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prevod angleškega življenjepisa

prevod angleškega življenjepisa

the_game ::

Pozdravljeni mene zanima če mi lahko kdo prevede ker se jas ne spoznam najbolje na angleščino!!


Straight outta' Compton, again.

The next generation Nigga With Attitude!

The Game is from the birthplace of Gangsta' Rap, Compton, CA. But this is a new, different Westside story, one that joins with the Eastside while paying respects to rap's hardcore pioneers of the '80s, NWA. The Game, a former gangbanger who turned to rap after being shot five times and left for dead, is about peace not war. Working closely with Dr. Dre on his debut album; This Game is for real.

The Documentary, (Aftermath/G Unit/Interscope), the debut album from The Game (a/k/a Jayceon Taylor), announces the arrival of the most significant West Coast gangsta rapper since Snoop Dogg more than a decade earlier. With guest spots from 50 Cent, Nate Dogg and several others, as well as producers from Dr. Dre to Kanye West to Just Blaze and tracks such as "Like Father Like Son," "Church For Thugs," "Dreams," "Where I'm From" and "Westside Story," The Documentary resurrects the truth, spirit and hope of hardcore rap.

"A lot of rap today is bubblegum bullshit that says nothing and means nothing to anybody living in the 'hood," says the 24-year-old with a tattoo of NWA's Eazy-E on his right forearm. "I'm not knocking anybody's hustle but I can't feel what's in hip-hop today. Everybody's rapping but they're not saying anything. NWA, Biggie, 2Pac, Snoop and Jay-Z all had something to say then Biggie, Pac and Eazy died and it was devastating. We almost let rap die until the Great White Hype (Eminem) saved hip-hop and 50 dropped the gangsta wake-up call. I feel like it's my turn now and I can fill the shoes."

What all three have in common is the guiding hand of Dr. Dre, Compton's own and one of the founding members of NWA. "The best moment I've had in rap was walking into his studio in 2002 and Dre saying he heard a mix tape of my freestyles and wanted to sign me," says Game. "Trying to act cool? I was frozen. I'm still starstruck with Dre. He's been almost 20 years at the top. That I get to soak up the game from a musical genius like him gives me a 20-year head start on everybody else. He's like the father I never had. Everything about a father throwing a baseball to his son in the suburbs, that's what NWA was to me. They were the only role models I had besides Michael Jordan. Eazy was the father of hardcore and I don't understand why he only gets honorable mention when people talk about rap."

Game's beloved grandmother nicknamed him Game because he was always game for anything--basketball, running track, riding bikes, playing in the streets. Family problems related to his father caused him to be placed in a foster home from the third grade to the ninth grade. "My childhood was fucked up but it wasn't really that different from anyone else who lived in the 'hood," he says. Soon after he was returned to his mother, one of his older brothers, Jevon, was shot and killed. The Game then started running behind another older brother, Big Fase 100, who had been taken in by the Cedar Block Piru Bloods, even though they grew up in a Crip neighborhood called Santana Block on Compton's East Side.

Fase tried to keep him away from thuggin' but, once it became clear that Game was going to be there, his brother was determined to teach him how to survive on the streets. Then, after graduating high school in 1999, an older adopted brother, Charles, was shot and killed. "People don't know what type of toll that takes on your life," he says. "Especially being young and just fresh out in the world." A one-time star shooting guard for Compton High School who was offered scholarships to various colleges, the 6-foot-4 Game now started gangbangin' hard--car thefts, drug dealing and shootings. Finding him too much to handle, his mother kicked him out of her house.

In 2000, The Game and his brother moved into the projects in a nearby city and took over its drug trade. Their success attracted rivals. Late on the night of October 1, 2001, Game was alone in their apartment when there was a knock on the door. Game became victim to a home invasion. "That was the biggest learning experience ever in my life. This sounds crazy but I appreciate that happening to me, because I'd probably be dead if it didn't. Anybody who gets shot and survives feels lucky. On the other hand I went through so much already that I felt somebody owed me. Now I could live out my dreams."

He sent his brother to buy new copies of all the classic rap albums, East Coast and West Coast - Dre's The Chronic , Big's Ready To Die , Jay-Z's Reasonable Doubt , Ice Cube's Death Certificate , Snoop's Doggystyle , 2Pac's All Eyez On Me , every Kool G Rap record, and anything from NWA. He studied them carefully over the next five months. In December 2001, he rapped for the first time. "I mixed everybody's style into one. That's why some people feel that I sound like I'm from the East Coast even though I rap about the West Coast."

He also hopes the purpose of the graphic nature of The Documentary doesn't get twisted. "I'm telling my story. I'm out to please no one but myself. I'm not telling anybody to sell drugs or pick up guns. When I sold drugs it was because it was my last resort, because I had four sisters and an older brother and we were eating Cheerios on Thanksgiving. When I picked up a gun it was because my life was threatened. If you don't want to hear that; then don't listen. I'm not glorifying the life I lived because I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I'm just one human being raised in the 'hood who wanted nothing more than to get out."

His sole regret is that his grandmother--the only person who ever believed he could make it out--passed away before she could see his success not just in rap but in life: In summer 2003, Game became a father for the first time with son Harlem Caron Taylor. He says the best moment he's ever experienced was watching his son's mother give birth: "That was some next level shit. I've never been so happy. I wanted to bring him into the world so much that I was going, 'Come on!'"

There's more than anger in this next generation NWA. There's pride and even optimism for the future. "I gave all I could to this album, it's me. Enjoy it because it's the last time I'm living it. As humans we grow and the next album will be about how I'm living now--and I'm loving life."

The Game has only just begun.

bluefish ::

in res pričakuješ da ti bo to prevedel nekdo zastonj?
Pojdi na Presis in vnesi tekst del za delom, dokler ti ne bo prevedlo celotnega.

p.m.: sicer pa, da pri 14 letih ne znaš ang :( .

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

jype ::

the_game> Pozdravljeni mene zanima če mi lahko kdo prevede ker se jas ne spoznam najbolje na angleščino!!

Hm? V kateri jezik pa? Jas mislim, da se tudi na Slovenščino ne spoznaš najbolje.

Če poslušaš rap se boš prej ali slej moral naučiti, saj tistih profanih nekaj besed ni tak zalogaj.

Tr0n ::

Post .. of .. the .. fucking .. YEAR! :))

the_game ::

yo. saj jaz vem kaj sem napisal tu, vendar bi hotel pravilen prevod ker delam referat za glasbo pa nemorem dati kakšnih neknjižnih besed not.

jype ::

Misliš, "FUCK" in "NIGGA" in "YO" moraš zamenjat s "krščenmatiček", "kolega" in "zdravo" ?

Pravilen prevod ni zastonj, šala na tvoj račun nas pa ne stane nič.

nonenone ::

ena in pol stran angleščine, ni taka stvar, od kje pa si?

the_game ::

koroška, sm tele prevodi so pa dobri mislim književni

svenica ::

Izkašljaj 30€, pa ti prevedem.

Sicer pa Jype, tudi tebi slovenščina ne gre ravno vrhunsko. V dvovrstičnem postu si naredil vsaj štiri osnovnošolske
napake. Od male začetnice, vejice, s namesto z, do nepravilnega vrstnega reda. No, morda si bil samo sarkasticen :P.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: svenica ()

madmitch ::

Če prebereš prvi post, boš videl, da je Jype namenoma ponovil napake.
Game, zakaj si za referat ne izbereš kaj takega, kjer ti jezik ne bo delal problemov? Recimo prikrita raba opolzkih izrazov in napeljevanje na nečistovanje v slovenski narodno zabavni glasbi. Strašansko obširna in na trenutke zabavna tema.

Ne boš ti meni zizike majal...
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody

Matek ::

Sicer pa Jype, tudi tebi slovenščina ne gre ravno vrhunsko. V dvovrstičnem postu si naredil vsaj štiri osnovnošolske napake. Od male začetnice, vejice, s namesto z, do nepravilnega vrstnega reda. No, morda si bil samo sarkasticen :P.

a) Kot je povedal kolega nad mano, menjaj baterije v detektorju za sarkazem.
b) Ne pametuj o uporabi s/z, če je ne razumeš. Potem bi pa še računal za prevod...
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matek ()

svenica ::

Ne pametuj o pametovanju o uporabi s/z, če ne razumeš, ne veš za kaj se gre in popolnoma zgrešiš poanto.
Ego pa tudi malce buta ven, ne? 'Stating the obvious' in pa malček nabijanja ob vsaki priložnosti. Bebčkasto.

madmitch ::

...ne veš za kaj se gre...

Gre se, da se kam pride. Drugače je fraza; "zakaj gre".

In česa natančno Matek ne ve? Kam se gre ali zakaj se gre tja?
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody

PaX_MaN ::

unready: ajde, razsvetli nas za 'kaj se gre' s tem s-jem. Morda bomo šele potem dojeli tvojo 'poanto'?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Matek ::

Kot je povedal PaX_MaN, razsvetli nas.

Napisal si, da jype dela osnovnošolske napake, med drugim nepravilno uporablja s/z. V tem topicu je jype napisal 2 posta. V teh dveh postih se je uporaba predloga s/z pojavila samo enkrat:
Misliš, "FUCK" in "NIGGA" in "YO" moraš zamenjat s "krščenmatiček", "kolega" in "zdravo" ?
Jype je predlog uporabil popolnoma pravilno.

Se opravičujem, če sem v svojem bebčkastem egotripu zgrešil poanto, si morda mislil kaj drugega?.

EDIT: Huh, da nisi mislil napačnega črkovanja besede "jaz". Lahko bi bolj jasno napisal, če rečeš uporaba "s namesto z", to precej bolj kaže na napačno uporabo predloga. Kakorkoli, v tem primeru glej samo točko a) o detektorju in baterijah.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matek ()

Rasho ::

...se jas ne...

Če se ne motim je bilo to tole... Ampak nekateri bi res rabli generalca za sarcasm detector. >:D

Edit: Timing pa imam... :8)
Yippie-Kai-Yay Mo*herf**ker!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Rasho ()

svenica ::

b)Ne pametuj o uporabi s/z, če je ne razumeš. Potem bi pa še računal za prevod...

Matek, zmotil me je le tvoj neutemeljeno zaljiv slog pisanja. V mislih pa sem imel to, kar si že sam ugotovil, čeravno tega
nisem najjasneje artikuliral.

No, morda si bil samo sarkasticen :P.

Opaziš dvopičje in veliko črko P na koncu tega stavka? S tem sem hotel izraziti hudomušnost, neresno zbadljivost in to,
da so baterije v mojem sarkazem detektorju relativno polne. Torej sta tvoj a) in b) brezpredmetna.

Take reči me pač razkurijo, ker sem tudi sam vasezagledan samovšečen egotriper :P.


jype ::

unready> Take reči me pač razkurijo, ker sem tudi sam vasezagledan samovšečen egotriper :P.

Me too, me too! :)

amigo_no1 ::

Namesto da pametujete bi mu lahko vsak od vas anglofilov & slovničarjev prevedel en odstavek in bi bilo delo že končano :\ .

the_game ::

jej997 čist prov maš!!

svenica ::


Trdo iz Comptona, znova.

Zajeban črnuh naslednje generacije.

The Game prihaja iz zibelke gangsta rapa v Comptonu, Californiji. A to je nova in druga Zgodba z zahodne strani, tista, ki se združi z vzhodom in spoštuje pionirje hardcore rapa iz osemdesetih - N.W.A. The Game, nekdanji član tolpe, se je potem, ko je bil petkrat ustreljen in skoraj ob življenje, zatekel k rapu in želi mir, ne vojne. Na svojem prvencu je sodeloval z Dr. Dre-jem in kot kaže, se misli The Game igrati resno.

The Documentary, debitantski album Jayceona Taylorja poznanega kot The Game, oznanja prihod najpomembnejšega raperja zahodne obale vse od časov Snoop Dogga pred desetletjem. Z gosti, kot sta 50 cent in Nate Dogg, s producenti od Dr. Dre-ja, Kanye Westa in Just Blaze-a ter komadi "Like Father Like Son," "Church For Thugs," "Dreams," "Where I'm From" and "Westside Story," The Documentary oživi resnico, duh in upanje hardcore rapa.

the_game ::

full ti hvala UNREADY in vsem ki boste še kaj prevedli se vam zahvalujem.


Matek ::

Evo še moj prispevek v znak sprave z vsemi v topicu :D .

"Mnogo današnjega rapa je zgolj besedičenje, ki ničesar ne pove in nima nobenega pomena za tiste, ki živijo v revnih soseskah", pravi 24-letnik, ki ima na podlahti tetovažo Eazy-E-ja, člana skupine NWA. "Nič nimam proti drugim raperjem, ampak ne razumem, kaj se dogaja s sceno. Vsi rapajo, nihče pa ničesar ne pove. NWA, Biggie, 2Pac, Snoop in Jay-Z so imeli zelo globoka besedila, potem pa so Biggie, Pac and Eazy umrli in vse je bilo uničeno. Hip-hop bi skorajda umrl, če ga ne bi rešil Najbolj Popularni Belec (Eminem), kateremu je z budnico gangsta scene sledil 50 cent. Sam čutim, da sem prišel na vrsto in pripravljen sem sprejeti to odgovornost."

Vsi trije imajo eno skupno značilnost - vodi jih roka glavnega v Comptonu - Dr. Dreja, enega od ustanoviteljev NWA. "Najboljši trenutek v moji karieri je bil, ko sem leta 2002 stopil v njegov studio, on pa je rekel, da je slišal posnetke mojih freestyleov in želi, da bi podpisal zanj. V trenutku sem zmrznil in po pravici rečeno sem še kar šokiran. Dre je na vrhu že skoraj 20 let in sam sem v veliki prednosti pred ostalimi, ker se lahko mnogo naučim iz njegovih izkušenj. On mi je kot oče, ki ga nikoli nisem imel. Tako kot premožni starši iz tipičnih predmestnih naselij učijo svoje otroke igrati baseball, sem se jaz učil od NWA. Poleg Michaela Jordana so bili moji edini idoli. Ne razumem, zakaj Eazyja med pogovorom o rapu vsi omenijo le zaradi lepšega, ko pa je v bistvu pravi oče hardcorea."

Pis aut.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matek ()

the_game ::

uuuuuuu hvala se vidi da so na slo-techu tudi dobri ljudje

Mercier ::

Ja, so tudi dobri ljudje. Ampak glsujem za pametovanje, ker če bi vsak od anglofilov & slovničarjev prevedel odstavek, bi bilo končano v pol ure, če bi pa prevajal sam, bi gotovo imel narejeno do ... predvčerajšnijm. Da ne omenjam, da bi se kakšno malenkost naučil, ali, da bi mu kateri od anglofilov & slovničarjev še kaj koristnega povedal.

jype ::

I concur.

Če boš ostanek prevedel sam, sem ti z veseljem pripravljen razložiti, kje si brcal v temo in kako lahko kakšno reč napišeš bolje.

Da bi pa kar namesto tebe počel nekaj, kar moraš itak narediti zato da se boš naučil, bi bilo pa v tvojo škodo. Toliko te pa ne sovražim.

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