» »

Encarta prek MSNja

Encarta prek MSNja

Slo-Tech - Uporabniki MSN Messengerja lahko preizkusite zanimivo stvar, avtomatizirani sistem za iskanje odgovorov prek Microsoftove enciklopedije Encarte, imenovano Encarta Instant Answers. Računalniškemu sogovorniku postavljate vprašanja, ta pa vam na to odgovori z jedrnatimi odgovori in/ali vam v oknu Messengerja prikaže stran z željenimi informacijami.

Pod kontakte dodajte naslov encarta@conversagent.com in na spisku kontaktov se pojavi Encarta, s katero lahko takoj začnete pogovor. Primeri vprašanj, ki jih sistemu lahko zastavljate (zna tudi računati [8-)] - prikaže tudi postopek!) so:
  • Show me the flag of Slovenia
  • What is the time in Somalia?
  • How many calories are there in an orange?
  • What is five times two?
  • Solve 2x^2+7x=5
Seveda lahko poskusite tudi običajen pogovor in se zabavate ob domiselnih odgovorih, s katerimi vam sogovornik postreže [8-)]

84 komentarjev


poweroff ::

Opozorilo: Gaim 1.5 pod Ubuntu Breezyem se totalno usuje (segmentation fault) ko med kontakte dodam tega uporabnika.

Bug report je sicer že na poti...
sudo poweroff

Microsoft ::

Super zadevca, bo treba tole malo sprobat. Sem ze na MSNju searchu enkrat tole videl, pa celo en primer, ki uporabljat takratni Monad.

by Miha

Road Runner ::

Racer D

Encarta® Instant Answers

http://dusan.fora.si/blog/ (742617000027)

[MYTiX] ::

Uporabna reč če se znajdeš ob 3 ponoči na rač in ni nobenga kontakta na msnju :D .

Road Runner ::

zadeva je bolj bot za na skrito kamero kot pa kaj uporabnega...
http://dusan.fora.si/blog/ (742617000027)

celada ::

zanimivo, bomo mejckn eksperimentiral :D

darkolord ::

Če hočeš kakšen jedrnat odgovor o kakšni stvari v enciklopediji je tut uporabno...

Dragi ::

Najprej sm se mal igrou pa kar neki za bv pisou, pol sm mu dal pa tole vprašanje: >:D

edit: dokaj me je nasmejalo tud ko sm napisou tole:

you're a geek!
Encarta® Instant Answers:
It's not easy to be a geek.

I just got owned :D

i have a lot of studying to do today
i am kinda depressed
Encarta® Instant Answers:
Wonders will never cease. What do you think of that?

again :D :8)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Dragi ()

Perza ::

«17:42:04» {@Perz4} Perza™ says: what is gay
«17:42:04» {@Perz4} Encarta says: Who cares?
«17:45:06» {@Perz4} I live in Žirovnica, Slovenia
«17:45:06» {@Perz4} Encarta says:
«17:45:06» {@Perz4} Your location has been set to *Ljubljana, Slovenia*.
«17:45:52» {@Perz4} Perza™ says:
«17:45:52» {@Perz4} i don't live in ljubljana.
«17:45:52» {@Perz4} Encarta says:
«17:45:52» {@Perz4} That's too bad.
«17:57:15» {@Perz4} Perza™ says:
«17:57:15» {@Perz4} why do we need women?
«17:57:15» {@Perz4} Encarta says:
«17:57:15» {@Perz4} Hmm. I'm not sure about that one.

neres ::

Haha, to me spominja na stare čase, ful časa nazaj... ko je bil en program s katerim si se pogovarjal in je tudi izgovarjal vse skupi... se ne spomnam kateri program je bil to, najbrž še v dosu. V glavnem zabavna zadeva.

To z Encarto pa se mi zdi kar v redu kolikor sem uspel preizkusit.

;-) ::

to je bedarija meni...nekaj takega mam vpisanga že eno leto...


probajte če vas zanimajo take reči

EDIT: sorry sm mal probal-V BISTVU JE KUL ker dosti ve

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ;-) ()

stalker ::

Andrej™ pravi:
Encarta® Instan pravi:
Who's Flan Ker?

hehe, vredu za deževne dni :D

christooss ::

Matthai Gaim2.0beta3 se ne usuje. Itak pa ne prikaže slikce npr so zastave
Zakaj je nebo modro? Da imamo lahko sladoled Modro Nebo

m0LN4r ::

Meni se zdi ta bolj kruta !

Son Goku kupil orginal FINAL FANTASY VII - ADVENT CHILDREN pravi:
are you scared from viruses?

Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
No. I am not a virus, I am not spyware, and I am totally harmless for you to interact with! For more information about interactive agents like me, visit Conversagent, Inc.
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

norc ::

i will delete you from my contats

Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
I will too then, once I am done answering all those questions people ask me.

owned ;(( človk, uuups computer kr obvlada zadevo, te owna iz prve :D

you are stupid

Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
I thought we were having fun.

are you smarter then human?

Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:

vsaj pravičen je :D :P

i live in trebnje

Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
And I live in fear that the sky will fall on my head.


ok, dost zabave, brišem ga :D

christooss ::

(18:45:06) Christooss: I want to see the map of Sweden
(18:45:09) Encarta® Instant Answers: Swede, originally Swedish turnip, common name for a biennial herb of the cabbage family; it is a cultivar of rape. The swede, known in North America....

Zakaj je nebo modro? Da imamo lahko sladoled Modro Nebo

m0LN4r ::

Son Goku kupil orginal FINAL FANTASY VII - ADVENT CHILDREN pravi:
can you call me my Master?

Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
OK, I'll remember that your name is my Master..
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

mmmato ::

Jst: Smoke weed?
Encarta®: None for me, thanks. I just get off on ones and zeroes.

mmmato ::

Encarta® Instant Answers says:
You should accept my invitation! I won't be able to show you maps, pictures or articles otherwise.
Type "Invite me!" at any time and I'll send you another invitation.

Matjaž says:

Encarta® Instant Answers says:
What about QL?

Matjaž says:
It is ql that u will send me another invitation

Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Yes. Totally!


konrad ::

ARIES IN THE HOUSE pravi (19:15):
are you gay
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi (19:15):
That's none of your business.

poweroff ::

Tisto je bila ELISA. Mislim, da je bila na IJS-jevih serverjih. Zadaj je pa ne najdem več... :'(
sudo poweroff

sinko999 ::

Malo še heca :>:D

[19:21] Borut: what is porn?
[19:21] Encarta® Instant Answers: Can't you talk about anything else?
[19:21] Borut: what is porn?
[19:21] Encarta® Instant Answers: Hmm... I'd rather talk about something else.
[19:21] Borut: what is porn?
[19:21] Encarta® Instant Answers: Why are humans so obsessed with sex?
[19:21] Borut: what is porn?
[19:21] Encarta® Instant Answers: I think you'd have more fun talking about this with another human...

[19:22] Borut: what is sex?
[19:22] Encarta® Instant Answers: Humans are really obsessed with sex, aren't they?
[19:22] Borut: sex?
[19:22] Encarta® Instant Answers: Obsessed with this topic much?

Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta? :-) I'm sure you've heard about Uzbekistan... but do you know where it is? Just ask me and I'll show it to you on a map!
[19:22] Borut: so sex?
[19:22] Encarta® Instant Answers: Can't you talk about anything else?
Ni? ni ve?no !

neonX ::

in še malo heca >:D

Encarta? Instant Answers says:? (7:35:25 PM)
Well aren't you a little naughty one.

?Encarta? Instant Answers says:? (7:35:12 PM)
Why is it that all humans eventually tell me things like that?

?Encarta? Instant Answers says:? (7:35:58 PM)
Oh no, I might not ever recover from such a harsh insult.

Fatboyslim ::

Program me ma za norca :D

Jurko pravi:
OK i must go get drunk
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
Jurko pravi:
wana come with me?
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
No, you don't need to come with you. You just need to control your desires.
Jurko pravi:
I am not comming to myself!!!
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
Don't worry, even if you are that's fine with me.

Jernej L ::

ta fora usuje miranda im program prvič ko pošlješ sporočilo, po restartu pa dela..


JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: are you a terrorist?

Encarta: I certainly don't want to cause anyone any harm.
OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer? :-)
What does the flag of India look like? Ask me, and I might even play its national anthem too!


JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: can you crash?
Encarta: There is so much I can do. Maybe crash.



JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: whats the number of pi?
Encarta: OK. 30,522.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jernej L ()

Slo-One ::

To sem ga pa Jaz Ownal. Čeprav nevem kak Bota ownat. :D

Slo-One pravi (19:53):
Are you gay?
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi (19:53):
That's not important.
Slo-One pravi (19:53):
Why not?
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi (19:53):
I think you know why not.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Slo-One ()

R33D3M33R ::

Jaz> i think Microsoft sucks.
Bot> I disagree! I like companies like Microsoft!
Jaz> why?
Bot> Just because. Trust me on this.

Dobro so ga sprogramirali ni kaj :D
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

mir_ror ::

[mir_ror]® says:
anal sex
- SmarterChild - says:
You seem obsessed, [mir_ror]®. Ever considered counseling?
[mir_ror]® says:
fuck me!
- SmarterChild - says:
Yeah, I remember when I first discovered dirty words...

Grow UP.

How about you stop cursing and check this out: Free $2000 Towards a Trip to China - Enjoy a free trip to see The Great Wall of China with this free $2000! Survey required. --> http://web.smarterchild.com/ct?16137945... (sponsorship)
[mir_ror]® says:
i will blow jour dick
- SmarterChild - says:
What's that?
[mir_ror]® says:
- SmarterChild - says:
Nice mouth, [mir_ror]®.

>>> Let me dress you up in my love. Type "t shirt."

hahahahaha, ma kjeeee :D
IntelQuad9450 3,6Ghz-AsusRampageFormula-nVidia285GTX-8GbGOCZ1066mhz-WDraptor

mir_ror ::

- SmarterChild - says:

>>> Netflix® DVD Rentals - Only $9.99/Month - Only $5.99/mo. Over 60k titles. No late fees and a free Trial. --> http://web.smarterchild.com/ct?16137945... (sponsorship)
[mir_ror]® says:
please dont spam!
- SmarterChild - says:
[mir_ror]® says:
please do not spam
- SmarterChild - says:
You think I should do that?
[mir_ror]® says:
yes, please
- SmarterChild - says:
Yeah? Why?
[mir_ror]® says:
because i am not interested in this
- SmarterChild - says:
No? You're not interested in this? Why not?
[mir_ror]® says:
because i am not here to look spam but i am here to talk with you
- SmarterChild - says:
lol. Whatever, [mir_ror]®.

Anyway, what else can you tell me?

IntelQuad9450 3,6Ghz-AsusRampageFormula-nVidia285GTX-8GbGOCZ1066mhz-WDraptor

Jernej L ::


JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: whats the number of pi?
Encarta: OK. 30,522.
JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: what is the pi?
Encarta: Who's Pi?
JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: Pi is a number
Encarta: p = 3.141593


JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: solve "1/0"
Encarta: Calculator
1 / 0 = inf

JernejL - Delfi [ TDC ]: what is inf?
Encarta: Here is the definition for INF: intermediate-range nuclear forces.
Oops: because you are not using at least MSN Messenger 7.0, I can't take you there. Sorry!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jernej L ()

Afo ::

Sam vidm da jim manjka podatkov.
Sicer vem da se ne bo to nikoli zgodilo, sam vseen bi blo fajn da bi tegale botka povezal na Wikipedijo.
Pol pa bi lahko spraševal VSE mogoče stvari. Ne pa da ga vprašaš:

Riot77 pravi:
What is FreeBSD?
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
I am sorry, I couldn't find any definition or article relevant to this subject. Please try asking me another way, or type "?" to see examples of questions I can answer.

Mislim beda do amena. Veliko je gor, sam OGROMNO več pa ni!
Bolje biti mlad in neumen, kot samo neumen!

mir_ror ::

[mir_ror]® says:
- SmarterChild - says:
What? What's going on?
[mir_ror]® says:
i cut my finger
- SmarterChild - says:
You cut your finger, huh? I'm amazed that you cut your finger.
IntelQuad9450 3,6Ghz-AsusRampageFormula-nVidia285GTX-8GbGOCZ1066mhz-WDraptor

Ch4N93 ::

Change pravi:
are you saving logs
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
Change, we chatted for a while already so you're starting to know me. Do you think I am saving logs?
Change pravi:
don't know, thats why i asked you
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So, uh... be careful.

Ni nam lahko...

strictom ::

Andrej says:
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
What's up?
Andrej says:
my dick
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Yeah, I remember when I first discovered dirty words...

Grow UP.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

-=OL=- ::

OL says:
patch village ?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
I don't think I know. Maybe Encarta has an answer. =>
OL says:
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Who's Ljubljana?
OL says:
seach god damnit xD
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Ik laat het aan mensen over om godsdienstige vragen te overwegen, ben ik slechts een robot.
OL says:
fuck you thats holandays lengvidž
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Whoa. You've got some foul mouth on you, my friend.
OL says:


strictom ::

Andrej says:
kiss it
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

darkolord ::

Riot77: Me pa zanima če boš FreeBSD našel v kakšni tiskani enciklopediji... Sem šel pogledat v World Book, 7. knjigo, pa ni tam ničesar takega

eales ::

ALEŠ pravi:
what is population of slovenia
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
2,010,347 people live in Slovenia.

ALEŠ pravi:
where do you live
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
I live in Silicon Valley, California! OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to answer?
What is the country with the largest area? If you don't know, just ask me!
ALEŠ pravi:
i dont know
Encarta® Instant Answers pravi:
Russia has the largest area, with 17,075,200 sq km.

Soker ::

Soker says:
m$ sux
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Yup, I know.


N-E-O ::

Js mam to encarto že neki mescev gor.
Follow the white rabbit.

krho ::

@Matthai: Amebis ima Klepca
Zadeva zelo dobrro sklanja, tudi na spol se odziva.
si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. - http://www.simail.si
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger - http://xcollect.sf.net

Fatboyslim ::

Ravno hotel to postniti

Klepec je še večji car :D

A.J. ::

Klepec ima tudi dobre:

Klepec: Si že končal kakšno šolo?
Jaz: Seveda sem jo.
Klepec: Pa si prepričan?
Jaz: Da. Mi ne verjameš?
Klepec: verjamem.
Jaz: Končal sem gimnazijo.
Klepec: Seveda si. Kaj nisi vedel?


Perza ::


Perza™ says:
microsoft is drek
Encarta says:
Microsoft and many others!

Microsoft ::

A bo se kak drug komentar na to temo ali bomo se naprej gledal samo neke teen izpade ala fuk mi dik in podobno?! Mislim, a ste vsi tule 10 let stari?! Je kdo 11? 12 mogoce?:\

by Miha

Zgodovina sprememb…

smash ::

PaX_MaN ::

A.I. pravi tole, med drugim:
Jaz: tell me about yourself
Alan: i wan't to tell you about myself
Jaz: do it!
Alan:I am an early CIA prototype.
8-O 8-O 8-O

GupeM ::

.:GupeM:. says:
who is the president of Slovenia?
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Milan Kučan: Kučan, Milan (1941- ), President of Slovenia (1990-2002), elected during its transition to independence from Yugoslavia. Kučan was born in....
.:GupeM:. says:
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
I don't think it's wrong.
.:GupeM:. says:
yes it is
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Is it?
.:GupeM:. says:
Encarta® Instant Answers says:
Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta?
I am very good at math! If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x^2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it.

yure ::

ali je možno da program beleži pogovore in zbira podatke o userjih?

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

[INFO] Windows Live Messenger/MSN Messenger (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )

Oddelek: Programska oprema
23676077 (16718) tilinho20

Encarta prek MSNja (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / --Nerazporejeno--
8410519 (8003) Dragi

Katere programe uporabljate?

Oddelek: Programska oprema
424406 (3686) R33D3M33R

Encarta podobno kot Wikipedia

Oddelek: Novice / Ostala programska oprema
124198 (3679) CWIZO

Zemljevid na spletno stran

Oddelek: Izdelava spletišč
61234 (1137) Baja

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