Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » vroči grafi
vroči grafi
just me ::
imam 2x radeona 4870 v cf in grafi se zelo segrevata!
zdaj nvem če je to normalno ali je pa kaj narobe?!
btw: grafi sta tako vroči da se ju ne moreš dotaknit xd
imam 2x radeona 4870 v cf in grafi se zelo segrevata!
zdaj nvem če je to normalno ali je pa kaj narobe?!
btw: grafi sta tako vroči da se ju ne moreš dotaknit xd
dzinks63 ::
Roka ti ne zdrži 80°C, kar pa je za grafo čist normalna delovna temperatura. Ti samo poskrbi, da bo iz ohišja šlo ven dost pogretega zraka in bo vse ok.
dronyx ::
Za 4850 vem, da je tovarniško nastavljen ventilator prepočasen in se med igranjem kartica segreje krepko čez 80 stopinj. Če popraviš neko XML datoteko v profilu Catalyst control centra in povečaš hitrost recimo na 45 %, potem pride komaj do 70. Upam, da bodo to rešili malo bolj elegantno.
tilinho20 ::
Ja lahko sam malo naštelaš. Daj malo poglej na netu...
Heh model kupi 2x 4870 potem pa nima pojma z T le teh in ostalo. Svašta!!!
Heh model kupi 2x 4870 potem pa nima pojma z T le teh in ostalo. Svašta!!!
lprelesn ::
jao tilinho al kva si že, eni pač sprašujemo tukaj da nam kaj koristnega povejo tisti k znajo a ne ?! .... raje mu povej kako se to naredi al pa kej svetuj...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: lprelesn ()
charlotte ::
Rivatuner, nastavi se par profilov za ventilator, vsaj tako sem jst rešu pri svoji grafi.
tilinho20 ::
na da ne boš žalosten ko tako govoriš
Postano iz OC-Lab2
Make a profile in catalyst after turning on Overdrive and make sure clock and memory settings are correct.
For Vista
Then go to the following location and open the following file for editing "C:\Users\Your Windows ID\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Your CCC Profile.XML. The xml file will have the same name as the Catalyst Profile you saved. right click and hit edit.
For XP
Then go to the following location and open the following file for editing "C:\Documents and Settings\Your Windows ID\Local Settings\Application Data\ATI\ACE\Your CCC Profile.XML. The xml file will have the same name as the Catalyst Profile you saved. right click and hit edit.
Now go down the page until you see the following lines in the XML file ...
Feature name="FanSpeedAlgorithm_0"
Property name="FanSpeedAlgorithm" value="Automatic" /
Feature name="FanSpeedRPMTarget_0"
Property name="Want" value="0" /
Feature name="FanSpeedPercentTarget_0"
Property name="Want" value="23" /
Change the "Property name="FanSpeedAlgorithm" value=" from "Automatic" to "Manual"
Then change "Property name="Want" value=" from "23" to your desired fan speed.
Save the file then reload the Profile you just edited in the CCC.
You will have to select the profile everytime you re-start the computer.
Postano iz OC-Lab2
Make a profile in catalyst after turning on Overdrive and make sure clock and memory settings are correct.
For Vista
Then go to the following location and open the following file for editing "C:\Users\Your Windows ID\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Your CCC Profile.XML. The xml file will have the same name as the Catalyst Profile you saved. right click and hit edit.
For XP
Then go to the following location and open the following file for editing "C:\Documents and Settings\Your Windows ID\Local Settings\Application Data\ATI\ACE\Your CCC Profile.XML. The xml file will have the same name as the Catalyst Profile you saved. right click and hit edit.
Now go down the page until you see the following lines in the XML file ...
Feature name="FanSpeedAlgorithm_0"
Property name="FanSpeedAlgorithm" value="Automatic" /
Feature name="FanSpeedRPMTarget_0"
Property name="Want" value="0" /
Feature name="FanSpeedPercentTarget_0"
Property name="Want" value="23" /
Change the "Property name="FanSpeedAlgorithm" value=" from "Automatic" to "Manual"
Then change "Property name="Want" value=" from "23" to your desired fan speed.
Save the file then reload the Profile you just edited in the CCC.
You will have to select the profile everytime you re-start the computer.
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