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Trenutno poslušam

Trenutno poslušam

62 / 112

black ice ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: black ice ()

NonPlusUltra ::

"For a long time now I haven't existed. I'm utterly calm.
No one distinguishes me from who I am."

Unknown_001 ::

Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


marS ::

...no more heroes...

YaN-cH ::

PacificBlue ::

oo7 ::

black ice ::

Music: dva latentna pedra in knjižničar :))

NonPlusUltra ::

"For a long time now I haven't existed. I'm utterly calm.
No one distinguishes me from who I am."

black ice ::

Unknown_001 ::

Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


Unknown_001 ::

Kr da inspiracijo za študij :P indžineri bomo
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


Riff ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...

marS ::

...no more heroes...

black ice ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...

marS ::

...no more heroes...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: marS ()

lebdim ::

lebdim ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: lebdim ()

marS ::

...no more heroes...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: marS ()

PacificBlue ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: marS ()

Unknown_001 ::

Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


WallSreet ::

Dober komad! Kaj pravite ostali... poslušajte pa povejte :)

black ice ::

Egidij88 ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...

r3dkv1c4 ::

hvala black ice, si me spommnil na tale top komad od njih
Vsaka stvar ima svojo mejo.

You can ban me, but you can't shut me down!

black ice ::

V ponedeljek nastopa v Gala Hali.

lebdim ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: lebdim ()

mailer ::

Asus B560-I, Intel 11500, Corsair 16GB 3200MHz

NonPlusUltra ::

"For a long time now I haven't existed. I'm utterly calm.
No one distinguishes me from who I am."

PacificBlue ::

lebdim ::

black ice ::

Unknown_001 ::

Nej lepšga ko ena lušna joškasta pevka.

Pa še ena za pamet odklopt >:D
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


klemenSLO ::

mare_ je izjavil:

Silbermond - In Zeiten wie diesen (mi gre že cel dan po glavi :P)

//edit - lahko dam link do besedila, kaj več pa že težko

tale je še boljši :
Life is not measured in minutes, but in MOMENTS...

black ice ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...

black ice ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

Unknown_001 ::

Še malo umetnosti.
Wie nennt man einen Moderator mit der Hälfte des Gehirnis ?


ripmork ::

Evo, za mal energije.

2003 se je House verzija tegale komada vrtela na Simobilovi reklami, se mi zdi,... you will recognize ;)

Riff ::

WallSreet ::

Sama jajca tule gor :)

3 verz:

I hear you breathin' but your heart no longer sounds strong
But you kinda scared of dying so you hold on
And you keep on blacking out and your pulse is low
Stop trying to fight the reaper just relax and let it go
Because there's no way you can fight it though you'll still try
And you can try it til you fight it but you'll still die
Your spirits leave your body and your mind clears
The rigormortis starts to set, now you outta here
You start your journey into outer space
You see yourself in the light but you're still feeling outta place
So you standing in the tunnel of eternal life
And you see the ones you never learn to love in life
Make the choice, let it go if you can back it up
If you ain't at peace with God you need to patch it up
But if you ready close your eyes and we can set it free
There lies a man not scared to die, may he rest in peace
I still got to wonder why
I never seen a man cry til I seen that man die

Pove tako da praktično čutiš besede...

NonPlusUltra ::

"For a long time now I haven't existed. I'm utterly calm.
No one distinguishes me from who I am."

Riff ::

WallSreet ::

Zaradi tega komada mi je rap zvrst najboljša. Več kot le talent

Če ti tu ne gredo kocine pokonci potem nimaš srca :)

Ta komad jima je prinesel Oskarja :)

PacificBlue ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...
62 / 112