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Tečaj/delavnica na temo "Web Designa" v Turčiji

Tečaj/delavnica na temo "Web Designa" v Turčiji

MatejMatej ::

Če morda koga zanima tečaj Web Designa za dve osebi v Turčiji (7.14. junij 2008). Vse stroške tečaja, visa, nastanitve in hrane v celoti krije Evropska Unija(preko progama Mladi v Akciji). Po koncu tečaja dobite prav tako povrnjenih 70% potnih stroškov.

Dear All,

If you have a say in virtual world and want to share your experience with the world, come and join with our training course. The course will be about Web Design and it will take place in TURKEY/ Ankara between the dates of 7-14 June 2008. The project approved by NA. Some of our partners cancelled their participation. That's why we announced the project to the groups. The project is open to EU countries.

During our course we will learn the basic steps for designing a web site. We aimed at end of the course each of us will have our own sites which tell :
Who we are?
What is European citizen?
What should we do for our environment?
What’s happened around us?
What we have experienced during our project?....

Besides designing we will also create an intercultural atmosphere via the activities. We will visit some historical and cultural places of Turkey together. You will have the chance understand and feel Turkish culture.

As a summary of all:

Project Title : MIRRORS ON THE WEB
Location: Ankara / TURKEY
Duration of the project: 7-14 June 2008
Participants: Youth leaders and youth workers can be the participants. There is no age limit you just need to be over 18 years. Each organization can participate with two participants.
Eligible countries: Only the programme countries are eligible for the project.
Conditions: Accommodation, insurance, visa, meals and %70 of the travel costs will be covered by us. Namely you need to pay %30 of your travel costs. The reimbursements will be paid at the end of the course by hand.

For being a partner please contact with us via young.designers@yahoo.com

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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