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Predlogi novic

Predlogi novic

Temo vidijo: vsi
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Redorange ::

Glugy ::

"Wikipedia nemočna v boju s PR-agencijami" http://svet24.si/clanek/novice/IT/55d31...

Redorange ::

Redorange ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

Redorange ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Redorange ::

MrStein ::

Malo zamujajo, to bi morali pred (deset)let(j)i. Zdaj bi lahko blokirali HTML5 videje.
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Bellatrix ::

People are quick to judge and slow to correct themselves.

Redorange ::

Redorange ::

Glugy ::

Za internet si je odrezal palec na nogi

black ice ::

Se ti zdi vredno pisanja novice?

boolsheat ::

Android pada.

Smartphone sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech for the three months ending July 2015 shows continued market share losses for the Android OS across Europe's five largest markets: Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.

Android market share in Europe is being negatively impacted by challenging market dynamics in Germany, France, and Great Britain. The maturity of the European market is evident when looking at the declining number of first time smartphone buyers - in the 3 months ending July 2015, only 25% of smartphones sold went to first-time buyers versus 29% for the same period in 2014. This type of market maturity increases the impact of churn on overall performance as we have seen with Android this time around - 27% of smartphone buyers across Europe left Android for iOS versus 9% in the US.


Glugy ::

Resisting Surveillance: it's is not just about the metadata [cccamp15]
"BIOS of the speakers:

*'Lily'* has been active in social and environmental justice movements since the mid-1990s and is one of 8 women suing the London Metropolitan Police following the discovery that her partner of two years was in fact a police spy, one of several undercover officers sent to infiltrate groups she was active in. After starting to speak out, at 31c3, about her experiences of years of undercover abuses, human rights violations, and institutionalised police sexism, she began, again, to receive police harassment, and in March 2015, at the CTF in Valencia, found a police GPS/GSM tracking device underneath her car."

Glugy ::

"Goodbye Moore's Law! Intel invests $50 million into quantum computing partnership"

Personanonim ::

GM embryos 'essential', says report

It is "essential" that the genetic modification of human embryos is allowed, says a group of scientists, ethicists and policy experts.

A Hinxton Group report says editing the genetic code of early stage embryos is of "tremendous value" to research.

It adds although GM babies should not be allowed to be born at the moment, it may be "morally acceptable" under some circumstances in the future.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Glugy ::

"PhD student forced to remove all WikiLeaks references from her dissertation"

Glugy ::

Microsoftu se je zmešal!!!
"Windows 10 se naloži, tudi če nočete"

wanderer ::

avg bo po novem preprodajal podatke uporabnikov reddit link in avg link:

We collect non-personal data to make money from our free offerings so we can keep them free, including:
- Advertising ID associated with your device;
- Browsing and search history, including meta data;
- Internet service provider or mobile network you use to connect to our products; and
- Information regarding other applications you may have on your device and how they are used.

Redorange ::

Pri avg-ju ko berem teste po netu je povsod nekoliko pozitiven.
Ko na kakem forumu komentira kdo, ki ima opravka z rač, ni pa kaj preveč navdušen nad njim.


Sicer ni novica...
Stran ki ti poveča fotografijo

ni ravno pro ampak deluje tudi z navadnimi slikami

Glugy ::

" Even users who don't really use Facebook or fill it with "fake" data actually tell us a lot. You might not use Facebook, but your connections give you away. If you play with friends, or you have a significant other who plays, we can see the same IP address, and learn who you are playing with. When we don't know information, we try to gather it in a game. Have you played a game with different country flags? We use those to not only appeal to your nationalistic pride, but to figure out where you are (or where you identify). Your IP address says you are in America, but you buy virtual items featuring the flag of another country, we can start to figure out if you are on vacation, or immigrated. Perhaps English is not your first language. We use all of this to send you personalized Push Notifications, and show you store specials and items we think you will want."

več na:

Redorange ::

Redorange ::

Gaius ::

Glugy ::

"(Prva) žarnica z življenjsko dobo 27 let"
7 evrov za 27 let ni slaba računica.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Glugy ()

Glugy ::

"Hrvaški mediji poročajo, da ne delajo niti bankomati in blagajne na nekaterih bencinskih črpalkah in v trgovinah, prav tako ni možno kartično plačevanje ali dvigovanje denarja na bankomatih.

Težave so imeli tudi pri poslovanju na zagrebški borzi, s katere so sporočili, da so morali prestaviti današnji začetek trgovanja."


Glugy ::

"Zaradi tega ameriški agenciji za regulacijo poslovanja CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) ni preostalo drugega, kod da izda odločbo s katero se zavezuje, da je odgovorna tudi za regulacijo trga navidezne valute Bitcoin."


Personanonim ::

Facebook privacy campaign advances after EU court opinion

A privacy campaigner has scored a legal victory that could bolster his attempts to prevent Facebook from being able to pass EU citizens' data to the US authorities.

The decision could affect other tech firms' abilities to send Europeans' information to US data centres.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Glugy ::

"Italijanska skrajno desna stranka Severna liga je na osnutek ustavnih sprememb, ki ga trenutno obravnava italijanski senat, danes vložila več kot 82 milijonov računalniško generiranih amandmajev."

Redorange ::

MrStein ::


Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Personanonim ::

Science Breaks Another Distance Record For Quantum Teleportation

Researchers from NIST have "teleported" quantum information across 100 km of optical fibre - breaking a record in the process.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Glugy ::

"VIDEO: Brezpilotniki avtonomno zgradili viseči most"

johanblond ::

Snowden: vesoljcev še nismo odkrili, ker svoja sporočila šifrirajo


Jupito ::

Ena za "looney sekcijo". Pri ZN so naredili neko poročilo o nasilju nad ženskami (na internetu!!!1):


Sicer je večinoma klasičen "bla bla", obvezne želje po cenzuri (ki to ni) in nadzoru so sicer notri... Ampak tole, tole na strani 48, tole:

Recent research on how violent video games are turning children, mostly boys, into ‘killing zombies’ are also a part of mainstreaming violence.

Dejansko so navedli te kekce kot kredibilen vir: http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/a...
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jupito ()

Glugy ::

" Distributerjem naftnih derivatov se obetajo višje marže
Po predlogu nove uredbe o oblikovanju cen naftnih derivatov se distributerjem naftnih derivatov obetajo višje marže - za dva odstotka. Kot predlaga gospodarsko ministrstvo, bo nova uredba veljala štiri mesece, v tem času pa naj bi 'padla' odločitev o sprostitvi cen naftnih derivatov. Ministrstvo je namreč načeloma naklonjeno liberalizaciji trga naftnih derivatov, k čemur so že večkrat pozvali distributerji. Ministrstvo pričakuje, da bi ob liberalizaciji prišlo do različnih ravni cen po državi - cene naftnih derivatov na avtocestah bi bile višje, medtem ko bi bile v mestih in ob mejah zaradi konkurence nižje. "

Vir: STA

Kot da distributerji ne bi že sedaj zaslužili več kot preveč jim bodo sedaj dali še več (99% verjetno na račun vseh ostalih). Liberizacija trga naftnih derivatov kot naslednji korak bo pa prinesla da bo podeželje še bolj odrinjeno na rob z višjimi cenami saj tam ne bo konkurence. Ne razumem zakaj ni večje ga odpora oziroma govora o tem v medijih. Men se to zdi naravnost škandalozno. Kraja ob belem dnevu.

boolsheat ::

Glugy ::

Kampanja za laserski brivnik Skarp na Kickstarterju povsem "zažgala"

Redorange ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

Redorange ::

'Superman' Memory Crystal Would Last 1 Million Years
This computer memory crystal can store digital information in five dimensions: the three dimensions of space and two extra dimensions of crystal lattice.

Glugy ::

"Šef Tesle Motors: Bencinski in dizelski motorji so dosegli limit"

Rias Gremory ::

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

boolsheat ::

Stagefright 2.0 - odkrita nova velika luknja v greznici

Glugy ::

"Tesla X bo pometel s konkurenco"


Kaj je podjetje Google zamolčalo pri novih mobilnikih Nexus?


Gregor P ::

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Glugy ::

"Nobel za fiziko za preboj v raziskovanju nevtrinov"

Redorange ::

Redorange ::

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