Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » seatools
r0x ::
mi je disk zacel nekaj cudno ropotat, pa zelim preveriti s seatools ce je vse v redu...
pa sm zapeku cd pa ga dam notr in ga zazene, potem pa gre v DR-DOS. zdj pa jst nevem vec kako naprej?
pa sm zapeku cd pa ga dam notr in ga zazene, potem pa gre v DR-DOS. zdj pa jst nevem vec kako naprej?
AngelOfDeath ::
si zapekel tole:
On se v bistvu sam zažene pa pol lahko izbiraš kaj hočeš narediti...
On se v bistvu sam zažene pa pol lahko izbiraš kaj hočeš narediti...
edit: Slovnica
StratOS ::
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
StratOS ::
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
StratOS ::
Iz roota zaženeš seatools.exe, mislim
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Azrael ::
Ko imaš na zaslonu tisti A: \> napiši "seatools", brez narekovajev in stisni Enter.
Če ne bo uspeha napiš "dir" (brez narekovajev) in poglej seznam, ki se ti izpiše. Če nič drugega vtipkaj vsa imena eno za drugim, ki imajo končnico .exe
Če ne bo uspeha napiš "dir" (brez narekovajev) in poglej seznam, ki se ti izpiše. Če nič drugega vtipkaj vsa imena eno za drugim, ki imajo končnico .exe
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.
StratOS ::
Preberi navodila in ti bo jasno, oziroma malce preglej zaslon, boš videl kaj moraš stisniti !!
Na disku imaš tudi Readme.txt- Izsek :
1. Why Use SeaTools?
After testing, a large percentage of the drives returned to Seagate
for warranty replacement are perfectly good drives with "No Problem
Found" (NPF). Returning a drive for warranty service means system
downtime and inconvenience for you in packing and returning your drive
product. Before you send in a drive, it is in your best interest to
determine if a replacement drive is really necessary. This hard disc
diagnostic utility will help you make that determination and possibly
save you time and money and preserve your data.
Some typical reasons for No Problem Found are:
* File System Corruption
* Driver Corruption
* Broken Master Boot Record
* Virus and Trojan Attack
* Spyware, Adware and Keystroke loggers
* Hardware Conflicts
The Seagate SeaTools software is easy to load and simple to use. The
following instructions will help you get the most out of this new
software tool. If you have questions about this or any other Seagate
software or service products, please contact your system supplier.
2. Using SeaTools
Do not remove the SeaTools diskette while the tests are running.
Information from the diskette is used throughout the testing process.
Run Seagate SeaTools
A. Reboot your system
Insert the SeaTools diskette or CD and reboot or power on your
computer. The system will boot to the FreeDOS operating system.
If your system fails to boot, see the Troubleshooting section
#5 later in this file.
B. Select Drives to Test
After SeaTools loads, the screen will number the different
storage devices in your system. The first drive detected will
be numbered drive 0.
Select the drive you would like to test. Make sure to choose
the correct drive! Press the letter D to toggle through the
choices or press the actual number of the drive from the listing
at the lower section of the screen.
This screen also displays information about the drives such as
the Model Number and Serial Number. Seagate model numbers
begin with the letters "ST". Seagate serial numbers are alpha
numeric and eight characters long.
C. Select the Tests to run
A menu of the possible diagnostic tests is shown. Select the
tests that you would like to perform, and select next to
These include:
- S -- SHORT Test
- L -- LONG Test
- C -- Set Capacity
- A -- Acoustic
- Z -- Erase Drive
When you launch the "SHORT Test" most drives will run Drive Self
Test. Drive Self Test (DST) is a thorough diagnostic routine
that is built in to the hard drive's firmware. Firmware is the
machine language programming the controls the disc drive. DST
is completely data safe.
The "SHORT Test" is adequate for most situations.
Consider running the "LONG Test" which reads each sector
on the drive if you need to run a more comprehensive test.
The "LONG Test" test will take a long time to complete.
Because the "LONG Test" reads every sector on the drive,
the amount of time required will depend on the speed and
capacity of the disc drive. The highest capacity drives often
take 2 to 3 hours to complete. At any time, feel free to Cancel
the test without harming the drive.
D. Running of the Diagnostics
The SeaTools performs a data-safe test of the selected hard
disc drive or device for possible malfunctions. Long tests may
be aborted at any time. Press the ESC (escape key) from the
During the "LONG Test" only, bad sectors (LBAs) may be detected.
They could be part of a data file or even part of the operating
system directory structure. Sometimes, problem sectors are
empty or not in use. It is important to know that when the
sector is bad and unreadable then any data in it is already
lost. See section 4 "Help Topic: Bad Sector Found" for more
information on this topic.
Preberi navodila in ti bo jasno, oziroma malce preglej zaslon, boš videl kaj moraš stisniti !!
Na disku imaš tudi Readme.txt- Izsek :
1. Why Use SeaTools?
After testing, a large percentage of the drives returned to Seagate
for warranty replacement are perfectly good drives with "No Problem
Found" (NPF). Returning a drive for warranty service means system
downtime and inconvenience for you in packing and returning your drive
product. Before you send in a drive, it is in your best interest to
determine if a replacement drive is really necessary. This hard disc
diagnostic utility will help you make that determination and possibly
save you time and money and preserve your data.
Some typical reasons for No Problem Found are:
* File System Corruption
* Driver Corruption
* Broken Master Boot Record
* Virus and Trojan Attack
* Spyware, Adware and Keystroke loggers
* Hardware Conflicts
The Seagate SeaTools software is easy to load and simple to use. The
following instructions will help you get the most out of this new
software tool. If you have questions about this or any other Seagate
software or service products, please contact your system supplier.
2. Using SeaTools
Do not remove the SeaTools diskette while the tests are running.
Information from the diskette is used throughout the testing process.
Run Seagate SeaTools
A. Reboot your system
Insert the SeaTools diskette or CD and reboot or power on your
computer. The system will boot to the FreeDOS operating system.
If your system fails to boot, see the Troubleshooting section
#5 later in this file.
B. Select Drives to Test
After SeaTools loads, the screen will number the different
storage devices in your system. The first drive detected will
be numbered drive 0.
Select the drive you would like to test. Make sure to choose
the correct drive! Press the letter D to toggle through the
choices or press the actual number of the drive from the listing
at the lower section of the screen.
This screen also displays information about the drives such as
the Model Number and Serial Number. Seagate model numbers
begin with the letters "ST". Seagate serial numbers are alpha
numeric and eight characters long.
C. Select the Tests to run
A menu of the possible diagnostic tests is shown. Select the
tests that you would like to perform, and select next to
These include:
- S -- SHORT Test
- L -- LONG Test
- C -- Set Capacity
- A -- Acoustic
- Z -- Erase Drive
When you launch the "SHORT Test" most drives will run Drive Self
Test. Drive Self Test (DST) is a thorough diagnostic routine
that is built in to the hard drive's firmware. Firmware is the
machine language programming the controls the disc drive. DST
is completely data safe.
The "SHORT Test" is adequate for most situations.
Consider running the "LONG Test" which reads each sector
on the drive if you need to run a more comprehensive test.
The "LONG Test" test will take a long time to complete.
Because the "LONG Test" reads every sector on the drive,
the amount of time required will depend on the speed and
capacity of the disc drive. The highest capacity drives often
take 2 to 3 hours to complete. At any time, feel free to Cancel
the test without harming the drive.
D. Running of the Diagnostics
The SeaTools performs a data-safe test of the selected hard
disc drive or device for possible malfunctions. Long tests may
be aborted at any time. Press the ESC (escape key) from the
During the "LONG Test" only, bad sectors (LBAs) may be detected.
They could be part of a data file or even part of the operating
system directory structure. Sometimes, problem sectors are
empty or not in use. It is important to know that when the
sector is bad and unreadable then any data in it is already
lost. See section 4 "Help Topic: Bad Sector Found" for more
information on this topic.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
Azrael ::
Klikni me.
Imam občutek, da si snel nekaj napačnega ali vsaj verzijo v drugem jeziku. Kako se imenuje tisti exe, ki je " blo krneki v nemščini"?
Imam občutek, da si snel nekaj napačnega ali vsaj verzijo v drugem jeziku. Kako se imenuje tisti exe, ki je " blo krneki v nemščini"?
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.
AngelOfDeath ::
si zapekel kot sliko ?
v nerotu je to:
Recorder --->> burn image....
si zapekel kot sliko ?
v nerotu je to:
Recorder --->> burn image....
edit: Slovnica
StratOS ::
On je izbral disketno verzijo :
Disketa boot
CD boot
Zapeči si recimo sliko na CD in stvar boš mel rešeno po zgornjih navodilih.
Disketa boot
CD boot
Zapeči si recimo sliko na CD in stvar boš mel rešeno po zgornjih navodilih.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Azrael ::
Sem pogledal na Seagate spletni strani, tam je samo ISO datoteka in programček, ki ustvari disketo s Seatools.
Na disketi se zažene vse skupaj avtomatsko, IMHO bi se moralo s CDja, če je bil le DL uspešen in CD pravilno spečen.
Na disketi se zažene vse skupaj avtomatsko, IMHO bi se moralo s CDja, če je bil le DL uspešen in CD pravilno spečen.
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.
StratOS ::
Zgleda da je imel kakšno prejšno verzijo.
Z disketo si ne morem kaj veliko pomagat, ker bi moral ekstrahirati boot seqvenco iz diskete, narediti kjuč bootable ali eden od memory palčic, ker pa ni disketnika to kr tko ne morem, čeprav bi lahko uporabil kak program za ekstrakt slike iz tistega exe-a.
Z disketo si ne morem kaj veliko pomagat, ker bi moral ekstrahirati boot seqvenco iz diskete, narediti kjuč bootable ali eden od memory palčic, ker pa ni disketnika to kr tko ne morem, čeprav bi lahko uporabil kak program za ekstrakt slike iz tistega exe-a.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Azrael ::
Z diskete gre ves zagon povsem avtomatsko, sem pravkar preveril, sicer sem sklepal, da je tako že, ko sem pogledal autoexec.bat. Hec je pri meni samo to, da ne zazna HighPoint RAID HPT370 krmilnika in diska ne vidi, ampak to ni problem avtorja teme.
IMHO je njegov CD zapečen narobe, saj se po sliki sodeč autoexec.bat ne izvrši do konca.
Predlagam naslednje: Če ta CD deluje povsem enako v drugem računalniku je CD 100'% fuč in bo potreben nov DL in peka kot je treba. Če pa na drugem računalniku dela ta Seatools CD v redu, preveri RAM sumljivega računalnika za katerega si prvotno želel uporabiti Seatools z Memtest+ ali Memtest86, saj je ogromna verjetnost, da nagaja RAM.
BTW Ni nujno, da ima drug računalnik na katerem testiraš Seatools CD sploh kakšen Seagate disk. Program bo samo javil napako, da ne najde nobenega Seagate diska in se bo ponudil možnost za izhod iz programa.
IMHO je njegov CD zapečen narobe, saj se po sliki sodeč autoexec.bat ne izvrši do konca.
Predlagam naslednje: Če ta CD deluje povsem enako v drugem računalniku je CD 100'% fuč in bo potreben nov DL in peka kot je treba. Če pa na drugem računalniku dela ta Seatools CD v redu, preveri RAM sumljivega računalnika za katerega si prvotno želel uporabiti Seatools z Memtest+ ali Memtest86, saj je ogromna verjetnost, da nagaja RAM.
BTW Ni nujno, da ima drug računalnik na katerem testiraš Seatools CD sploh kakšen Seagate disk. Program bo samo javil napako, da ne najde nobenega Seagate diska in se bo ponudil možnost za izhod iz programa.
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.
StratOS ::
Sej ne gre za Cd-bootable, predvidevam da gre za bootable Disketo z DR-DOS Caldera 7.03. ( Iz slike ).
Kar se tiče kontolerjev in inštalacije driverja za dos za podporo RAID diskov imaš prav, v večini primerov pa sam BIOS podpira kontrolerje, tako da ni potrebno dodatnih inštalacij oz. integracij driverjev za kontrolerje v samem boot procesu.
Z disketo ( aka "Seatools", če je to to ) pa tudi ni nič narobe (??), le verzija programa in sam boot je zelo čuden (???), čeprav seagate po novem uporablja FreeDos bootable kernel. Mogoče je zamenjal disketo z kakšno drugo bootable ???
Pa še to bi pripomnil na vsakem zaključenem mediju morajo biti natančne informacije kako se program uporablja in zažene, zato RTFM.
Bi rekel, da je pri kreaciji naredil lastno emulacijo kaldere, ne ve, da more narediti kopijo (bootable ) slike in ne svojo emulacijo bootable Cd-ja ( Je pač rekel, da je sam zapekel - zgleda narobe :( )
V tem primeru, ker ima loadano podporo za NWCDEX ( CD-ROM ) bi oskočil na disk (e:\ - Iz slike)
in zagnal seatools oz. zagonsko datoteko autoexec prej ( govorim na pamet ! ), seveda če je podatkovni del slike ustrezno v celoti prenesel in da je bootable kernel kompatibilen z kernelom zagonskega programa.
Kar se tiče kontolerjev in inštalacije driverja za dos za podporo RAID diskov imaš prav, v večini primerov pa sam BIOS podpira kontrolerje, tako da ni potrebno dodatnih inštalacij oz. integracij driverjev za kontrolerje v samem boot procesu.
Z disketo ( aka "Seatools", če je to to ) pa tudi ni nič narobe (??), le verzija programa in sam boot je zelo čuden (???), čeprav seagate po novem uporablja FreeDos bootable kernel. Mogoče je zamenjal disketo z kakšno drugo bootable ???
Pa še to bi pripomnil na vsakem zaključenem mediju morajo biti natančne informacije kako se program uporablja in zažene, zato RTFM.
Bi rekel, da je pri kreaciji naredil lastno emulacijo kaldere, ne ve, da more narediti kopijo (bootable ) slike in ne svojo emulacijo bootable Cd-ja ( Je pač rekel, da je sam zapekel - zgleda narobe :( )
V tem primeru, ker ima loadano podporo za NWCDEX ( CD-ROM ) bi oskočil na disk (e:\ - Iz slike)
in zagnal seatools oz. zagonsko datoteko autoexec prej ( govorim na pamet ! ), seveda če je podatkovni del slike ustrezno v celoti prenesel in da je bootable kernel kompatibilen z kernelom zagonskega programa.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
r0x ::
ja mi je ratal zdj.... sm zapeku kot sliko, prej sem imel pa kot zagonski cd
sem ugotovil da z diskom ni nic narobe....skoda ker mi gre posteno na zivce ko vsake toliko casa zacne cudno in zelo glasno ropotat..
hvala vam za pomoc
sem ugotovil da z diskom ni nic narobe....skoda ker mi gre posteno na zivce ko vsake toliko casa zacne cudno in zelo glasno ropotat..
hvala vam za pomoc
StratOS ::
Hja, si me prehitel ...
Dobro, da si rešil.
Dobro, da si rešil.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
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