Forum » Znanost in tehnologija » call for papers/chapters
call for papers/chapters

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Nisem vedel, kam naj stlačim, pa odpiram novo temo. Dobil sem vabilo za objavo v novi knjižni zbirki, ki bo izdana pri eminentni založbi (Springer). Ker to ni ravno moje področje raziskovanja, tukajle pa je veliko takih kamplcov, ki se s tem ukvarjajo, posredujem, pa če koga zanima posredovati svoje znanje iz tega področja širši svetovni javnosti, naj kar pogumno napiše abstract.
Proposals Submission Deadline: 30 October 2008
Full Chapters Due: 30 December 2008
Computational Social Networks Analysis: Trends, Tools and Research Advance
A book edited by Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, and Václav Snášel
Social networks provide a powerful abstraction of the structure and dynamics of diverse kinds of people or people-to-technology interaction. Web 2.0 has enabled a new generation of Web-based communities, social networks, and folksonomies to facilitate collaboration among different communities.
Social network analysis is a rapidly growing field within the Web intelligence domain. The recent developments in Web 2.0 have provided more opportunities to investigate the dynamics and structure of Web-based social networks. Recent trends also indicate the usage of social networks as a key feature for next generation usage and exploitation of the Web.
This book provides an opportunity to compare and contrast the ethological approach to social behavior in animals (including the study of animal tracks and learning by members of the same species) with web-based evidence of social interaction, perceptual learning, information granulation, the behavior of humans and affinities between web-based social networks.
The main topics cover the design and use of various computational intelligence tools and software, simulations of social networks, representation and analysis of social networks, use of semantic networks in the design and community-based research issues such as knowledge discovery, privacy and protection, and visualization.
Objective of the Book
In this book, we aim at gathering the latest advances of various topics in intelligence social networks and reporting how organizations can gain competitive advantages by applying the different emergent techniques in the real-world scenarios. Chapters and studies which couple the intelligence techniques and theories with specific networks technology problems are cordially invited. Survey articles that emphasize the research and application of intelligence social networks in a particular domain are greatly welcome.
The primary target audience for the book includes researchers, scholars, postgraduate students and developers who are interested in intelligence social networks research and related issues. The book will provide reviews of the cutting-edge technologies and insights for SN-based systems. In particular, the book will be valuable companion and comprehensive reference for both postgraduate and senior undergraduate students who are taking a course in Social Intelligence. The book will be organized in self-contained chapters to provide greatest reading flexibility
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Automatic discovery and analysis of Web based social networks.
o Intelligent Visualization of Social Network Analysis
o Intelligent social network
o Social Network Mining
o Social Networks and Social Intelligence
o Web Site Clustering
o Link Topology and Site Hierarchy
o Theories of Small-World Web
o Virtual and Web Communities
o Security, privacy and trust
o Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems
o Web-Based Cooperative Work
o Knowledge Community Formation and Support
o Ubiquitous Computing
o Intelligent Wireless Web
o Ubiquitous Learning Systems
o Social network analysis of communities of practice
o Network evolution and growth mechanisms
o Information diffusion in social networks
o Affiliation networks
o Epidemics and rumors in networks
o Geographical clusters, networks, and innovation
o Effects of network structure and dynamics on knowledge transfer and sharing
o Intra- and inter-organizational networks
o Social capital, structural holes and Simmelian ties
o Online communities and computer networks
o Computational models and agent-based simulations of networks
o Infrastructure and Tools for e-Social network
o Interdisciplinary Research and e-Social network
o International Collaborations in e-Social network
Researchers and practitioners are kindly invited to upload on or before Oct. 30 2008 a preliminary title and a short abstract of their chapter at:
This will facilitate the planning of the review process. Careful preparation of the manuscripts will help keep production time short and ensure satisfactory appearance of the finished book. Please prepare the manuscript using the author guidelines as follows:
- Each chapter must be self-contained and not exceed 30 pages,
- Please centralize all tables and figures with appropriate legends,
- Please carefully check for typos inside the text, figures, legends, etc.
- All equations must be numbered and please try to use standard fonts.
- Produce a LaTeX version of your chapter using the template provided in the Author Guidelines
Proposals Submission Deadline: 30 October 2008
Full Chapters Due: 30 December 2008
Computational Social Networks Analysis: Trends, Tools and Research Advance
A book edited by Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Ajith Abraham, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, and Václav Snášel
Social networks provide a powerful abstraction of the structure and dynamics of diverse kinds of people or people-to-technology interaction. Web 2.0 has enabled a new generation of Web-based communities, social networks, and folksonomies to facilitate collaboration among different communities.
Social network analysis is a rapidly growing field within the Web intelligence domain. The recent developments in Web 2.0 have provided more opportunities to investigate the dynamics and structure of Web-based social networks. Recent trends also indicate the usage of social networks as a key feature for next generation usage and exploitation of the Web.
This book provides an opportunity to compare and contrast the ethological approach to social behavior in animals (including the study of animal tracks and learning by members of the same species) with web-based evidence of social interaction, perceptual learning, information granulation, the behavior of humans and affinities between web-based social networks.
The main topics cover the design and use of various computational intelligence tools and software, simulations of social networks, representation and analysis of social networks, use of semantic networks in the design and community-based research issues such as knowledge discovery, privacy and protection, and visualization.
Objective of the Book
In this book, we aim at gathering the latest advances of various topics in intelligence social networks and reporting how organizations can gain competitive advantages by applying the different emergent techniques in the real-world scenarios. Chapters and studies which couple the intelligence techniques and theories with specific networks technology problems are cordially invited. Survey articles that emphasize the research and application of intelligence social networks in a particular domain are greatly welcome.
The primary target audience for the book includes researchers, scholars, postgraduate students and developers who are interested in intelligence social networks research and related issues. The book will provide reviews of the cutting-edge technologies and insights for SN-based systems. In particular, the book will be valuable companion and comprehensive reference for both postgraduate and senior undergraduate students who are taking a course in Social Intelligence. The book will be organized in self-contained chapters to provide greatest reading flexibility
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Automatic discovery and analysis of Web based social networks.
o Intelligent Visualization of Social Network Analysis
o Intelligent social network
o Social Network Mining
o Social Networks and Social Intelligence
o Web Site Clustering
o Link Topology and Site Hierarchy
o Theories of Small-World Web
o Virtual and Web Communities
o Security, privacy and trust
o Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems
o Web-Based Cooperative Work
o Knowledge Community Formation and Support
o Ubiquitous Computing
o Intelligent Wireless Web
o Ubiquitous Learning Systems
o Social network analysis of communities of practice
o Network evolution and growth mechanisms
o Information diffusion in social networks
o Affiliation networks
o Epidemics and rumors in networks
o Geographical clusters, networks, and innovation
o Effects of network structure and dynamics on knowledge transfer and sharing
o Intra- and inter-organizational networks
o Social capital, structural holes and Simmelian ties
o Online communities and computer networks
o Computational models and agent-based simulations of networks
o Infrastructure and Tools for e-Social network
o Interdisciplinary Research and e-Social network
o International Collaborations in e-Social network
Researchers and practitioners are kindly invited to upload on or before Oct. 30 2008 a preliminary title and a short abstract of their chapter at:
This will facilitate the planning of the review process. Careful preparation of the manuscripts will help keep production time short and ensure satisfactory appearance of the finished book. Please prepare the manuscript using the author guidelines as follows:
- Each chapter must be self-contained and not exceed 30 pages,
- Please centralize all tables and figures with appropriate legends,
- Please carefully check for typos inside the text, figures, legends, etc.
- All equations must be numbered and please try to use standard fonts.
- Produce a LaTeX version of your chapter using the template provided in the Author Guidelines
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- spremenilo: gzibret ()

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No, še en call for papers, tokrat iz genomike:
Call for Papers - International Journal of Plant Genomics
There are numerous laboratory tools developed and available for use in plant genomics; however, they are usually published in books or in journal separate issues, making them accessed and updated inconveniently. Collection/integration of the wet laboratory tools that are widely used, further improved and advanced in a special issue that is open-accessed, is crucial to and greatly helpful for research of plant genomics and other disciplines of plant biology. The tools below listed themes are called for this special issue, but other tools that are useful for plant genomics are always welcome. The reviewed articles in other systems (e.g., mammalian system) that are potentially applicable to plant genomics are also considered for publication in the special issue. The emphasis and themes are as follows:
Cytogenetics Tools
o Fish, fiber-fish, and gish
o Chromosome banding methods (i.e., C-banding, N-banding) and karyotyping
o Microscopic analysis
Molecular Tools
o Isolation of conventional and megabase-sized DNA and RNA isolation (including sRNAs)
o Construction of genomic DNA libraries (small-insert and shotgun libraries, large-insert BAC and BIBAC libraries) and cDNA libraries
o Screening large-insert libraries and targeting specific chromosome regions' tools (i.e., pools for PCR, filters)
o DNA sequencing (plasmid and BAC end sequencing, high-throughput 454 sequencing)
o Genetic and physical mapping, QTL analysis, and DNA markers
o Gene expression analyses (i.e., microarray analysis, qRT-PCR, SAGE, RAGE)
o Mutagenesis (physical and chemical mutagenesis, T-DNA tagging, transposable element)
o Virus-induced gene silencing and RNAi silencing and yeast two-hybrid system
o Methods for genetically modified organism analysis
o PCR methods (tail PCR, emulsion PCR, RACE-PCR, multiplex PCR, etc.)
Analytical and Biochemical Tools
o SDS-PAGE and PAGE and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
o Heterologous gene expression, production, and purification of recombinant proteins
o Immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry of proteins and DNA molecules
Authors should follow the International Journal of Plant Genomics manuscript format described at the journal site Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at, according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due December 1, 2008
First Round of Reviews March 1, 2009
Publication Date June 1, 2009
Guest Editors:
o Hikmet Budak, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Program, Sabanci University, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey; budak[afna]
o Hongbin Zhang, Laboratory for Plant Genomics and Molecular Genetics and the Texas A&M University GENEfinder Genomic Resources Center, Texas A&M University, TX 77843, USA; hbz7049[afna]
o Pushpendra K. Gupta, Molecular Biology Laboratory, CCS University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250005, India; pkgupta36[afna]
o Boulos Chalhoub, Unité de Recherche en Génomique Végétale, INRA-CNRS-UEVE, 2 rue Gaston Crémieux, 91057 Evry Cedex, France; chalhoub[afna]
o Andrew James, Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, Loma Bonita, Col. Chuburná de Hidalgo, CP. 97200 Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico; andyj007[afna]
o Chunji Liu, CSIRO Plant Industry, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, Bag 10,Clayton South VIC 3169, Australia; chunji.liu[afna]
Molekularni biologi, pozor!
Original Research: Call for Papers
Science Signaling will publish leading research papers related to the broad topic of signal transduction. Appropriate topics include any analysis of the mechanisms by which cellular functions are regulated in response to external or internal cues in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The subject matter will thus cross the boundaries of traditional research areas such as Cancer Biology, Cell Cycle Regulation, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Development, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Physiology and Medicine, Pharmacology, and Plant Biology. Papers should substantially refine current understanding of important signaling processes with priority given to those papers that provide new concepts and new understanding of biological signal transduction and that are likely to find application in multiple biological systems or in a diverse range of investigations.
Call for Papers - International Journal of Plant Genomics
There are numerous laboratory tools developed and available for use in plant genomics; however, they are usually published in books or in journal separate issues, making them accessed and updated inconveniently. Collection/integration of the wet laboratory tools that are widely used, further improved and advanced in a special issue that is open-accessed, is crucial to and greatly helpful for research of plant genomics and other disciplines of plant biology. The tools below listed themes are called for this special issue, but other tools that are useful for plant genomics are always welcome. The reviewed articles in other systems (e.g., mammalian system) that are potentially applicable to plant genomics are also considered for publication in the special issue. The emphasis and themes are as follows:
Cytogenetics Tools
o Fish, fiber-fish, and gish
o Chromosome banding methods (i.e., C-banding, N-banding) and karyotyping
o Microscopic analysis
Molecular Tools
o Isolation of conventional and megabase-sized DNA and RNA isolation (including sRNAs)
o Construction of genomic DNA libraries (small-insert and shotgun libraries, large-insert BAC and BIBAC libraries) and cDNA libraries
o Screening large-insert libraries and targeting specific chromosome regions' tools (i.e., pools for PCR, filters)
o DNA sequencing (plasmid and BAC end sequencing, high-throughput 454 sequencing)
o Genetic and physical mapping, QTL analysis, and DNA markers
o Gene expression analyses (i.e., microarray analysis, qRT-PCR, SAGE, RAGE)
o Mutagenesis (physical and chemical mutagenesis, T-DNA tagging, transposable element)
o Virus-induced gene silencing and RNAi silencing and yeast two-hybrid system
o Methods for genetically modified organism analysis
o PCR methods (tail PCR, emulsion PCR, RACE-PCR, multiplex PCR, etc.)
Analytical and Biochemical Tools
o SDS-PAGE and PAGE and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
o Heterologous gene expression, production, and purification of recombinant proteins
o Immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry of proteins and DNA molecules
Authors should follow the International Journal of Plant Genomics manuscript format described at the journal site Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at, according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due December 1, 2008
First Round of Reviews March 1, 2009
Publication Date June 1, 2009
Guest Editors:
o Hikmet Budak, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Program, Sabanci University, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey; budak[afna]
o Hongbin Zhang, Laboratory for Plant Genomics and Molecular Genetics and the Texas A&M University GENEfinder Genomic Resources Center, Texas A&M University, TX 77843, USA; hbz7049[afna]
o Pushpendra K. Gupta, Molecular Biology Laboratory, CCS University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250005, India; pkgupta36[afna]
o Boulos Chalhoub, Unité de Recherche en Génomique Végétale, INRA-CNRS-UEVE, 2 rue Gaston Crémieux, 91057 Evry Cedex, France; chalhoub[afna]
o Andrew James, Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, Loma Bonita, Col. Chuburná de Hidalgo, CP. 97200 Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico; andyj007[afna]
o Chunji Liu, CSIRO Plant Industry, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, Bag 10,Clayton South VIC 3169, Australia; chunji.liu[afna]
Molekularni biologi, pozor!
Original Research: Call for Papers
Science Signaling will publish leading research papers related to the broad topic of signal transduction. Appropriate topics include any analysis of the mechanisms by which cellular functions are regulated in response to external or internal cues in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The subject matter will thus cross the boundaries of traditional research areas such as Cancer Biology, Cell Cycle Regulation, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Development, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Physiology and Medicine, Pharmacology, and Plant Biology. Papers should substantially refine current understanding of important signaling processes with priority given to those papers that provide new concepts and new understanding of biological signal transduction and that are likely to find application in multiple biological systems or in a diverse range of investigations.
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- spremenilo: gzibret ()
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