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Predlogi novic

Predlogi novic

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20 / 51

BaToCarx ::

http://heartbleed.com/ Openssl bug. (Ja tudi slo-tech ga ma.)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: BaToCarx ()

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Testman42 ::

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

broken/link ::

MrStein ::

Tamiflu: Millions wasted on flu drug, claims major report
Hundreds of millions of pounds may have been wasted on a drug for flu that works no better than paracetamol, a landmark analysis has said.

A to je tisto, ko je kao država prevzela tveganje za stranske učinke ipd?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

BaToCarx ::

Twix ::

Sicer že malce staro:
Google embeds camera in smart contact lens

The future is now!

PS: lažem to je le in samo patent :/
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing. Apple has a patent on patent-
ing things they didn't invent. arka putana! :D hašek :D HVALA EDWARD SNOWDEN!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Twix ()

Testman42 ::


Kar zanimiva zadeva.

Also http://store.steampowered.com/news/1309...
Če je kdo živel pod skalo zadnje nekaj let kar se tiče računalniških iger lahko sedaj nadoknadi.
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

DarkSite ::

Testman42 je izjavil:


Kar zanimiva zadeva.

Also http://store.steampowered.com/news/1309...
Če je kdo živel pod skalo zadnje nekaj let kar se tiče računalniških iger lahko sedaj nadoknadi.

Probal projectnaptha in ima ogromno težav pri šumnikih. Pri ostalih zadevah pa naredi pravilno ene 90% ostalo malce pomeša.

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

CaqKa ::

LJ4L ::

Tole je zanimivo pa ni blo še nič na STju: http://singularityhub.com/2014/04/29/re...
LP from LJ

Gregor P ::

Vprašanje za uredništvo Slo-techa; koliko dni običajno traja potrditev (ali zavrnitev) poslanih člankov?
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Gregor P ()

BaToCarx ::

Testman42 ::

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

Personanonim ::

Self-healing plastic mimics blood clotting

A new plastic that "heals itself" has been designed, meaning your cracked phone screen or broken tennis racquet could mend its own wounds.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Twix ::

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing. Apple has a patent on patent-
ing things they didn't invent. arka putana! :D hašek :D HVALA EDWARD SNOWDEN!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Twix ()

BaToCarx ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: BaToCarx ()

Personanonim ::

DRM Is Coming To Firefox

The chief technical officer of Mozilla says it has been forced to add DRM to the Firefox web browser in order to keep it relevant and functional for its users.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Personanonim ::

FCC Votes To Accept Revised Net Neutrality Proposals

The FCC has voted to accept revised changes to net neutrality rules and is now seeking public input on the matter in a process that chairman Tom Wheeler said could last for the rest of the year.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Personanonim ::

Mayo Clinic trial: Massive blast of measles vaccine wipes out cancer

Stacy Erholtz was out of conventional treatment options for blood cancer last June when she underwent an experimental trial at the Mayo Clinic that injected her with enough measles vaccine to inoculate 10 million people.

The 50-year-old Pequot Lakes mother is now part of medical history.

The cancer, which had spread widely through her body, went into complete remission and was undetectable in Erholtz's body after just one dose of the measles vaccine, which has an uncanny affinity for certain kinds of tumors.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


boolsheat ::

Tega nisem videl, kar zanimiva zadeva:
Quantum Random Number Generator Created Using A Smartphone Camera

Zgodovina sprememb…

Personanonim ::

The mini-satellite revolution gives new views of Earth

Silicon Valley startup, Planet Labs, is planning to make the largest constellation of satellites in the world - 131 are due to be launched in the next 12 months.

The company released the first group of mini-satellites from the International Space Station in February.

The images sent back from the low orbit satellites provide enough detail to pick out individual trees and it is hoped it will be able to give new insights into life on the planet.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Gregor P ::

BBC: US justice department charges Chinese with hacking
The US has charged five Chinese army officers with hacking into private-sector American companies in a bid for competitive advantage, in the first cyber-espionage case of its kind.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Testman42 ::

Linux Mint 17 RC je uradno na voljo.
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

b3D_950 ::

China bans use of Microsoft's Windows 8 on government computers


Mipe ::

"Supernova in a bottle"
Še malo do replikatorjev iz Zvezdnih stez...

BaToCarx ::

Rias Gremory ::

Še original (se nanaša na BaToCarx)
eBay Inc. To Ask eBay Users To Change Passwords
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Personanonim ::

Science Discovers Method Of Turning Light Into Matter

Physicists from London's Imperial College may have stumbled across a way of testing the Breit-Wheeler process, which could lead to a very basic Star Trek replicator.

Nature Photonics
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


MrStein ::

Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Mipe ::

carota ::

MrStein ::

DZ potrdil novelo zakona o varstvu potrošnikov

Tole je sicer precej nejasno napisano, tako da ne vem, kake so dejanske spremembe.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

boolsheat ::

Personanonim ::

Scientists Achieve First Ever Quantum Teleportation

PolicyMic reports that scientists from the Netherlands have been able to successfully perform quantum teleportation, whereby two objects in remote locations can affect each other as though they were directly attached. Its a feat which Albert Einstein himself once dismissed as "spooky action at a distance."

Scientists Just Achieved Quantum Teleportation for the First Time
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Zgodovina sprememb…

Testman42 ::

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

Testman42 ::

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

Jupito ::

I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Personanonim ::

Can Machines Think? Eugene Passes Turing Test

Eugene--the supercomputer, not 13-year-old--first to beat the Turing Test

Eugene Goostman is a computer, not a young boy. But this weekend, according to The Independent, its AI fooled more than 30 percent of its genuinely human judges to think the opposite. So at an event held by the University of Reading at the famed Royal Society of London, Eugene appeared to become the first AI to officially pass the Turing Test, a long-time challenge based on tech pioneer Alan Turing's question and answer game, "Can Machines Think?".
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Tilen ::

EBay's PayPal Head Departing to Lead Facebook's Messaging

In an online post on Facebook, Marcus said he found it difficult to manage a large team at PayPal where he “suddenly found myself leading 14,000,” he wrote. “The first year took its toll on me. It was hard.”


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

LJ4L ::

LP from LJ

Personanonim ::

Personanonim je izjavil:

Can Machines Think? Eugene Passes Turing Test

Eugene--the supercomputer, not 13-year-old--first to beat the Turing Test

Eugene Goostman is a computer, not a young boy. But this weekend, according to The Independent, its AI fooled more than 30 percent of its genuinely human judges to think the opposite. So at an event held by the University of Reading at the famed Royal Society of London, Eugene appeared to become the first AI to officially pass the Turing Test, a long-time challenge based on tech pioneer Alan Turing's question and answer game, "Can Machines Think?".

No, A 'Supercomputer' Did NOT Pass The Turing Test For The First Time And Everyone Should Know Better
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


boolsheat ::

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