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Predlogi novic

Predlogi novic

Temo vidijo: vsi
26 / 51

Personanonim ::

Curiosity Rover Discovers Nitrogen on Mars

An essential ingredient for life has been discovered on Mars.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Redorange ::

b3D_950 ::

Zdaj ko je mir, jemo samo krompir.

Glugy ::

"Zaradi Googla mislimo, da smo pametnejši, kot dejansko smo "

Glugy ::

"Pavel Durov, the founder of Vkontakte (VK) -- the largest social network in Russia -- said on Tuesday that he fled the country one day after being forced out of the company, claiming that he felt threatened by Kremlin officials.

In a post on his profile page on Monday, Durov explained that he was fired from his position as CEO of VK and that the so-called "Russian Facebook" is now "under the complete control" of two oligarchs close to President Vladimir Putin."


Redorange ::

Glugy ::

"Hillary Clinton hires Google executive to be chief technology officer" http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pos...

Redorange ::

Redorange ::

Glugy ::

"China's high speed rail with a maximum speed of 350 km/h has a typical infrastructure unit cost of about US$ 17-21m per km, with a high ratio of viaducts and tunnels, as compared with US$25-39 m per km in Europe and as high as US$ 56m per km currently estimated in California.

"China has accomplished a remarkable feat in building over 10,000 km of high speed railway network in a period of six to seven years at a unit cost that is lower than the cost of similar projects in other countries," said Gerald Ollivier, a World Bank Senior Transport Specialist and co-author of the paper. "Besides the lower cost of labor in China, one possible reason for this is the large scale of the high speed railway network planned in China"

Glugy ::

"World's First Robot-Staffed Hotel to Open in Japan"


black ice ::

black ice ::

Gapi ::

Ali lahko nekdo spiše novico o izidu Ubuntu 15.04 in debianu 8 ,ki sta izšla te dneve.
No person is rich enough,to buy back his past.

broken/link ::

MrStein ::

Preiskava pri študentu, ki je razkril ranljivost sistema Tetra
Se ni ravno o njem pisalo pred nekaj dnevi?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

kihc ::


Glugy ::

kihc je izjavil:

Tesla predstavil Energy


Hansb ::

grooveshark is dead

Hans je banano

Glugy ::

Svetilka ki deluje na vodo (s pomočjo kemične reakcije). http://en.rocketnews24.com/2015/05/03/m...

Glugy ::

"New study reveals how easy it is to identify anonymous credit card users."
"Could laser light and nanoparticles replace chemotherapy?"
"Scientists stretch DNA with lasers"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Glugy ()

Redorange ::

black ice ::

SimplyMiha ::

Scammer, ki brezplačno razdaja načrte? Hm.

m0LN4r ::

Da bi čez 5 let dosegli že mejo/limit današnjih optičnih omrežij na glavnih linijah ?!
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

Lion29 ::

Founder and CTO @ Article-Factory.ai

Glugy ::

"Microsoft update quietly preps Windows 7, 8.1 for Windows 10"

"So it seems that Microsoft will be resorting to advertisements to convince users to take advantage of the free update to Windows 10, "

Redorange ::

m0LN4r ::

Ker se tukaj tako veselo piše o vsaki apple novici:

Apple bo v novi Macbook Pro 2015 vgradil 3 leta staro počasno in potratno Radeon 7750/70

Očitno so jih dobili zelo poceni iz kakega potopljenega skladišča zastonj.
Apple apple, zdaj že škart robo prodajajo.

Pa še tko niso zrihtal poštenih driverov do zdaj lol.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: m0LN4r ()

MrStein ::

Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Glugy ::


"A kot piše spletna stran TorrentFreak, so odjemalci kot strela hitrega interneta ob podpisu naročniške pogodbe sprejeli tudi določilo, ki prenos avtorsko zaščitenih kaznuje z globo.
En torrent lahko uporabnika stane več sto dolarjev"

black ice ::

Arctander ::

Ustanovitelj Silk Roada obsojen na dosmrtno ječo


Redorange ::


If you're using Hola, a free virtual private network (VPN) that lets you stream things like Netflix abroad, you need to stop immediately. The company behind Hola is turning your computer into a node on a botnet, and selling your network to anyone who is willing to pay.

Personanonim ::

Manufacturing hub starts work on first zero-labor factory

A manufacturing hub in South China's Guangdong province has begun constructing the city's first zero-labor factory, a signal that the local authorities are bringing into effect its "robot assembling line" strategy.

Dongguan-based private company Everwin Precision Technology Ltd is pushing toward putting 1,000 robots in use in its first phase of the zero-labor project, China National Radio reported. It said the company has already put first 100 robots on the assembly line.
"The internet - like a training camp for never amounting to anything."


Zgodovina sprememb…

Redorange ::

MrStein ::

Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

mojca ::

Zapustil nas je Hermann Zapf (8. november 1918 - 4. junij 2015).


Glugy ::

"Corsair Bulldog: Najcenejši igričarski računalnik vseh časov?
Z njim bomo zagotovo brez težav poganjali tudi najsodobnejše računalniške igre, vključno z ločljivostjo 4K oziroma 3.840 x 2.160 slikovnih točk."

"za vstopno različico pa bo potrebno odšteti le borih 360 evrov. Upajmo, da bo novost kmalu zatem zašla tudi na evropske prodajne police, maloprodajna cena novosti pa naj bi bila postavljena na okoli 400 evrov."


m0LN4r ::

Ja ampak, da nebodo tudi na ST napisali da je to računalnik, ki to ni:
For $399 (?250, AU$520) you get the basic Bulldog kit -- that's the chassis, ITX motherboard, power supply and CPU cooling. You supply everything else.

še tu:
What's in Bulldog?
Bulldog kits will include the Bulldog chassis, the Hydro Series H5SF liquid CPU cooler, an SF600 600-watt SFX12V-form factor power supply, and a next-generation motherboard utilizing an Intel chipset.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

Redorange ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

hojnikb ::


Malware firmware v hddju.

black ice ::

Redorange ::

Redorange ::

Russia and China break encryption to gain access to NSA leaked files

in pa še Philae se je prebudil in pošilja pozdrave na Zemljo:D
Philae comet lander wakes up

black ice ::

Glugy ::

"$1.5 billion: The cost of cutting London-Tokyo latency by 60ms"

"Elon Musk unveils new plan for global satellite internet, while Google invests a billion in SpaceX [UPDATED]"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Glugy ()

Rias Gremory ::

Chrome, Debian Linux, and the secret binary blob download riddle
The Debian Project thinks it's fixed an issue where Google's Chromium web browser snuck proprietary code into the fiercely Free Software oriented Debian Linux distro. That hasn't stopped Debian users from wondering how the issue got past project maintainers in the first place.

reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments...
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Glugy ::

"Hekerji so izkoristili varnostno luknjo v Flash Playerju in skozi njo namestili škodljivo programsko opremo"

Tilen ::

Paypal kupuje Xoom za skoraj milijardo USD.
26 / 51