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Battlefield 2 - total conversion: Point of existence 2

Battlefield 2 - total conversion: Point of existence 2

Orchestra ::


Gre za težko pričakovani mod za bf2, ki si ga lahko zdljate TU, password pa pride čez ducat ur.

Več informacij najdete TUKAJ


Pyr0Beast ::

MMmm, zdej si je treba samo še net nabavt XD
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Hux ::

Ta BF ni nevem kak popularni spil. Samo 45 serverov v evropi in 167 world wide.

Pyr0Beast ::

Emm, če teli cifri nekako zmnožiš, dobiš nekako približno cifro serverjev.
Bf je popularen špil, zelo. :D
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

DOOM_er ::

men najde okol 400 serverov pa dam 64 mape, ranked, pa to pa do 150 pinga
Robots will steal your job. But that's OK

Orchestra ::

kolikor vem je na top listi

Evil mind ::

Danes je na 4. mestu :D

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