary folder on your PC.
6 Open the NVIDIA driver installation .EXE file to launch the NVIDIA InstallShield
7 Follow the instructions in the NVIDIA InstallShield Wizard to complete the
The last page of the InstallShield Wizard states that “the system has not been
modifed” and that you must run the installation again.
You do not need to run the installation again. Instead, click Finish and then reboot your
computer to complete the installation.
• On some systems, the screen may turn black if you are installing the driver over a
previous version.
Reboot the computer using the power or reset button to complete the installation.
Note: After the driver installation, Windows may default to 16‐bpp color and disable
the Desktop Window Manager (DWM). To work around this issue, set the color
to 32‐bpp and then reboot the PC.

Očitno so to nekaj zašuštrali pri nvidiji - najbolj zanimivo je to, da veliko ljudi se sploh ni zavzelo za to napako. Največkrat ko se konča namestitev samo kliknejo ok - in niti ne preberejo kaj jim napiše.

hvala za pomoč.

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