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bluetooth slusalka in acer prenosnik

bluetooth slusalka in acer prenosnik

acheron ::

Živjo, dobil sem slušaslko plantronics explorer 320 in jo sedaj ne morem nikakor povezati z notebookom, jo kao ne najde ko bi pa jo moral.. Na CD-ju od prenosnika imam gonilnike od bluetootha, ki je instaliran ampak ne najde nicesar, ne slusalke, ne bluetooth telefona, ničesar.. Vidu sm nekje da je treba nekako windows prepričat da uporablja gonilnike od proizvajalca ampak bi rad da mi to se nekdo razlozi..


harvey ::

Si pravilno kliknil na stikalce pri slušalki, da utripa modra lučka? Mislim da je treba držati 5 sekund in potem paring 000. Poglej v navodila od slušalke.

Prepogoj je seveda da je BT na prenosniku normalno deluje (bel znak ikonce). SP2 in gonilniki BT so seveda svoja pesem. Nekaj je potrebno preimenovati, da lahko namestiš original gonilnike.

Podrobno navodilo od WidComa - navodilo PDF

še boljša navodila prav SP2

Rešitev od Microsofta Cannot install a Bluetooth device after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2

Method 1: Rename the Bth.inf file
Rename the %WINDIR%\inf\Bth.inf file to Bth.bak before you install or reinstall the third-party device or stack. When you rename the file, you prevent Windows Plug and Play PNP from using that INF file to install the Bluetooth driver that is included with Windows XP SP2. To rename the file, follow these steps:1. Click Start, click Run, type %windir%\inf in the Open box, and then click OK.
2. Right-click Bth.inf, and then click Rename.
3. Rename Bth.inf to Bth.bak, and then press ENTER.
4. Install the third-party Bluetooth driver.

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  • spremenil: harvey ()

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