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Najboljše navijanje

Xtra ::
"There is no best rate and the Shader clock is the most important"
Lep pozdrav.Zasledil sem nekaj zelo nenavadnega.Saj zame, ki nisem noben ProOverclocker.In sicer sledeče:
There is no best rate:
From the test we can find all the NVIDIA products were influenced by shader clock largely and there is no the best rate.
Keep the core clock steady (over 600MHZ, 8800 series 500MHz), shader clock the higher the better. There is no the rate that the performances keep steady or decrease.
So we can draw a conclusion that 8600GTS and 8500GT after the core clock achieved 550MHz, the performances improve not obvious according to the core clock improving. But if the shader clock goes on improving then the performances also keep improving. So for mid-end and low-end graphics, when the core clock is 600-700MHz, the shader clock the higher the better. While the 8800 series, when the core clock is 550MHz then the shader clock is the higher the better.
The future RivaTuner can adjust Shader clock directly.
We do not recommend overclocking core clock
If the core clock has achieved 600-700MHz, youd better choose overclock shader clock for the core clock overclock cannot improve the game performances so obviously. And the core clock overclock will also improve the power consumption and heat largely while the shader overclock is not so obvious.
...zanimivo je, da sem izvedel, da je za 8800 serijo(jaz bom kupil 8800gt 512) bolje imeti nek stalen 600 overclock.Večji, k je, več štroma žre in greje se.Ne da pa skoraj nič boljšega preformansa.Zelo pa ga naj bi povešal shader overclock.Še posebej pri igranju igric.
Če ima kdo kaj več informacij o tem, z besedo na dan!
Pa še nekaj, kar sem dojel kot navodilo za overclockat shader:
Prva možnost:
Former shader overclock method:
In former, we have to refresh BIOS to overclock shader.
Firstly, open NiBitor, choose read BIOS information, then load it to NiBitor.
Refresh the saved BIOS into by NVFlash
But this method is not easy and not so safe.
Druga možnost:
Accompany with NVIDIA Foreceware 163.67 and Rivatuner 2.04 announcement, you just need input the clocks rate you want then you can realize shader overclock.
To je to.Zdej bom pa čiču pa čaku, da kdo razloži nm novincem(meni) to zadevo
Lep pozdrav.Zasledil sem nekaj zelo nenavadnega.Saj zame, ki nisem noben ProOverclocker.In sicer sledeče:
There is no best rate:
From the test we can find all the NVIDIA products were influenced by shader clock largely and there is no the best rate.
Keep the core clock steady (over 600MHZ, 8800 series 500MHz), shader clock the higher the better. There is no the rate that the performances keep steady or decrease.
So we can draw a conclusion that 8600GTS and 8500GT after the core clock achieved 550MHz, the performances improve not obvious according to the core clock improving. But if the shader clock goes on improving then the performances also keep improving. So for mid-end and low-end graphics, when the core clock is 600-700MHz, the shader clock the higher the better. While the 8800 series, when the core clock is 550MHz then the shader clock is the higher the better.
The future RivaTuner can adjust Shader clock directly.
We do not recommend overclocking core clock
If the core clock has achieved 600-700MHz, youd better choose overclock shader clock for the core clock overclock cannot improve the game performances so obviously. And the core clock overclock will also improve the power consumption and heat largely while the shader overclock is not so obvious.
...zanimivo je, da sem izvedel, da je za 8800 serijo(jaz bom kupil 8800gt 512) bolje imeti nek stalen 600 overclock.Večji, k je, več štroma žre in greje se.Ne da pa skoraj nič boljšega preformansa.Zelo pa ga naj bi povešal shader overclock.Še posebej pri igranju igric.
Če ima kdo kaj več informacij o tem, z besedo na dan!

Pa še nekaj, kar sem dojel kot navodilo za overclockat shader:
Prva možnost:
Former shader overclock method:
In former, we have to refresh BIOS to overclock shader.
Firstly, open NiBitor, choose read BIOS information, then load it to NiBitor.
Refresh the saved BIOS into by NVFlash
But this method is not easy and not so safe.
Druga možnost:
Accompany with NVIDIA Foreceware 163.67 and Rivatuner 2.04 announcement, you just need input the clocks rate you want then you can realize shader overclock.
To je to.Zdej bom pa čiču pa čaku, da kdo razloži nm novincem(meni) to zadevo


JIM22 ::
Kaj to ni jasno? Navijaš do kot gre. Enako kot gpu in ram. Jest sem mojo 8800gtx naviu shaderje na 1900 pa še mal prek mislim da. To je biu max za 3d mark. Enostavno ko pasol, višja frekfenca več da od sebe.

Digitalni marketing, nastop na spletu v naročnikovem imenu.
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)

Xtra ::
Recmo da bom jst kupu 8800GT.Mela bo: 1500MHz shader clock, 600MHz core clock in 1800MHz memory clock.Bla bo z 512MB ram-a DDR3 mislm, da.
Se pravi, na koliko približno bo to šlo?Nism pa tut še pogruntu kje se navija shaderje...plz help!
Se pravi, na koliko približno bo to šlo?Nism pa tut še pogruntu kje se navija shaderje...plz help!

JIM22 ::
Se pravi, na koliko približno bo to šlo?Nism pa tut še pogruntu kje se navija shaderje...plz help!
Tole bo šlo približno na gpu 900mhz, shaderji na 2000, ram pa na 2450mhz. CPU te tud zanima? Cpu bo šel pa na 4600mhz. Vse to je doseglivo z nekaterimi drugimi dejavniki.
Samo ti ne boš videl takih frekfenc.
Zdej pa zares. Nobedn ti ne ve točno povedat do kot boš navil, ker se vsaka komponenta drugače navije. Boš ti nam povedal ko boš sprobal do kot si navil.
Tole bo šlo približno na gpu 900mhz, shaderji na 2000, ram pa na 2450mhz. CPU te tud zanima? Cpu bo šel pa na 4600mhz. Vse to je doseglivo z nekaterimi drugimi dejavniki.

Zdej pa zares. Nobedn ti ne ve točno povedat do kot boš navil, ker se vsaka komponenta drugače navije. Boš ti nam povedal ko boš sprobal do kot si navil.
Digitalni marketing, nastop na spletu v naročnikovem imenu.
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)

Tattoer ::
Jah kaj narediš? Inštaliraš RT pa navijaš ne....( najdeš tud malo morje navodil od fan nastavitev do 2D in 3D nastavitev, etc., etc. ) . Trenutno je leaked verzija RT 2.06 ki omogoča navijanje tudi z najnovejšimi driverji 169.01. Skratka RT > Gpu-z > 3Dmark in če se ti ne sesuje si na konju.
C2D E6750 @ 3.4 Ghz // ASUS P5K DELUXE //
GeForce 8800GTS 640MB ( 660/1512/1000/Efektive takt 1998 MHz ) //
PATRIOT 2GB 800MH 4-4-4-12 // XILENCE POWER 550W
GeForce 8800GTS 640MB ( 660/1512/1000/Efektive takt 1998 MHz ) //
PATRIOT 2GB 800MH 4-4-4-12 // XILENCE POWER 550W

Tattoer ::
hehe Tron si mogu postat leaked verzijo ne
. Unwinder bi te banal na gurju

C2D E6750 @ 3.4 Ghz // ASUS P5K DELUXE //
GeForce 8800GTS 640MB ( 660/1512/1000/Efektive takt 1998 MHz ) //
PATRIOT 2GB 800MH 4-4-4-12 // XILENCE POWER 550W
GeForce 8800GTS 640MB ( 660/1512/1000/Efektive takt 1998 MHz ) //
PATRIOT 2GB 800MH 4-4-4-12 // XILENCE POWER 550W
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